
Showing posts with label weaving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weaving. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Kinsley and I Collaborate on a Mini Weaving Project

My niece, Kinsley, is a seriously awesome kid. She's 6, and she is very into crafts.

My mom has to watch the shopping cart very carefully when she takes her to a craft store, because she's likely to pile the cart full of LOTS of things. Last time she visited us, I asked her if she'd be interested in making a little wall hanging using this mini loom that came with one of my Mollie Makes magazines. (I'm such a sucker for the little kits that come with the magazine.) Of course she said yes.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

New Crafts for the New Year + Top Instagram of 2015

My top nine Instagram photos from 2015

Funny. My most popular Instagram posts in 2015 also happen to be some of my favorites from last year. (Well except for one. You don't even want to know what happened with that sweater in the bottom middle. More on that when I stop crying.)

Every year I make the same crafty resolutions: 1) I will not buy any new craft supplies until I use up most of what is in my stash. 2) I will not begin a new project until I finish the UFOs.

This never happens. Example: 

January 1, 2016. Me: I will finish these UFOs before I begin a new project.
January 4, 2016: Me: Oops, I started a new project.