Showing posts with label tpt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tpt. Show all posts

Friday, July 10, 2015

Teachers NOT in Vegas: A Sweet Staycation

Exactly one year ago I had the privilege to attend the first TeachersPayTeachers conference in Las Vegas with my buddies Angie from Fall into First and Laura from Daisy's Book Bag. We had a great time. Unfortunately, Vegas was not in the cards (harhar) this year. Instead, Laura and I took advantage of a local deal for teachers and have a lovely little staycation - and we booked it for the same time as the TpT conference so we wouldn't feel too left out. We spent a night at the Sheraton Wild Horse Pass Resort, got free drinks, and even a free Lakeshore Learning gift card!

It was so nice to take a short drive out of town, spend tons of time by the pool (which was nearly empty!), and we even managed to squeeze in a little "work" (I'm finishing up a project I hope to share soon!). I could have easily stayed a few more days. I'm soooooooo relaxed! It was a fabulous way to end summer vacation 2015 - because guess who gets to go back to work on Tuesday...

I'm wishing all my teacher friends an enjoyable rest of the summer and I hope you do at least one thing to relax and pamper yourself - you deserve it!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

All I Want for Christmas is ... a TpT Gift Certificate!

I am so excited to be linking up with other teacher authors at Corkboard Connections for a fun little giveaway. Perfect for last minute gifts to teachers in your life (or maybe for a little gift to keep for yourself).

Teachers Pay Teachers gift cards are the perfect gift! I secretly wished that my students gave me those instead of Starbucks gift cards. Not that I don't enjoy going to Starbucks, but I REALLY enjoy shopping on TpT!

If you'd like to enter you can complete up to 4 entries through the Rafflecopter. You can visit the other teacher authors participating to try to win even more gift cards! The deadline to enter is when the clock strikes Christmas Eve (EST). Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Note: Comments are moderated, so if you hit "publish" then you have entered!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Second Chance Sale

I was so excited when TpT announced this week's boost sale because there was so much that I forgot to purchase during the back-to-school sale! Hopefully I won't miss anything this time. I'm linking up with some amazing bloggers to get some great ideas for those MUST HAVES!

First up, something I did purchase in the sale...Little Red's Genre Posters. These are freaking adorable and fit perfectly along my reading wall. I even made small grayscale copies for my kids to paste in their Read and Respond notebooks.

This is something I have been wanting for awhile. I'm not much of a Star Wars fan or anything, but I just get a huge kick out of these Marzano scale posters! They catch my attention and I know they'll catch the kiddos attention to!

I'm not very good at tooting my own horn, but I really liked using this Poet BINGO set with my 5th graders last year and plan on using it again this year. Hopefully I'll get to do it in April when it is actually poetry month! The students get to choose a variety of poems to read and complete some in depth activities with the poems they choose.

This second chance sale is this Wednesday, August 20. My entire store is discounted, 20% off. Get the extra 10% off with promo code "BOOST" at checkout. 

What did you buy in the last sale? What is in your cart for this one?

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Choose an Operation Math Key Word Sort

You know when you are in a staff meeting and someone starts talking about something as if everyone is supposed to know about it and be implementing it? No? It's only me?! I can't be the only one!

Well, last year there was talk about using Data Wise to pick a target area as a school and to implement strategies school-wide to bring up student achievement. We did a great job of narrowing down the problem of practice and writing a great goal, but nothing really went from there. This year we had some awesomesauce staff who beefed up our plan and set it into motion. Our goal was to target problem solving and implement strategies that would be the same across grade levels. Our fabulous Angie from Fall Into First created a super poster for each teacher to hang.

The first strategy we are using is "choose and operation". As I was hanging the poster and thinking about a math bulletin board I was digging out my math operation posters that I had made when I first started teaching. They were cut-outs of each symbol (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) and had the key words for each written on them (they were so sadly faded that they have been retired). Well, it dawned on me that hanging the posters would be meaningless if the kids had no particiation in their creation and I realized a word sort would be PERFECT for an opening activity.

Well, today was our first day of math groups and I had this baby ready to go. It took the students a few minutes to work as a team to cut out all 48 key words, and then it took about 20 minutes for them to collaborate and sort. I was amazed at the language that students used to explain their reasoning for why a key word went with a certain operation. I think we're going to rock the "choose an operation" strategy!

Here are some action shots (which I took late in the game because I was listening in to their super discussions).

