Showing posts with label Pinterest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pinterest. Show all posts

Friday, March 9, 2012

Faith, Hope, & Love

Hello, Dear Friends!!!
I hope your week has been filled with love and blessings -
as mine has been - the blessings of busy-ness!!
Yes, being busy IS a blessing - especially when you have been
rather confined for 12 years due to health challenges -
and then received your health and energy back by the Grace of God!!

I'm so eager to share with you my testimony of how that happened -
and what I've been learning and doing these past two weeks!!
So here is a little hint - from my Pinterest boards -
just click on the pictures to read a bit more!

- Some big health and lifestyle changes -

- Some fun projects with a big impact -

- And lastly -

Oh - and did I mention I also have lost 12 pounds - and am still losing?
And it's totally natural and easy?
Stay tuned - details coming in the next few days!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

14 Days of Love - Yummy Recipes!

"Nothin' says lovin' like somethin' from the oven" - as the old saying goes - or anything yummy from the kitchen (made in the oven or not!)  Here are some delicious ways to say "you're special" to your family and friends - from my Pinterest boards!

Valentine Chex Mix ~

Crock Pot Candy ~

Teacup Cupcakes ~

Waaayyy beyond my baking abilities - but a girl can dream, can't she?
Sooooo pretty to look at anyway!!!
(These are just almost too pretty to eat!!!)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

From My Pinterest Boards - A Blast From The Past!

Those of us who grew up in - or have come to love - the 1950's and '60's will have fond memories of these things!

What little girl didn't love playing with the original Barbie dolls?

I remember spending many happy hours playing with these toys when I was little - do you?

A tall glass of cold Hi-C fruit drink really hit the spot on a hot summer day!

"Lassie" was my absolute favorite TV show - especially the original version with her best pal, Timmy!

Every little kid I knew loved playing with Lincoln Logs - and oh, the fantastic things we would build with these!

Hope you enjoyed our little trip together down Memory Lane as much as I did!


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