Showing posts with label Ikea Hack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ikea Hack. Show all posts

Monday, March 23, 2015

DIY ~ Geometric Mountain Doormat

Hi lovelies!  I'm back with an awesome new DIY for you today.  I saw this doormat and knew I could easily recreate it for a fraction of the price.  So I did!  You wouldn't believe how easy it is and it really doesn't take much time at all.  {How-to after the jump!}

Thursday, October 2, 2014

DIY ~ Jewelry Organizer

Hi lovelies!  If you're anything like me, you have a huge collection of jewelry you've amassed and it seems to reproduce itself overnight.  Which means you've long outgrown your jewelry box, jewelry armoire, and it's now overflowing off your dresser, similarly to an erupting volcano's lava flow.  And, much like a toddler believes, if you can't see it it's not there.  At least for me.  So I need things hanging in plain sight, where I can see them without even looking for them.

Enter this simple DIY.  It uses some common household items, and even involves a bit of upcycling too!  Best of all, it's easily customizable to match your decor du jour.  {Keep reading to see what I used to make this and to be inspired to make your own too!}

Thursday, May 1, 2014

DIY Metallic End Table ~ Ikea Lack Hack

Hi lovelies!  This DIY may just be an all time fave of mine.  It was so simple, and makes such a huge impact.  Who doesn't love Ikea's simple, inexpensive pieces?  I picked up two Lack side tables a while back for only $8 a piece.  I love the simplicity of them, but I wanted to take it up just a slight notch to better fit with the silver metallic legs of my furniture.

Here's the before!  Now there's absolutely nothing wrong with them, and they do look great.  But the end result is so good.  You won't believe how simple this is!  {Click for the how-to!}

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