We put the key words in envelopes so that we can play again later as we review the operations. Students could easily glue these on to keep as review sheets, or it could even be their assessment. Interested in playing this with your kiddos? It's in the shop!

I've included an answer key (this was super helpful to display and have students check their work) and colorful posters.

Oh, and hey, did you hear...the TpT Back to School Sale is next week on August 4th and 5th! As always my store will be 20% off. Use TpT code BTS14 for an additional 10% off.

The amazing Matt Sutton from Digital Divide and Conquer has been making some hilarious meme inspired sale buttons! The GoT one was the obvious choice for me.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Quick pre-Vegas post

I am finishing up my packing and last minute stuff before heading out to the airport, so this is a quick post.

I've been using Instagram for over 2 years, but didn't really consider using it as an extension of the blog. Adding one more social media platform seemed like a chore, but I love how there is so much more interaction on IG. I'm terrible at commenting on blog posts, and I know many who are similar. Since I'm off to Vegas for the TpT Conference I figured what better time to get started. So, if you are an IG user and would like to follow me, here's the linky and I hope to meet some of you tomorrow!

A couple of years ago I created some Math Common Core data trackers that have all the standards for grades K-8 and are great for students to color in as they master each standard. I wasn't planning on making ones for ELA, but I continue to get requests, so I went ahead and made some. All versions are the same style and color scheme, here's 5th grade.

The ELA versions look so much better than the Math ones, I may just have to go back and revise those a bit! If you were one of those interested, they are now available! Just note, these took up two pages because there are so many more standards in that's two posters and two blackline masters for students to color in.

First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
Seventh Grade 
Eighth Grade

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

BB Part 9 - Poet BINGO

Despite the fact that I have to go back to work next week, I'm getting pretty excited about finishing up my Blog Backlog series, and of course, for VEGAS!

I always tend to be a bit behind on some of those timely activities. Although I really wanted to spend April buried in poetry, we were caught up in other activities, so poetry got pushed into May. A colleague had a pretty neat activity for poetry in which students were to look for poems from different poets, but unfortunately it was a bit ancient and many of the poets were difficult to locate. So, I revised, updated, and added activities for Poet BINGO. 

Students were all give a bingo sheet with 24 different poets on it, some were classical poets, and some were modern. The middle space was a "free choice" space. Depending on time and what you would like to accomplish students can get one bingo, multiple, or blackout (great for differentiation). We checked out pretty much every poetry book from the library and I placed a stack at each table for students to peruse. 

The students kept track of the poems they chose, gave them a star rating, and wrote a comment about it to remember it. Then they used some of the poems to complete the analyze, synthesize, visualize, and compare/contrast. 

If you'd like a copy of Poet BINGO, you can find it here in my store

Friday, July 4, 2014

Fabulous Fourth Makeover and Sale

Happy Independence Day! The American Revolution Lapbook/Interactive Notebook was one of the first things I created for my class and for TpT, it also happens to be my bestseller! Well, because it was one of the first things I created the cover was unflattering to the product. I figured July 4th was the perfect time for a makeover! I found some pretty adorable graphics from Apples 'n' Acorns that are perfect, I wanted to use all of them, but settled on Thomas Jefferson and George Washington (sorry Ben Franklin!).

Doesn't that cover look so much better! Well, I also decided that I'd put this on sale. A whopping 50% off today! That's a steal! 

Since we are celebrating our country today I figured I'd make my Tour America: State Mobile Project half off as well. Get these two today! 

Thursday, February 27, 2014


PSST! I just turned 33, and some of my items are nearly free. 

Since I didn't get a chance to celebrate my birthday with something special for my bloggy friends, I figured the HUGE TpT sale was perfect timing. It's still my birthday month, so it's all good. So, there are a few items in my store that are currently discounted to only $0.33! Yup, 33 cents! These will only be discounted today and tomorrow with the sale. If you remember to use the code TPT3 at checkout you'll even get an extra 10% off of that. See...nearly free!

Thanks for celebrating with me!

Monday, February 24, 2014

3 Million Strong

It seems like most of the teacher bloggers I follow have missed days and days of school because of snow, while we're enjoying a lack of winter and have had most days in the high 70s. Now, don't be jealous, this probably means we'll be having an especially long and unbearable summer. Instead of a snow day, I got a flu day, lucky me. I slept all day and finally have a bit of energy, so I figured I'd put it to good use with a little post.

