Watchdog Software is a comprehensive software program designed by unemployment specialists and used by outsourcing companies nationwide to manage and reduce unemployment costs.
Watchdog Software came to Page Design and said they wanted their identity refreshed. They were so happy with our work they hired us again to re-design their website, then later redesign their software interface.
The Watchdog Software was built in Microsoft Access so I had to design a theme that was able to work within the limitations of MS Access. The biggest challenge with this project was the information architecture. Extensive testing and design iterations were necessary to ensure the data was easy to enter and access by accountants. There were a lot of fields required on the main screen and making them all fit cleanly was a challenge.
I love it when people contact me. I really do. If you have a question or comment about... well anything... feel free to ask me. You can also find me on twitter @visual28 and on my mini design blog
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