Four cross-country flights in five weeks-- Phew! I'm tired, but even after all my years of flying, I learned a few things.
The "Friendly Skies" are pretty cold these days, especially if you pony up and pay extra for leg room in Coach Class seating, which, if I calculate right, is about $10 per inch! But leg room on a nearly 5 hour flight makes a huge difference on my tired bones so I swiped my Visa for $69 (gulp!) and off I went. Thing is, I thought I'd signed up for a ride on the Polar Express!
It seems the main Coach Class air conditioning unit is located directly over the "Priority Seats" making the premium pay passengers freezing cold compared to the cramped passengers towards the back who were boiling hot. And I mean freezing-- even with a long sleeved tee shirt, a hoodie with the hood up and a cashmere shawl wrapped around my head and face. It was C.O.L.D. and not fun.
One of my flights to Ohio left at 6:05AM-- a gawd awful hour, especially when you factor in getting up at 2:45AM so I could get to the airport in time and snake my way through the painfully slow security line. I made it with 20 minutes to spare before boarding and would have traded my soul for a cup of hot tea and a bagel. Unfortunately, airport food service doesn't open until at least 5:30AM, with many not opening until 6AM. Translation: No tea for me.
Another flight was extremely turbulent, as in the flight attendants were strapped into their seats for a full 2 hours! But apparently violently bouncing around at 30,000 feet doesn't bother some people. Fourteen passengers had to be told to SIT DOWN! And these folks weren't even up to use the restroom. Nope, these idiots wanted their fair share of the "free" soda pop. Grrr.
But the travels were well worth it as each flight delivered me to family and happy occasions, like my niece and nephew's high school graduations. Both are headed off to college in the Fall and we couldn't be prouder.
She's my baby sister's baby.
My brother and his oldest son.
And I got to snuggle with my just turned 3 years old great-niece too. Talk about time flying by in the blink of an eye! I can still close my eyes and see this little munchkin as a new born.
I plan to keep my feet on the ground for at least a few months this summer and look forward to visits from my niece K and my fave Aunt and Uncle in August. I'll warn them about cold flights, packing a snack if they fly at dawn and hanging on for dear life on bumpy flights. But mostly I'll be happy to see their smiling faces at the airport when I pick them up. There's no place like home... unless home comes to you!
What are your summer plans?
Welcome to - Joanna Jenkins
Photo Credit: © flydragon -