Showing posts with label happy birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happy birthday. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 10

Hope Turns 51... Or Something Like That

Hope Turns 15
I figure if I'm properly getting back into blogging, I should probably catch you up on our big summer events.  On August 22nd, Hope turned 15.  Like, WHAT?!  Basically, Facebook Timehop and I are enemies at the moment.  "Hey.  Remember when Hope was tiny?  Let me show you a picture of that so you can cry in your coffee this morning."  Thanks, Timehop.  Does it really need to be an everyday occurrence?  Anyway, this was probably the most low-key birthday celebration for Hope that I can remember... and it was really nice.  Don't get me wrong, I love a good themed party, but it was special to just enjoy the day and take her out for some photos.

Hope Turns 15 Hope Turns 15 Hope Turns 15
Since Hope has been in that anti-photo phase for a while, getting her situated for our mini session was pretty hilarious.  I was so happy when she asked if we could do photos, though.  Um... ABSOLUTELY ANYTIME!

Hope Turns 15 Hope Turns 15
We Sheltons are notorious for expecting extensive birthday celebrations, so we had her low-key party at our house the day of her actual birthday, and she also had an epic girls' sleepover and trip to Silver Dollar City the weekend before that.

Hope Turns 15 Hope Turns 15
Of course, Hope hung out with her friends for the sleepover and while we were at SDC, so Poesy had the time of her life getting all of the attention from her mama and daddy.  We definitely didn't mind.

Friday, January 6

Excuse Me, I'm What?

Excuse me... WHAT???  I'm HOW old??? 


Today I am 30.  It's true.  Let's talk about that for a second.

Remember that episode of Friends where Rachel turned 30?  Yeah.  After I saw that episode I decided I NEVER wanted to be like that.  What is so wrong with getting older?  What is so wrong with aging with grace?  Why do we fight SO HARD against gaining a number?  I've been guilty of that.  I think I was just whining a few weeks ago about not wanting to turn 30.  But, why?

I've been thinking a lot about this lately.  For myself, I know the answer.  Somewhere in my head, I've decided that 30 means you are officially a grown up.  Not that I'm against being an adult, but I've been scared of personal expectations that I've put on myself... which is silly.  I love where I am in life.  I love my family, I love my friends, I love my job, I love my blog, I love so many things about my life, why in the world would I want to make myself feel bad about the handful of things I have not yet accomplished?  So silly.

I will never stop at 29.  I will never lie about my number.  I will wear it proudly, embrace who I am, and be the best old lady I can be.  (<--just kidding.  I DO NOT think 30 is old.  If you do, you'll grow out of that someday.  ;))

So, tonight I will raise a glass to my 30s, because I've already said my goodbyes to my 20s.  I've learned SO MUCH through that decade and I am looking SO forward to this new one ahead of me.

Now, would someone PLEEEEASE pass the Birthday cake???

 xoxo Katie Shelton  
born January 6, 1982

Friday, July 22

Happy Birthday, Forage Bow Ties!-- CLOSED

Forage Bow Ties turns 1 year old today!  In celebration, Stephen and Shauna are giving you the opportunity to win a jewel toned lady bow tie.  To win, all you have to do is wish them a happy birthday on their blog.  Then just pop back over here and leave a comment saying what you would wear this pretty lady bow tie with.  Easy peasy!

The winner will be drawn next Wednesday, July 27.  Good luck, and don't forget to leave your contact information in your comment, just in case you are the winner!  xoxo Katie