Last weekend was my birthday, and I was planning on having a little giveaway or store discount, but I was busy busy and it didn't happen. But, I'm kind of glad that I put it off, because this Thursday and Friday TpT is having a big sale. So, not only will I be participating with 20% off, there will be a few "easter eggs" in my shop -- paid items that will be virtually free -- my birthday gift to my teacher friends. Check my shop as you fill your cart! And don't forget to use code "TPT3" to get an additional 10% off.

Thanks Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah Designs for your always awesome sale banners. I think TpT should hire you!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

TpT Cyber Monday + Tuesday SALE!

TpT sales are the best! Only a few more days until the Cyber Monday + Tuesday SALE!

The past few sales I have been guilty of buying lots of clip art and graphics (it's all too cute!) and not as many teacher resources. I really need to remedy that during this sale. Most sellers have their stores on sale (myself included), and if you use the code: CYBER, you get an additional 10% off. This mega sale only happens a few times a year, so this is the time to go crazy!

Every sale there seems to be some cute banners popping up, but I'm impatient and excited about this one. So, I happened upon some cute (FREE!) holiday clip art from Cherry Workshop and put together one of my own. Not as cute as what lots of other, more experienced and talented, teacher sellers have put together, but it will do. You are welcome to use it on your own bloggy (please link back to moi, thanks!).

Go fill those shopping baskets!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Confined to the sofa

In my last post I promised more classroom photos, but we've been so busy learning I've been forgetting to take photos, and then, I did something to my knee. It started feeling stiff on Monday, so I figured some yoga would help stretch things out. The next day it felt a bit worse so I went to work anyway, bought a brace after school and iced it. On Wednesday it was even worse so I knew that I needed to get off of it. I went to the chiropractor on Thursday and he said no work for a few days. So I've been confined to the sofa, either in pain or uncomfortable, and having a hard time sleeping. The chiropractor worked on it a bit more on Friday, but I'm still here on the sofa, kinda miserable.

Lesson plans took about 4 hours, but I had a fabulous sub on Thursday and Friday. Today I ventured out to a coffee shop to meet my pal Laura from Daisy's Book Bag to work on some TpT stuff and get some crutches from her. Thanks Laura for the company and crutches! 

While I have been confined to my little nest I've been working on a few new product and spiffying up some of the first things I posted on TpT. They are great products, but my covers weren't the most attractive. When I first started I was hesitant about purchasing clip art and graphics because I was new to the whole thing and wasn't sure what I was getting into. Now I'm kinda going crazy with the digital papers and cute graphics! 

First my new product! Last week I was copying my Biography of a Scientist mini-research project and one of the 3rd grade teachers was checking it out. She said she wanted one for explorers, and I thought, hey, we do explorers in 5th too! I should totally do this! So here is the Biography of an Explorer. Aren't the graphics sweet! 

It was makeover Saturday for a few of my other products! They are so shiny and new now!


Next week shall prove interesting. On Wednesday the entire 5th grade is off to JA BizTown and I am so glad that we finished all of the prep work before I had to be out. Hopefully I won't miss out on the simulation on Wednesday!

Monday, September 2, 2013

A bit of this and that and . . . a Flash Giveaway!

It's amusing to me that most teachers have either just barely started the 2013-2014 school year, or are starting tomorrow. My district on the other hand has been in school for six weeks already. Last week we had parent teacher conferences! Prepare for a jumbled post, but don't miss my flash giveaway somewhere in here, it's your reward for wading through!

So far, the first month and a half of school have come and gone in a blink of an eye! I'm sure this is due to the fact that we are busy, busy, busy! In less than two weeks we are off to our JA BizTown simulation, so we have been engrossed in our lessons on financial literacy, learning how to write checks and balance a checkbook, and applying for jobs. I'm so excited and I know that my kids are going to love it!

I am absolutely loving Reading Workshop. I know I'm not doing everything "right", but already I know that my students are loving reading and really value their independent reading time. I'm still shaky about the grading portion of reading workshop, any tips?!?!

Parent teacher conferences good not have gone smoother. I love the families that I get to work with. Most of my conferences were just chatting with the kids and their parents, and my cheeks were hurting from the smiles and laughs that we shared. It's good when everyone (parents, kids, teachers) can discuss a child's progress as a team! Not to say that I don't have any issues, but those parents were nothing but understanding and supportive.

I've been so busy working with my lovely class that I haven't had much time to take photos. This is my goal for next week so I can have a proper post!

