since i blog and manage social media for my job now, keeping up with both as a hobby just hasn't been that easy, but i am attending a blogging and social media conference tomorrow and i thought at the very least i should do a catch up post.
so what's been going on lately? i celebrated a birthday a few weeks ago and it was one of my very favorite ones, not as far as the number is concerned (that is just getting depressing), but the people i surrounded myself with, really made it pretty freakin' fab.
evan and i had dinner at gram & dun, on my favorite patio in the city. yes, we are wearing this place out and hitting it up on super repeat, but when it's your b-day, you don't wanna take chances on the food. i got the same thing i always get (the jackson) and we sipped on cocktails while enjoying one of the first warm-enough nights of the season.
the following day, my actual birthday, we planned a small get-together at one of our other favorite local spots, bier station. we had intended to just meet a couple of friends, but thankfully it snowballed and soon enough the room was full of some of my most favorite people in town and in the world if i'm being honest.
i want to say that i laughed hysterically for 2 solid hours. it was the best.
alex was on spring break and away for her first ski trip during this time, and although we missed her terribly, she had an absolute blast. i'd share some of pics of her being a rockstar on the slopes, but i don't have any. womp womp. so instead, here is a pic of her at a recent birthday party for one of her friends.
and this is a chinchilla, because she asked me to blog about one.
we spent last weekend at our favorite old-people-prom style event, evening in paris. if you follow me on the socials, then you already know i got super geeked out about it being a mad men theme this year. you probably also already know that i found an exact dress from the show and proceeded to further freak out. if you missed out on all that however, here is the dress from the show:
and here is me in all my vintage megan draper glory:
totally. freaked. out.
so the spring has basically been a nonstop party so far, you know how we do. and basically, you're all caught up. :)