Showing posts with label fog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fog. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


After two evenings of gorgeous sunsets, Mother Nature decided to wow and impress us again yesterday morning.  It was a sparkly world.  The camera just cannot do justice to how beautiful it all looked.  Everything was coated in ice crystals.


The sky was incredibly blue.  We don't see that blue too often.  We are less than 20 miles from the ocean, and the damp air gives us lots of thin moist cloud, even on a sunny day.  Not today, it was clear, and oh so blue!


Notice how the crystals mostly point one way.  They seemed to point either east or north.  Weird.


This is a bunch of hair from Pride's mane, caught on one of the barbs.  He used to be notorious for putting his head between wires of the fence.  You know, the grass is always greener on the other side.....


Hanging off the fence tightener


Looking south over the hayfield.


We ventured through the bush this morning.  It seems just lately we've been walking around the back hayfield more often than not.  Recently because it's a shorter distance for Calli, but mostly because the dogs indicate fresh coyote activity when we get to the gate to the bush field, so we just say no thanks and turn around.  Today it was all quiet, thank goodness.  Luna got so hot she plonked herself in the creek, and then rolled on the frozen grass, so the water then froze to some of her hair.  She had the slightly frosted look.



Just be thankful I didn't post all the photos I took.  I can never decide which I like the most.


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Out of the Fog

Today turned out to be a glorious day.   From a cold damp foggy day on Friday, a flirting with the fog Saturday, to a lovely sunny clear day today.  We lucked out, because it seems that places closer to the ocean stayed foggy today.  The wispy clouds that were hanging around made for two days of lovely sunsets.  And I'm loving the longer days.  We took the dogs for a walk about 5 o'clock.  Larry went one way with Calli around the one mile block that starts across the road from us.  I went the other way with Jake and Luna.  That way Larry can dawdle along at Calli speed (I hate dawdling), and Jake and Luna can get a bit more of a workout.  By the time we met, Larry and Calli had gone just over 1/4 of a mile, and we'd gone just under 3/4.  Larry turned around and we all walked back together.  Calli's coming along pretty well, we certainly noticed a lot of improvement today.  She's pretty close to being back to 'normal'.  And the beautiful.

I did take some pictures of it yesterday.  Larry headed out with Calli.  I was finishing off cleaning out a chicken coop.  I was trying to keep Luna and Jake occupied so that they didn't notice that Calli and Larry had left without them.  When I got to the manure pile with it's clear view to the south, I had to stop and stare, then and go get my camera.

Looking to the south, over the hayfield




Looking to the southwest, where the sun was setting


And then I thought.....backdrop for a silhouette....
So got Luna and Jake on the top of the manure pile, doesn't everyone use a manure pile as a prop in their photo shoots?  This part of the manure pile is well aged shavings and horse manure, so wasn't too messy or smelly.


By this point they had both figured out that Larry and Calli had gone.  I think they could hear them going down the road, or maybe smell them?  Who knows, but they were certainly looking around quite a bit and trying to figure it out.


Tell me which of the three silhouettes you like best.


All Fogged In

Friday was an ugly grey fogged in day.  The weather people kept telling us that the fog was going to burn off, but it didn't.  It was cold and damp, and did I say cold, and it was just ugly ugly ugly.  It was foggy overnight and everything got a bit of frosty ice on it.  Saturday morning I was trying to take some arty pictures of the frost covered plants, but wasn't very successful.  I ditched them all except this one.  I only kept this one because of what you can see on the fence in the back ground. The sun was trying to burn through.  There's blue sky to the left over the higher ground, but the fog was still hanging out in the lower areas.


So I got a few different artsy fartsy pictures.  Kind of fun doing silhouettes.



The sun just coming through enough to give a bit of a glow to the red parts of the rooster.


He was on his way to go and hang out with the other girls. Sowing some oats,  showing me his wings.


And then I suddenly realized that he had a tail again!


He looks and feels much better than he did back in November, when the coyotes left him with this poor excuse for a tail.


No wonder he's heading to the other field to show off to the other hens!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Minimal Misty Monday

The fog rolled out, and the variegated willow thingy looked like it was covered in strings of mini Christmas lights

And then the fog rolled back in

And there's that tongue again.  I think it's a border collie thing.

And a dog on restricted exercise is always hopeful, or maybe that's desperate?