External Links

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Most pages of Don Markstein's Toonopedia™ have only internal links — that is, links to other parts of the site itself. The only way I can ensure that all the links continue working is to link only to things that I myself control.

It's only fair, tho, that I give credit to the many Web sites I've consulted for bits and pieces of the body of information I've assembled here; and the best way to credit a Web site is to link to it. So here are the outside links. I'd never be able to keep track of them if they were scattered through the hundreds of articles that make up my Toonopedia™; but by putting them all on one page, I hope to be able to keep them current. (Note: Only header lines are external links — links in body copy go to other Toonopedia™ pages.)

I'm afraid, tho, that this is just a sample of them. Some have disappeared since I consulted them. Others aren't really cartoon sites, but did have one or two little items of info I needed. Still others, unfortunately, might have slipped through the cracks; and hopefully, I'll get any omissions linked up in the not-too-distant future.

Suggested additions are, of course, welcome. Please send suggestioned additions to don@toonopedia.com. You can report dead links there, too. Thanks.


Amid Amidi's Animation Blast
Animation news and views, backed up by top-notch articles, supervised by one of today's top writers and editors in the field. Worth exploring and returning.

Andy's Early Comics Archive
A history of stories in picture form, with examples goign back to the fourth century C.E. A wonderful resource!

Animation Consultants International
Among other things, this one has links to the Web pages of practically all the currently-producing animation studios in the world. A wonderful resource!

Animation Resources
Links to practically every animation site on the Web.

Web site for an organization devoted to discussion of animation in all its forms, of which your not-so-humble toonopedist happens to be co-founder.

Archie Comics
The official home page for Archie, Katy Keene, The Mighty Crusaders, etc.

Barnacle Press
A wonderful archive of old comics, many dating back to the very early years of the form, a century or more back. Every kind of comic is represented, and it's still growing.

The Big Cartoon Database
Bills itself as "The largest online searchable database of cartoon shorts and animation on the Internet". Credits, dates etc. for over 16,000 short cartoons.

Cartoon Archive by Toonarific
Bills itself as the biggest source of on-line cartoon info, but it's easy to be the biggest when you simply steal everything of interest from other sites. Lots of good stuff, but most of it is plagiarized, so if you look around a little, you can find it all elsewhere. Don't bother looking here.

Cartoon Art Museum
Stay up to date on the exhibits and other doings of a top-notch repository of toon-related paraphernalia.

Cartoon Research Co.
Jerry Beck, eminent cartoon historian, shares his knowledge and insight. Terrific site!

The Censored Cartoons Page
What's missing from your favorite animated cartoon? This is the site that tells you what gags the network censors didn't want you to see.

Challengers Mountain
Everything you could possibly want to know about the DC Comics characters, The Challengers of the Unknown.

Checker Book Publishing
Home page of a publisher dedicated to keeping the early works of Dr. Seuss, Winsor McCay and many other top cartoonists available to modern readers. Worth a look to anybody interested in the history of the medium.

Coconino Classics
Lots of ancient historical material on graphic storytelling, including work by Thomas Rowlandson, George Cruikshank, Wilhelm Busch and many other pioneers. Much of it is in French, but there's also a good deal of English.

Comic Art & Graffix Gallery Virtual Museum & Encyclopedia
Comics history, creator bios, lots of other cool stuff.

Lots of art and articles about various aspects of comic art. Lots of info on some out-of-the-way things related to the field.

Capsule biographies of hundreds of cartoonists, worldwide. Not much detail in any single entry, but the breadth of coverage is excellent!

The Comics Reporter
News on comics worldwide, by comics reporter Tom Spurgeon, in blog format. Simply put, this is the best and most comprehensive writing on the current comics scene in the English language, tho fans who don't like anything but superhero funnybooks may find it boring.

Comics Revue
Official Web site of Comics Revue, the ongoing monthly anthology of newspaper comics, currently America's best source of reprints from that under-appreciated body of work.

The Comic Strip Project
Comics mavens Paul Leiffer and Hames Ware provide tons of bibliographic information on newspaper comics. An excellent resource.

DC Comics
The official Web site of the publisher of Superman, Batman, The Fox & the Crow, etc.

DC Timeline
A thorough and accurate rundown of the history of DC Comics, from before its very beginning up to the mid-1980s.

The Enchanted World of Rankin/Bass
Loads of info about a studio that's been producing well-received animated TV specials for generations.

Golden Age Cartoons
A treasure trove of info and news about old-time animation, and new material either based on or re-presenting it.

The Golden Age Heroes Directory
Huge list of comic book characters from the '40s, from publishers other than Marvel, DC and Fawcett, with at least a little bit of info on each one.

The Golden Years Library
Loaded with 1940s comic book stories, carefully chosen for being in the public domain, and scanned readably large.

The Grand Comics Database
A wonderful source of info about writers, artists, characters, dates and lots of other stuff, on tens of thousands of comic books.

A Guide to Marvel's Golden Age Characters
Covers Marvel's 1940s superheroes and whatnot, including some real obscuros.

An International Catalogue of Superheroes
A good rundown on superheroes and similar characters in various media, and various countries around the world. No DC and Marvel, but then those are adequately covered elsewhere.

King Features Syndicate
Official Web site of the world's largest source of newspaper comics — and you can read some of the comics here, too!

Marvel Comics Online
The official Web site of America's premier purveyor of superhero funnybooks.

Megaton Man Daily Reruns
A little snippet from the comic book Megaton Man and related series is offered each day.

News From ME
This evolved out of a site collecting Mark Evanier's columns from Comic Buyer's Guide, but now that the column is no more, it continues to cover the same ground in the form of a weblog. Perhaps the world's most consistently entertaining and informative ongoing writing about comics and animation.

Oddball Comics
Each week, host Scott Shaw! presents an oddball from comic book history. Not a reference work, but a steady stream of cool info. Fun site.

Official R.C. Harvey Homepage
Robert Harvey is an eminent historian and critic of comics. This site contains several of his informative and insightful essays on the subject. Good stuff — and read his books, too.

The San Francisco Academy of Comic Art
Home page of one of America's greatest repositories of newspaper cartoon art.

Everything you ever wanted to know about one of cartoondom's least-known stars, plus a lot you didn't. Animation historian Harry McCracken has created an exhaustively researched and entertainingly presented paean to a character that some people like well enough, but few know the first thing about.

SPEC Productions
Reprints of old comic strips, available at reasonable prices. Dick Tracy, Captain Easy, Alley Oop, and lots, lots more.

Superhero Cartoon Database
Credits, episode guides, the works. Documents dozens of adventure toons, from Aeon Flux to Zorro. Great site!

A good place to buy toon art, books, videos, etc. Plus, it has info, links and a message board.

Attempts to do for the U.K. what this site is attempting for the U.S. — i.e., document the national toon scene. Loads of info! Loads of links! Loads of fun!

Toonrific Database
Same as Superhero Cartoon Database, but does funny cartoons, from Aaahh! Real Monsters to Xyber X. Also a great site!

The Toon Tracker — Finder of Lost Cartoons
Info, sound bites, clips, pix, about lots of old cartoons, some of them pretty obscure. Good variety. Excellent site.

Topher's Breakfast Cereal Character Guide
Loads of info about toons used in advertising, including some you probably don't even remember.

Underground Comix Info
History, artwork, links and more, related to an aspect of American comic books that we don't see much about.

The Unofficial Guide to the DC Universe
A huge compendium of indices, character profiles, etc. about various aspects of DC comics.

The Unofficial Handbook of Marvel Comics Creators
Complete writer/artist/letterer/colorist credits for a vast number of Marvel comics.

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