Showing posts with label Old Fashioned. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Old Fashioned. Show all posts

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Real Friends. Fake Cigarettes.

We are huge Mad Men fans.  If you don't watch the show then you have no idea what you are missing and you'll have no idea why we look the way we look in the following photos.

For the past year or so we have been NetFlix-ing all four seasons with our good friends Erik & Stacey, almost every Wednesday night after the little one goes to bed.  We are all obsessed. So when we decided to help Stacey throw a surprise 30th birthday party for Erik, we knew a Mad Men theme would be a huge least for us.

We were a little nervous considering we didn't really know anyone on the guest list and we weren't sure if anyone actually watched the show or would dress the part, but we were pleasantly surprised!  Almost everyone dressed up and a good time was had by all.

Below are a few shots from one of the coolest events that we have ever hosted, complete with a whiskey bar, candy cigarettes and some pretty impressive powder-filled fake cigarettes along with a John Deere riding lawnmover.

Again if you don't watch the show, those things mean nothing to you, but either way, some highlights of the evening are below:

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