Showing posts with label iPhone photos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iPhone photos. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 14


Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots
I seriously can't believe we're already well into March!  I feel like these early months of the year are just flying by.  We've been keeping busy with various home projects (like always) and mapping out what things are important for us to accomplish this year.  I'm currently in the process of getting myself back to regular posts on ABM, focusing more energy over here on my blog, and planning out local plant and flower workshops I'll be hosting in the next few months.  I'm liking these goals so far!

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I had the opportunity recently to go in and style (and help model in) a commercial shoot for SnackCrate.  I'll be interested to see what they do with the photos.  We were aiming for really fun and over-the-top images, and the photographers we were working with were great!

Hope has finally finished up her competitive season of gymnastics.  She really killed it this season.  How can someone make an aerial look so effortless?  Sheesh.  Oh, and if you asked me to do ANY of the stuff she does on beam I might literally just run away.

Other than that, I'm working on getting better at propagating plants, spending quality time with my people, and enjoying this new small kitty we've adopted.  You know, the usual.

I hope you are all having a great March so far!  It's snowing here today, but my fingers are crossed for warmer weather on Saturday.  Our band is supposed to be playing an outdoor concert.  Yikes!

Wednesday, January 25

Snapshots: Winter Time

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This winter has been another busy one for us!  I thought I'd give you a little round up of some of the highlights from the last couple of months.  I've still been filling our house with plants (and killing some of them), we got some wonderful snow, I've almost done organizing all the rooms in the house (why is this taking so long? Oh, yeah- four messy people), Janae shot some family photos for us, we were featured in 417 Magazine for a reception we played (shot by Elise Abigail Photo), and I finally found the floor to my workspace!  Woohoo!

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I've also gotten back into thrifting, which is totally therapeutic for me.  Johnny, Poesy, and I all celebrated birthdays, we had a great NYE show with The Mixtapes, Hope is doing great at her gymnastics competitions, and we've been staying home A LOT.  Johnny and I are really into cooking at home right now, and it's been really fun exploring new recipes and flavors.  Even though January can be a little dreary, it really is one of my favorite months.  There's something very refreshing about the beginning of a new year and all of the fun things we have going on.  Here's to a great February... that will be here sooner than I'm ready for!

Wednesday, August 17


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Here are some snapshots from life lately.  We're gearing up for school that will be starting next week. We found a half-day private Kindergarten class for Poesy, so it looks like I won't be homeschooling her this year after all.  Hope will be continuing with homeschool, though-- she's starting 8th grade! Yikes!  I remember 8th grade so vividly... I can't believe how big she is.  Time seems like it just keeps going faster and faster.

I hope your week has been good so far!  I'm trying out a new DIY today, so fingers crossed it works out!  Happy Wednesday!

**Green chair is from Article.  I can't wait to show you our living space soon!

Wednesday, February 17


Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots
I just realized how long it's been since I've done a Snapshots post!  This winter is flying by in a serious way.  We're still in the process of unpacking, but that's a never-ending task (at least for us), so that's no surprise.  I bought myself a programmable bread maker and it's the best thing ever.  Waking up to the smell of freshly baked bread is 100% wonderful.  I have a beginner's knitting group meeting at my house tomorrow night and I'm so pumped about it.  I met a talented gal at a local craft show back in November and she's going to be our teacher.  I find that there's a lot more productivity at gatherings like this when you have a guide.  Also, I love any excuse to have people over for wine and snacks and chatting.

Now, I'm off to tackle that weekly checklist.  I actually haven't managed to check anything off this week, but today's my day.  I can feel it.  xo.