Sunday, November 29, 2009
Holiday Hangover
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Nanny Goats in Panties: The Sunday Roast
Friday, November 27, 2009
A Crazy Little Thing Called Blog: YOUR Tips & Advice #1
I try to send it - sometimes it accepts but if not this time I smile to myself because if I am summarily expelled from blogger I just enter the post again and PASTE the comment I have saved into the comment box by depressed ctrl AND v and hey presto it either accepts or rejects and if it rejects I keep doing it until the comment is sent. I do this all the time now and save hours and hours of wasted time. Eddie Bluelights at Clouds and Silvery Linings
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thanksgiving Traditions
Monday, November 23, 2009
Carbs Galore
Food and I go way back. It's been a love/hate relationship on and off for the past 30 years. But, as Thanksgiving approaches, we've called a truce of sorts, at least for a few days.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Weekend Surprises
Thursday, November 19, 2009
A Crazy Little Thing Called Blog-Part 4: Interview with Kristina P.
She started posting on her blog in May, 2008 and had two comments on her first post! By July, 2008 Kristina's comments were in the 20s. In August, 2008 comments were in the 30-40 range and by September, 2008 she hit 157 comments with a very funny Tom Cruise Couch Jumping Giveaway. That’s impressive!
In October and November, 2008 comments were consistently in the 200 range per post! Then in January, 2009 Kristina P. soared to 451 comments with a post asking for “Anonymous Secrets”. (A great idea, by the way.) Since then, her posting frequency has reduced to approximately once weekly (from nearly daily when she started) and now continues to hit the 200 comments mark on a regular basis. That pretty much makes Kristina P. the comment idol of many, many, bloggers.
So how does she do it, what are her secrets and will she share her tricks of the trade? Grab a cup of coffee, soda or your favorite spirit and read on my friends. I promise you'll be "Snugglie" glad you did.
Q. What’s your secret to getting your blog seen/found by so many readers (especially so fast) and how do you maintain upwards of 200 comments per post?
In reality I don’t have children, I have a husband that travels a lot, I am an extremely fast reader and typer, and I have a job with a lot of down time, so I can spend more time reading and commenting than a lot of people.
A. Unless you are Dooce, The Pioneer Woman, or sex-God David Hassellhoff (seriously, have you seen him in a Speedo?), people rarely garner comments without commenting on other people’s blogs. I understand completely that if the time I spent commenting dropped, the comments I received would also drop.
I can’t remember the last time I commented on someone’s blog first, as I get new people who comment on my blog, pretty much daily, but I do visit every person’s blog who comments on mine. I have made so many personal connections through blogging, that it’s important to me that I don’t become “too big” for my readership. I hear that complaint a lot from bloggers.
There is a reciprocity rule in blogging. Blogging etiquette states that if someone comments on your blog, the polite thing to do is to return the comment, at least once. If someone continually comments on my blog, I will add them to my Reader, and will read and comment on their blog.
There are plenty of blogs I read that may not have the wit of Ellen Degeneres, or the poetry of Maya Angelou, but I truly care about the blogger and the relationship we’ve developed, and so I care about what they have to say.
I know Joanna recently posted about having to drop people from her Reader, and feeling guilty about it. I used to have the guilt. I no longer do. I read too many blogs to spend time reading blogs of people I don’t feel connected with or enjoy. I probably go through my Reader once a week and will delete blogs of people who haven’t commented on my blog in ages, and I just don’t know they are reading anymore. There are blogs, however, that I read and comment on regardless if they ever comment on mine.
I lose Followers just like everyone else. The first time I lost a Follower I curled up in the fetal position in my therapist’s office, sucking my thumb, singing a Clay Aiken song (I was so ashamed of that part), but now, it doesn’t bother me at all, and I understand it’s the nature of blogging.
The last thing I wanted to say about commenting, is that to leave a comment that is meaningful in some way. I am not going to say that I never skim posts, as that would be a lie. All bloggers do. But it’s rare. And if I leave a comment, I make sure it’s pertinent to the post, or I comment on something that struck me. Sometimes I leave a comment just to let someone know I am still reading.
But if you leave a comment like, “Oh my gosh! That is too funny! I hate Mario Lopez too!”, on a post about someone’s grandma dying, and you see that same comment on 10 other blogs, people will take notice and put a bloggy hex on you. Not that I've ever done that, of course.