Welcome to yet another super scrappy, hybrid edition of The Cherry On Top.
Let's get digital. No, let's get scrappy! No, let's get digital and scrappy! Yeah! Hehehe...I love getting glue and glitter on my fingers just as much as I like to keep it neat and digital. Mix it up, Baby! That's the way to go.
Isn't this just so darn, cute?! I've been wanting a dress template for ages, but never came across one in a format that I could use on the computer. So, I designed them myself and this is one of them. With template making, all you have to do is think shape. I wanted to go with a tear drop shape, but didn't have the cookie cutter shape for it in my program. Then I found in the custom settings, a tie. I cropped off the top, knotted part of the tie and this is what I got. Not bad, I'd say.
The template comes all together like above, but of course, you can totally tear it up as you please. I wanted to try my hand at a piece by piece using the template so I just moved the pieces around so that I could cut them out.
Make sure you get everything just perfect via computer, then print and cut. There are some very small pieces. Keep that in consideration if you do plan on cutting. I enlarged my original quite a bit and even the smallest pieces were totally doable. If you have a nifty cutting machine, you're set. You can always use your own stash of bling, paper, etc in place of these tiny pieces.
I used rigid paper (300 weight) for this dress and I was glad. It's better for the small/tiny pieces. I left a bit of white around some pieces, like the hanger and it still looked really good. You get a bit of a sticker effect like that. (Don't worry about that tiny blue detail on the page. You'll cut it off.)
If you don't want to get your fingers dirty, then keep it digital, like I did here in my layout. Simply clip in the papers you want and any other lovelies to bling it out. I used goodies from Alexis Design Studio's, En Pointe and Little Black Dress.
Isn't that such a fun photo? It's my Mother-In-Law and her mother. Bobon was such a gem. This is the best picture to remember her by. That beautiful blue hair and infectious smile. Were they having fun or what?
Here's the other dress I made. I used the tie again for the bottom and a heart for the top. I blinged up the hanger with a beautiful, coordinating ribbon and added some serious glitter for the hanger, straps and belt. The glitter on the dress is from the paper. Beautiful, eh?
If you find the design a bit too plump, it's easy to fix. Simply angle the three bottom pieces more inward and you'll bring in the waist. That's what I did for the one on top. I was going to change this, but got a surprising reaction from some fans that they like, this more realistic waist line. Hehehe...That's the fantastic thing about templates. The flexibility. So, angle your bottom pieces more inward, perhaps shrink the heart a bit and minimise your belt so that you get a nice fit.
Get out your fussy scissors and get cracking. Here are the pieces and these are rather large. It'll look great on a 12x12 page or an album cover. I'm thinking prom, dance, wedding...
For this pink dress, I just printed it out in its entirety and cut around it. I also snipped off that fancy, twirly part of the hanger, under the bow. The shadows give it a nice lift and dimensional look.
Don't forget to piece your dress together before you start gluing.
Here are the two dresses. The one enlarged and pieced together, with a tad bit of fabric under the belt (to cover up some imperfection) or to add some more texture. Hehehe...A tiny pearl added to the flower on the hanger. I could have went nuts, but held back. Hehehe... The pink dress is just cut out directly from the print out. Easy peasy! I'll be using it on a card.
I made a paper dress before with a cut out template I found Pinterest and it was amazingly popular. I've got a Pinterest board dedicated to cutting templates where you can find this template and a lot more.
I displayed it like this. Some fun, coordinating ribbon that flows all over. A touch of pearls for some glamour. A bit of that fuzzy stringy stuff, silky satin bows, butterflies and that frame is mega cool and really easy to make. With the left overs I had from my dress, I rolled the papers and glued them around the edges of my shoe box lid. Tip: Shoe box lids are an excellent way to present your projects. Use the inside or the outside. They are really light, which I like and easy to cover with paper or paint as you desire. Of course, they are free, too!
I didn't have any wire hangers at the time I made this dress, so I made my own with some craft wire. You could use a paper clip as well. It didn't look all that great. Hence, the fun fuzzy string wrapped around the hanger and the tiny bow.
Don't those pearls look awesome? What an easy way to add serious pow.
Click HERE to get the free dress template.
All of our downloads are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. Do not claim them as your own or resell them.
Feel free to show us what you create with our template or our other freebies. Leave a comment if you download. Hit that + button, Pin, Like and or Share as a way to say thanks.
Have a super scrappy day and thank you so much for visiting The Cherry On Top.