
Showing posts with label wire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wire. Show all posts

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Meghan's Birthday Ring

Do you ever see something small and insignificant -- a button, a color, a flower -- that reminds you of a friend?

When I saw this bead, I immediately thought of my friend Meghan. She sometimes wears a jade bracelet (in this same color family), and coincidentally has a awesome pair of pants this color. It was only appropriate that I make the bead into a ring to give to her on her birthday.

And whaddya know? She was wearing the matching pants at her birthday party. Perfect.

What I liked about this project: Simple yet awesome

What I listened to while I made this project: The Moody Blues

Monday, December 19, 2011

Wire-Wrapped Rings

Earlier this month, I got my weekend dose of craft by taking a wire-wrapped ring class at Brooklyn Bead Box.

This store is dangerously close to my apartment, so I avoided it for a long time when I was completely broke. Luckily, Groupon came to the rescue. I used my Groupon to take the ring class, plus buy a bag full of supplies.

The class was laid back and fun. Sharon, the instructor, taught us the basics and then chatted with us as we tried oddly-shaped stones and more complicated wraps.

Brooklyn Bead Box has some crazy amazing stones. This one was my favorite. I think it looks like something David Bowie would have worn in Labyrinth. It's tough navigating a crowded subway when you're wearing this, but I'm almost certain I could use it as a weapon.

I was thrilled by this blue ring mandrel. Usually ring mandrels are black, so I snatched this one up to make some rings for Christmas gifts!

I'm giving wire-wrapped rings to no less than six people this Christmas! What's your go-to DIY Christmas gift this year?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Handmade Holiday Gift Exchange

Today is the last day for my Sew, Mama, Sew giveaway! Hop over to the giveaway post to win vintage and modern sewing patterns!

It's Handmade Gift Exchange time again! Over the summer, I made a lovely Anthropologie-inspired bracelet for my new friend Martha. This time, I traded with Jenni at Kissed by a Frog. Here's what I sent Jenni.

Crocheted Cupcake
I thought Jenni could use this as an ornament or just a cute little touch to her kitchen. I got the pattern from blog Bitter Sweet.

Wire-Wrapped Ring
This is my newest obsession after taking a wire ring class. (More photos of the other rings to come!)

Many thanks to Linda at Craftaholics Anonymous for organizing the Handmade Gift Exchange again! And thanks to my new friend Jenni for being my trading partner!