Showing posts with label halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label halloween. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

halloween backtrack

well... thanksgiving is in two days, so i guess now would be a good time to post some pictures from halloween.  they are incredibly overdue, but technically it is still fall, so this counts.  we did all the halloween things you would expect - carved pumpkins and hosted our annual halloweenie ice SCREAM bash, although we did not make it to a pumpkin patch this year and i am still pretty torn up about that.

all in all - it was a great halloween, another warm one and alex was a huge help in the construction of her costume.  she usually decides what she wants to be somewhere around august/september, but true to form we didn't really get to work on her costume until the night before the all school halloween party and costume contest.  luckily i have become a skilled glue gunner and pulling something together in a relatively short time frame is getting easier every year.

this year she was a frost dragon.  oh... you mean you've never heard of a dragon that breathes ice instead of fire????  well now you have.  

she's had some pretty unique ideas in years past, but i gotta say, this year was probably my favorite.  how was your halloween?  i'm not sure if i'll take any thanksgiving photos, but if i do, i'll be sure to post them by christmas!

Monday, October 28, 2013

frosty the dragon

what have you been up to?  we've been dragon making over here.  as excited for halloween as ever, but seriously lacking in the anticipation building blogging.  many of you have probably already seen the end result, but you can pretend this is a super sneak peek...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

halloween recap

so halloween was two weeks a go and i guess we've been on a candy hangover because we haven't had a chance to detail what a great time we had --- until now.  there has been a lot going on, but we wanted to share some pics from our party and all the trick o' treating madness that ensued.

this year, we had  pumpkin puke, mummy dogs, more kids than you could shake a pixie stick at and even a mile walk to a haunted house literally inside the home of the january family.  i used to work with john back in my advertising days, but this was the first time we made it over to their Sweeney Family Horror.  check it out here:

alex went as a snowy owl (tutorial on the making of that costume coming soon) and evan and i went as google fiber - which if you don't know about you should totally google it to find out.  he was google, i was fiber.  together we were awesome.

overall it was another great party and we just want to extend a huge halloween thanks to all of our friends who come back each year to celebrate with us.  we love this tradition and plan to continue it for many years to come.

hope your halloween was killer too!

Monday, August 13, 2012

style me: denim shirt dresses

i can't wait for fall.  i love everything about it.  we've already starting talking about what halloween costume i'll be making for alex and i'm already thinking about the stylish "costumes" fall brings into my wardrobe.

i wrote about the jcrew blogger event that i attended here.  at that event i had my eye on several of the trends for fall including polka dots (check!) & chambray.  i spotted this adorable denim shirtdress that i thought would be a nice addition to my wardrobe for the cooler months ahead.  that is if there are any cooler months ahead...  i can see this going great with flats or boots and would easily carry over into winter with tights.

but that price is all wrong.

and then jcrew bested themselves with their factory store - which has always opened up on friday and offered great deals on merchandise during the weekend hours.  i found this chambray shirtdress, along with a host of other great styles at a price i can get on board with:

now that's more like it.  the same look for less.
check out the jcrew factory store now open seven days a week online.

love the new jcrew jules dress in snowcat?  who doesn't?  check out the similar option my friends over at edit found for a fraction of the price!

looking for an easy way to incorporate the polka dot trend this fall?  check out these adorable bags at hansel from basel.
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