Welcome to another enlightening, scrappy tutorial on avatars and siggies.
An avatar or siggy is your personalised icon for the internet Whether it be a forum, game or even your signature for e-mail.
You can design your own siggy in many software programs such as Power Point, Photoshop, Corel, My Memories Suite...Grab a digital alpha or use your own fonts provided in your software to design your name or whatever wording you would like for your siggy.
Embellish with downloads from a digital scrap kit or from legal images you find on various sites like Clker.com, dafont.com, shutter stock, dreamstime, etc...I always work with digital scrap kits. The quality is guaranteed with most of them and private use is never a problem. You can also find plenty of free ones if you know where to look. Like here, our Pinterest board has tons of free goodies and our Facebook Page, too.
If you feel you are not creative enough to pursue this endeavour, there are options for you. You can purchase an avatar or even find free ones on sites like deitel.com or imvu.com. Another way is to use templates specifically designed for siggies or avatars, like the ones pictured below. They cost very little and you can use them over and over.
Click the image for the freebie!
You can even find free templates to use like the one pictured above. How easy is that?! If you don't know how to use a template, it's very easy. It's just a matter of clipping in papers and placing embellishment or even more papers over the template. You'll be ready in minutes! If you want to find out more on how to use templates, click here. We've got you covered! Just type in, "how to use digital templates" and watch dozens of videos. I learned in just a few, short minutes chatting with my scrappy friend over FB. It's THAT easy!
Add some shadows. Use your favourite, colours. Include a picture of yourself, if you like. Above is my niece and her siggy I made for her.
Her sister is a bit younger and I didn't use a photo for hers.
Here, I changed up my avatar for the holidays.
Since The Cherry On Top is all about the free stuff, we're providing some currently available, free digital scrap goodies that you could use to make your siggy. This image is hooked up to an entire kit full of gorgeous goodies. Bella Gypsy is one of my all time favourite digital kit makers. Head over to their FB Page and grab this baby for nut'n!
We've hooked up this one, too.
Head over to our Pinterest board, Free Digi Scrap Stuff to find more.
Avatars and siggies come in all different sizes from 50x50 to 150x150 and as big as 500x200 it totally depends on where you are using it and the requirements or limitations on those pages. I'd go smaller to be sure it fits most places requirements.
So that's the skinny on avatars or siggies. I hope it helped you out.
Have a great time creating your own siggy and show us what you make if you like!