My TpT to-do list has also been neglected. But the day off has given me a little extra time so I was able to update one of my projects. I love the Biography Study of a Scientist project that I started a few years ago. It is a mini-research project that I have completed with both my 6th and 5th graders that allows them to find out, and share with the class, about scientists who made important discoveries that have impacted humankind. I had forgotten that I purchased Lita-Lita's lovely science clip-art set during a sale and was thrilled to have remembered it.

In this mini-research project students are each assigned a different scientist (I include a list of 35 suggestions with links) and complete a few tasks such as: drawing a picture, providing basic biographical information, and explaining the scientists major accomplishments. It's great to put all of the completed projects together into a class book - perfect to add to your non-fiction section of your class library!

If you have previously purchased this you can now re-download it with the added graphics as well as a score sheet for grading the projects. Would you like this project for free?! I'm going to have a flash giveaway! Just comment below and tell me who your favorite scientist is and why and be sure to include an email address. Get your entry in by the end of today, September 2, and I'll randomly choose 3 people to receive the Biography Study of a Scientist project! 

I hope everyone has been enjoying the three-day weekend! Mine has been interesting! On Saturday I met a teacher friend at Starbucks to chat and grade papers. These are words you don't want to hear while sitting in Starbucks: who owns the little blue car outside, because your going to need to take my insurance info. A very large Dodge Ram didn't quite make it into the parking spot next to my little blue Versa...

He certainly snagged it - but I was very chill about it and thankful that he was honest and did the right thing. He didn't even wait for me to put the claim in, he beat me to it!

Yesterday I was lucky to have a visit from my sister, nephew and niece. We did a bit of swimming and my sister captured this great photo! 

A couple of other shots from the past month...
My BFF invited me to her Bikram Yoga class. As you can tell from the photo, I survived, and it actually wasn't that bad! Next, a cute photo of my ratties! I bought them a ginormous cage a few weeks ago and they are loving their new mansion. And finally - cute gifts from my friend Laura (who is also the school librarian and I'm lucky to have her awesome son in my class this year). The chevron calendar is just right for my teacher binder and the "write" notebook is getting me excited about NaNoWriMo!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Reading Workshop - the first four weeks

The past four weeks of school have gone by in the blink of an eye. I've had hardly a moment to even think about taking photos for a blog post. But, I did want to make a quick post about my first experiences with Reading Workshop. I'm using a variety of resources to help me get started from Fountas & Pinnell to Pinterest. The only other teacher I know using it is at another school, so I am lucky to have her as a resource, although I wish we were closer.

So, what have we accomplished in four weeks?
* We built up stamina and we are now reading for 30-40 minutes!
* I have a student who is below a 3rd grade reading level but insists on reading above grade level material. I was able to hook him with with the Fabelhaven audiobook and he is now reading the entire time and is comprehending what he is reading.
* The first week I made some brief observations while the students were reading.
* It took me nearly two weeks but I interviewed each student about their reading. I loved these first conferences and getting to chat with my students.
* I was debating whether or not to complete a BRI assessment or just use the data from their AIMS tests. I decided more data and getting a chance to actually hear their fluency was the best way to go, so I started those last week.
* I'm hoping to get those assessments finished this week and begin small group/guided reading.
* We've completed a variety of mini-lessons with anchor charts and are already becoming better readers!
* We've reflected on our growth and areas for improvement.
* We've read A LOT!

What do I think of Reading Workshop so far?
I absolutely LOVE it! I wish I had learned about this sooner! I'm excited about the growth my students are going to make this year!

On Friday my students wrote me a quick letter about Reading Workshop and I had to share a few of my favorite. It really gives you an idea of how much the students are getting out of it already!

I wrote back to every single student and, although exhausting, I know the students will be appreciative and it will continue to support their growth in reading.

There were a couple of people asking me about the reading interviews that I completed with each student. The point of this is to actually connect with the students as a sort of first or pre-conference and show interest in each of them as a reader. This is not to be handed out for the students to fill out, but for the teacher to actually interview everyone. My Reading Workshop binder is filling up with data, observations, and their interview notes. The interview questions I adapted from Day-to-Day Assessment in the Reading Workshop: Making Informed Instructional Decisions in Grades 3-6 by Sibberson and Szymusiak. You can get the copy I whipped up, for free, from my Facebook Fan Freebie page! 

Since I am still feeling my way around Reading Workshop I'd love more ideas/resources/links. Send them my way please!

And, I've already purchased some goodies from the HUGE Back-to-School TpT sale. Don't forget it is today and tomorrow only. All items in my store are 20%, plus use the code BTS13 for an extra 10% off!