Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts

Thursday, July 5, 2012

We Found Summer!

We have had the most depressing 'non Spring'. Cold, and wet, and very little sunshine.  The ground is still saturated with water.  The Fraser River was the highest it's been in years.  Fortunately we didn't get any really hot weather while the heavy snowpack was still waiting to melt, so the river didn't get as high as predicted.

I'd read other people's blogs and they talked about Summer, and all I could think of was 'Summer, what's that?'
But, we are finally getting a taste of it!


  • 24°C


  • 27°C
  • 10°C


  • 28°C
  • 11°C


  • 30°C
  • 14°C


  • 28°C
  • 14°C


  • 27°C
  • 13°C


  • 28°C
  • 13°C

Despite the weather, the strawberries and now the raspberries seem to be ripening on time.  I picked the first bucket of raspberries this morning.  The timing couldn't have been better, as last week I made the last bag of last year's raspberries into jam, and I only have a few jars left.

I did have to wear rubber boots though while I picked, as the ground there is flat and still very soggy.
Just having the warm morning sun on my back, and ripe berries in my hand, my mouth, and the bucket made the muck a little easier to take.

And why the white background...?  Well it's something to do with me copying and pasting the weather forecast to this page, and then trying to delete some of it, and then typing in the space (I guess) that the forecast was still claiming?  How's that for computer 'speak':)
Spent too much time fiddling with it already, it's going to stay.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

We're So Excited!

I've mentioned before that it doesn't take much to make me happy. 
 Since we've had so many dull, rainy days lately, waking up this morning to perfectly clear skies, and then the sun hitting the trees just down the road from us at 8:07 makes me really happy.

Here's the forecast.  Those are Celsius temperatures, so the daytime ones are above freezing. 

If you haven't read that post, you should have a look.
I did by chance come across that border collie picture.  It is some one's profile picture, but no one I know, and not a profile I'd ever clicked on.  
Weird eh?
Heading out to get some vitamin D:)