Hello everyone and thank you for stopping by. We have three very talented Pinworthy guests with us today; Barbara from Yaya Scrap & More, Lucy from With Glue and Glitter and Nate from Le Scrap de Nate . They have all created amazing projects for our current
All Squared Up challenge to inspire us, enjoy!
Hello everyone! It's an honor and a pleasure to take part on this wonderful blog, thanks so much for this wonderful opportunity.
am Barbara, 55, married to the most patient man in the world and I have
two children, male and female, aged 16 and 12, so my life is quite
full! I started my creative journey when I was child, at 5 years I cut
newspapers and made collages, I had much fun painting with pens and
watercolors too. I've gone through several creative experiences to
arrive at traditional scrapbooking in 2005. It seemed to me a different
way to collect my children's photos. I met Tim Holtz's blog during my
Internet tours, at that moment there was my turning point, I realized
what I really like to do and the style I love most! I enjoy
experimenting in different field, but my passion is always Tim and his
style! I hope to give you some creative inspiration with my project.
decided to create my first Eileen Hull Journal with my style inspired
by Tim. The covers are dedicated to the sea and nature, so it's ready
to keep photos and memories of this summer!
follow your monthly theme, "All Squared Up", I chose to decorate
inside and outside my covers with Tim Holtz's stencil 'Tiles'. I
started creating the background with Distress oxides, randomly stamping
in the corners with the stamp "Script" by Wendy Vecchi and using the
stencil with the Ranger texture paste gloss. Once dried, I sprayed the
edges with Vintage Photo Distress Stain Spray.
I used the square shape also to create the decoration inside my journal.
create my focal point on both my covers, I used two different stencils
by Tim Holtz, with Ranger texture paste Opaque crackle. Once they've
dried I painted them with Broken china and Cracked Pistachio Distress
hope you like my first Journal and I hope I gave you some creative
ideas for your projects. Thanks again for letting me to take part in
your blog! To see a short tutorial and some close ups of the project you
can visit
my blog!
Hello, everybody. I'm Lucy of
With Glue and Glitter.
I am so honored to be chosen as a guest designer for A Vintage Journey.
I have been a crafty person my whole life. I've made messes (meaning
serious paint splotches on the floor) in every home I've ever lived in.
Fortunately my mom encouraged my creativity and I didn't get into too
much trouble. My real job is as a Pediatric ER doc so being creative is a
nice outlet from the stresses of working in an emergency department. My
recent creative journey started about 2 years ago when I decided to
make little cardboard houses which I am still eagerly doing. I started
doing online craft challenges about a year ago to broaden my craft
skills. I've found this to be seriously fun as well.

picture I've included is a photo from a bike trip I took last year
where I rode from the border of Canada and Washington state to Lake
Isabella in California about 1800 miles along the Sierra Cascades bike
route. This is my favorite photo from the trip because I remembered to
suck in my belly and pose to minimize my girth.

onto my project. I was afraid when I was asked to be a guest designer
that I wouldn't be able to come up with any good ideas, but I
fortunately I did have some ideas. This project is called City on the
Square. It's based on something I read about Vincent Van Gogh using a
frame device for perspective. I didn't think that the great masters in
art had to resort to a technique like that, but apparently it was not
rare. To achieve my perspective of the city, I drew a set of squares
increasing in size by 1/2" increments, cut the centers out, painted them
different colors from dark (receding) to light. Then I added buildings
from Tim Holtz' Cityscape dies that were stained with different inks. I
gradually made them larger and layered more buildings to the outer
square frames. When I glued all the frames together I glued strips of
cardboard on the backs of each frame to give them more dimension.
Thank you again everyone at a Vintage Journey for this honor.
have translated Nate's post from the original French into English with
the aide of Google Translate and my very poor high school French,
apologies to Nate for any inaccuracies!**
Bonjour ,
une belle récompense que vous me donnée là ,Un grand merci à toute
l' équipe pour cette deuxième invitation parmi vous comme invitée
designer créatif de juillet.
Hello ,
is a great honour you have given to me here, a big thank you to all the team
for this second invitation among you as an invited creative designer for July.
suis Nate, j'habite en France , je suis marié et 2 grands enfants dont
je vais fêter cette année la naissance de mon premier petit fils par ma
fille ,j'ai de quoi lui préparer sa venue en scrapbooking.
I am Nate, I live in
France, I am married and have 2 grown children and this year will
celebrate the birth of my first grandson by my daughter. I am preparing
for his coming in scrapbooking.
Je scrap depuis
longtemps ,mais je dois dire que j' ai pris un virage à 180 degrés
,je m'amuse à créer patouiller , vieillir des objets de récupérations
afin de leurs donner un aspect respectable de mon imagination
débordante.J'affectionne tout les styles ,y a tellement de savoir faire
de richesse à découvrir sur vos blogs ou chacune à sa façon de faire .
have been scrapbooking for a
long time, but I have to say that I took a turn 180 degrees and am
having fun playing around, aging found objects to express my overflowing
imagination. Styles, there is so much to know and a wealth to discover on your blogs as each has his own way of creating.
le thème du challenge de juillet All squared up, j'ai décidé de
confectionner une boite avec la base carrée , je l' ai faite de façon a
ce qu" elle tourne pour y découvrir chaque face ou j'ai inclus 4
autres carrées pour y nicher mes papillons .
For the July challenge theme All squared up, I
decided to make a box with a square base, I made it so that it turns
to discover each face and I included 4 other squares to nest my butterflies.
Ma boite à papillons.
My butterfly box.

cette réalisation , j'ai utilisée un papier épais sur lequel j'ai
enduit du Gesso , puis saupoudré de multiples couleurs de poudres
Brusho pour avoir un effet mélangé .
For this technique, I used a thick paper which I coated with Gesso and then
sprinkled with multiple colors of Brusho powders to have a mixed
ai coupé un gabarit dans de la cartonnette pour confectionner un cube
,puis 4 autres cubes plus petit pour présenter mes papillons.
I cut a template from cardboard to make a cube, then cut 4 other smaller cubes to display my butterflies.
Gesso , des poudres Brusho ,de la peinture, divers tampons papillons ,
des mots, de la cire doré, des embellissements , des engrenages .....
Gesso, Brusho powders, paint, various butterfly stamps, words, gilded wax, embellishments, gears .....
Je vous invites à venir voir les détails directement sur mon
blog. Merci à vous toutes, passez un bel été, à bientôt.
I invite you to come see the details directly on my blog. Thank you all, have a great summer, see you soon.
Wow, fabulous creations one and all, thank you so much to Barbara, Lucy and Nate for joining us here at A Vintage Journey for our
All Squared Up challenge! Hope that you have been inspired to join us too, you have until August 3rd to add your All Squared Up creations, can't wait to see what you create!
Deb xo