You've heard me rant about Beloved Husband's annoying Blackberry-- the one that is never "off". And, I've gone on the record numerous times vowing not to be "plugged in", connected or online 24/7 ever again. I even refuse to Tweet and deleted my Facebook account (completely), although I rarely ever looked at it.
I remember vividly the day-- nearly three years ago, when I danced a happy dance after canceling my Blackberry account after I retired thus no longer being connected to my email-- and clients-- non-stop. It was a thrill that still makes me smile.
My clients were great but I was not all that crazy about them emailing requests at midnight or when my Blackberry would buzz at some ungodly hour in the U.S. when it was daytime overseas. To me, retirement meant not having to constantly check my email. Ahhhh, it was paradise.
For a while.
Since those initial fabulous months of peace and quiet, "social networking" exploded and it appears, if I ever want to be in touch with my family again, I need to get back on the bandwagon and get connected, otherwise their lives will pass me by.
So I did it, gawd help me-- I bought an iPhone. Yes, my husband smirked as I sheepishly showed him my new gadget while I "ate crow" about being joined at the hip to the World Wide Web again. He's rather enjoying the teasing, I might add.
When I sent my first text to my niece it was easy to see she was laughing as she responded with a "welcome to the real world" message. Now the younger generation in my family is waiting for my Twitter name and continue to remind me of all the family pictures I'm missing without a Facebook account. But, the flurry of text messages from them congratulating me on my newest acquisition has been a nice way of keeping in touch, even if I have no idea what most of the abbreviations they're using mean.... yet.
What pushed me over the edge and into the Apple Store yesterday? I'm heading back home to Ohio on Wednesday for the week and my arthritic hands are too sore to schlep my laptop along plus um*well*ahem*cough*I*hate*to*admit*it*dang* the idea of using my folks painfully slow dial-up connection and ten year old computer to check emails exhausted me just thinking about it.
So I bit the bullet and jumped back in with a shiny new white iPhone with a candy apple red case and not a clue how to use all the features it claims to offer. I'll take an Apple class when I return for the stuff the kids in Ohio can't teach me. But in the meantime, the nice teenage (or at least he looked like one) salesman at the store hooked me up so I can easily check my email, bless his heart. Oh, and he taught me how to actually answer the phone too.
I won't be around much this next week but I'll be reading blogs on my iPhone.
Have a great week and happy social networking. (Ugh, I can't believe I'm saying that.)
Welcome to - Joanna Jenkins