Showing posts with label stripes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stripes. Show all posts

Saturday, August 18, 2012

dressed to grill

last night may have been the nicest evening in recent memory.  there was a slight breeze, a crispness to the air and all the proof i needed to know that fall is on its way. 

this necklace is in heavy rotation lately.  and after my friends at edit mentioned that i gave them the scoop on where you can find it at a massive steal - i have been getting questions about why i didn't spill the beans, or beads if you will, sooner.  

i mentioned my love for the yellow one back in february, but at $150 a pop - i knew my chances of ever owning these in the rainbow of colors they come in, was a pipe dream.  but then i stumbled upon several sellers on ebay offering an impressive replica at a price i can totally get on board with.  at around $14, a little variety is totally doable.  opt for the "buy it now" option and save yourself the drama of bidding war. 

i love this look - it's perfect for a late summer backyard soiree.

get it here:  dress & necklace

or replicate it for less, here:  dress & necklace
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