Tuesday, September 7, 2010
What I Did NOT Do On My Summer Vacation
Monday, December 28, 2009
This Time I Really Mean It
Monday, November 23, 2009
Carbs Galore
Food and I go way back. It's been a love/hate relationship on and off for the past 30 years. But, as Thanksgiving approaches, we've called a truce of sorts, at least for a few days.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
In The Spotlight
I’m fresh out of blog ideas to write about and thought this might hold me over until my brain kicks back in. Thanks to Green-Eyed Momster who stole this meme from Unknown Mami.
Here are the rules:
1. Respond and rework, (or not); answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your invention, add one more question of your own. 2. Tag other people (or not). Sounds simple enough, right?
Here are my answers...
What is your current obsession?
Let’s start off with a shocker—I’m obsessed with the reality show Tori and Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood on Oxygen. I’m a freak, I know.
What are you wearing today?
I'm sitting in the yard so I'm wearing a hat the size of a circus tent. It's been around the world with me, and yes, everyone laughs when they see me in it.
What’s for dinner? Baked beans are slow cooking in the oven and we’re grilling hot dogs. It’s 90 degrees today so it made sense to heat up the kitchen and stand over a hot bbq.
What are you listening to right now? The neighbor kids screaming in their pool.
Which language do you want to learn? Spanish, living in America, it would really come in handy.
What do you love most about where you currently live? We have a red-tailed hawk that flies the skies over our back yard.
What style is your current home decorated in?
Contemporary and comfortable, but we have a lot of old architectural fragments as artwork on the walls. I figure if I can’t live in an old farm house, I’ll move one into my current house, one piece at a time.
If you were a time traveler what era would you live in?
Back to the time when round, chubby women were all the rage.
What is your favorite color?
Periwinkle blue (like hydrangeas)
What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe?
I never met a pair of shoes I didn’t like.
What were you doing ten years ago?
Working my ass off in advertising and marketing and never imagining I’d hate retirement!
If you had $300 now, what would you spend it on? A trip to Baltimore with Holly, Queen of the Universe, in late summer or early fall for Blue Stone Crabs.
When was the last time you cried? I don’t cry, this explains it.
What are your favorite films?
E.T. is the only film I've ever paid to see twice. And I love foreign language films. But pretty much anything with Daniel Craig, Kate Winslet, Meryl Streep or Russell Crowe flips my switch.
Your favorite books? Grapes of Wrath wrecked me. And I'm reading Writing Home by blogger Cindy LaFerle, it's terrific.
What was the most enjoyable thing you did today?
Today I took 90 minutes of Pilates, it makes me feel so tall-- Then I took a 2 hour nap to recuperate.
What are the things you would never blog about? If I have an "issue" and haven't discussed/said it with/to the person's face, I'd never write about it. I don't blog to "send a message" to others. But believe me, with the stories I could tell, it's VERY tempting sometimes!
How did you build traffic to your blog? I found blogs I liked and started making comments. Then, if a blogger I liked had a list of blogs she/he liked, I’d check those out as well. Eventually I found a collection of blogs I enjoy reading, and comments and traffic flowed back and forth. Plus Lilly featured my blog as a “guest writer” and she introduced me to lots of great people. But how people build huge traffic and huge comments remains a mystery to me. I'd love to know!
What makes you follow a blog? Good writing and/or great photography always captures me. And I love to laugh! Plus of course, a "Follow" button makes it easier.
What advice would you give bloggers? Add your blog URL to the signature block on your email so it's easy to figure out who you are when/if you email other bloggers. (User names and blogs are usually very different.) And, it's a great teaser to remind the people you email to check out your blog.
Ann's Question: What makes you comment on a blog? It’s my way of staying connected to the blogs and blog friends I’ve made. I like to show appreciation for their work.
Amy's Question: What is your favorite thing to do when you have some free time? What's "free time"?
Tonya's Question: What is a talent you wished you had? I’m a good cook, as evidenced by the above mentioned *ahem* baked beans, but I would love the time and skill to be a Julia Childs type cook.
Kyooty's Question: If you could be any other animal other then Human, what would you be? My mother’s spoiled rotten cat.... or an elephant, then I'd never have to worry about my weight or wrinkles again.
Carrin's Question: Rush just told me that by 2042, white people will be the minority. Do you believe that? Would that be a big deal to you? I don’t believe a word Rush Limbaugh says, but I have no problem being a minority.
Melissa's Question: Would you want your blog to be as popular as Dooce? What would be some of the pros and cons?
Oh yes, I would love to be that popular! She types, the world reads, and the paparazzi doesn’t stalk her. Hmmm, I wonder if she gets good tables at restaurants.
Unknown Mami's Question: What do you admire most about yourself? Don't be modest.
Probably my ability to laugh at myself.
Green-Eyed Monsters Question: If you could be anyone else, who would you be? I’d like to be rich and anonymous but no one like that comes to mind at the moment.
Joanna Jenkin’s Question: What's surprised you about your blog? I was surprised and happy when guys started reading and commenting!
As far as tagging goes, I tag anyone who wants to do it-- NO pressure! And, you don't have to include any links, if you don't have time. Let me know if you play along!
Since this is all about me, (isn't it always?) is there anything else you’d like to know? Ask away, I'll answer your questions in another post!
Welcome to The Fifty Factor - Joanna
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Caffeine Withdrawal
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Frozen Peas, Mint Chocolate Ice Cream and a Side of Guilt
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Didn't I Just Turn Fifty?
Monday, April 6, 2009
What To Expect When You're Menopausing
Researching menopausal symptoms seems to be my full-time job of late. I have a variety of other chronic illness that have accumulated over the years-- nothing major, just mostly annoying ones, so I often feel the need to compare the chronic crap to the budding menopausal side-effects now targeting my increasingly freaky body.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Weighing in on Michelle Obama's Biceps
One of the few things that can be said about America's strength these days has to do with the First Lady's biceps. With the sagging state of the economy, education, foreclosures, jobs, and a zillion other vastly more important, and potentially devastating issues at hand, apparently it's Michelle Obama's strong, gorgeous, bare arms--her bare biceps to be exact, that are all over the news. Have you heard? They're causing a flap... No pun intended.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Think About It Thursday: Quotes #2
Monday, February 23, 2009
If men went through menopause would it be a pretty picture? Consider some of our most well-known hunks doing the MEN-o-pause thing...
- Daniel Craig: Imagine junk in his trunk!
- Simon Cowell: Sobbing uncontrollably over a mushy love song.
- George W. Bush: "Wanted Dead or Alive" would have a whole new meaning.
- George Clooney: Sexy and sweaty.
- Spiderman: I'll never wear spandex again!
- Gordon Ramsey: In prison for torching the kitchen.
- David Beckham: Where's my soccer ball? I had it just a minute ago.
- Patrick Dempsey: Please god, do not touch the hair!
- John McCain: Had a menopause moment when he picked Sarah Palin.
- Leonardo DiCaprio: King of the Insomniacs.
- Robert Downey Jr. aka Ironman: I'm too bloated to wear that-- and fly!
- Pierce Brosnon: Lifestyles of the rich and sleep deprived.
- Tiger Woods: No golf today, I have a headache.
- Bill Clinton: What happened to my sex drive?
- Brad Pitt: Does this stroller make my butt look fat?
- James Gandolfini aka Tony Soprano: Now he's really !@#$%^& psycho!
- Tom Cruise: Last seen roaming the vitamin aisles mumbling to himself.