Showing posts with label fashion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fashion. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 11

Who Wants Bonus Projects?

Infinity Scarf Table Runner via Sew With Us Ecourse
Hooray for bonus projects!  Rachel and I just just added two SIMPLE projects to our Sew With Us ecourse-- a simple infinity scarf tutorial and an easy table runner tutorial!  If you aren't familiar with Sew With Us, basically it's a learn-at-your-own-pace ecourse.  It is designed to teach basic sewing skills such as threading your machine and straight stitches, all the way up to designing your own clothing patterns and installing buttonholes, zippers, etc.  We want to take the intimidation out of sewing with simple projects for home and fashion!  Here are some examples of projects:

Sew With Us
*Simple maxi skirt with elastic waist

Sew With Us Projects
*Learn to sew on a curve and add piping

Sew With Us
*Sew a half apron with pockets

Sew With Us Projects
*Sew a pyramid bean bag

Sew With Us*Sew a blouse with an exposed zipper

There are lots more projects, but these are just a few examples.  Rachel and I poured a lot of ourselves into this ecourse (which you've probably heard me talk about in the past) and I'm happy to share our bonus projects with you guys!  If you've already purchased the ecourse, the new tutorials are in there waiting for you.  If you'd like to learn a little more about our class, just click right here!

Happy stitching, friends!

Monday, August 26

DIY Tie Back Dress

Hello.  My name is Katie and I'm a sucker for Instagram sales.  It's true.  I have bought so many dresses from different "closet clean-out" sales... let's just say that I had to ban myself from looking at those anymore.  I got this dress from a friend on IG-- you might actually remember it from this post.  Here's a little secret: the dress is too small.  That's the thing about buying online, you can't try it on first!  I was wearing it under cardigans and just leaving the back unbuttoned during chillier days, but once summer came around I had to say bye-bye to the dress... until I found a solution.

Here's the dress before.  I know, I know... it's gorgeous and if altering wasn't necessary, I wouldn't have done it.  The little pearly blue buttons are so pretty.  Anyway, here's what I did:

First, I removed the buttons and then stitched up the button holes with a zig zag stitch.  I chose a fabric and cut six 4 1/2 x 6 1/2 strips.  I then folded each one in half and stitched all the way around, leaving one end open (make sure your strip is inside out at this point).  Then I flipped them right-side out and positioned them onto the dress.  I proceeded to stitch them to the edges of the dress, and then I was done!

When you tie the knots they make sweet little bows up your back.  You could either wear this with a bandeau underneath (learn how to make one right here!) or you could use my other solution for backless dresses.

Happy stitching!

Monday, August 12

Chop It Down and Stitch It Up: A T-Shirt Refashion

Believe it or not, I'm a t-shirt girl through and through.  I wasn't always, though.  Before I could sew, I hated t-shirts. Finding a good (cute) fitting t-shirt was hard for me, and honestly, I had written them off for quite a while.  Now that my sewing machine and I are on good terms, I never pass up a cute tee.  If it doesn't fit, I just chop it down and stitch it up until it does.

Both of these shirts came from Olivia Mew's shop Stay Home Club (cuz she's the best and makes the best everything).  The one on the left started out the same size as the one on the right.  Here's how to size it down:

Turn your tee inside out and cut where I've shown.  Don't just cut the sleeves off, but make sure and completely get rid of the seam.  We'll create a new one.

I stitched this shirt with white thread so you could see where I sewed it.  Not only did I stitch the arm holes a little smaller (we don't want it to look like a workout tee), I did size down the body slightly.  I always leave my edges raw when resizing tees, but you can definitely hem the edges if you want a more professional looking result.  I personally like the way a cut-up t-shirt looks.

And now I'd like to go off on a DIY rabbit-trail for just a moment...

I used to hate sewing with a machine before I bought a reliable one.  It seemed like my sewing machine always needed something fixed or oiled or tweaked, and it made sewing seem like a chore.  Now that I have a machine that's easy to use and easy to troubleshoot, I really enjoy sewing projects.  I get a lot of questions about my machine (it's a Brother CS6000i) and how I like it, so I'll just tell you now:  thumbs up.  

If you're interested in either of these t-shirts you can find them over at Stay Home Club.  Happy sewing!

Thursday, August 8

Let's Talk About Backless Dresses and Undergarments

After I posted photos wearing this dress and this dress and Jeremy posted his video, I got a lot of emails from women wondering what I do for, um, support when wearing a backless dress.  The emails usually start out something like, "I know this is personal and kinda awkward..." so I thought we could just talk about it and not worry about it being awkward at all.

I realize some gals are just built in a way that they don't have to worry about bras with these kinds of dresses.  I am not.  I really do LOVE the way a backless dress looks, so I went ahead and got my first one, and decided I would just find a way to overcome this obstacle.  Sticky bras are an option.  I'm lazy though, and if my clothes aren't convenient, I won't end up wearing them.  I need to be able to throw something on and go.  Here's my solution:

Reaaaaallllll classy, right?  I just chopped up some bras and handstitched them in.  It doesn't matter how good your stitches look or how ratty your bras are, it only matters that you don't poke your stitches through the front of the dress, and your bra gets stitched in straight.  I used a LOT of pins when sewing because my first go around ended in a very crooked chest.  That doesn't really look good on anyone.  ;)

So, now you know.  Go out there and buy all the backless dresses your heart desires.  ;)))

Tuesday, February 7

Stepping Out of Your Box

I've been getting a lot of comments and emails lately that say the same basic thing:  "I wish I was brave enough to wear that."  or  "I wish I could pull that off."  Well, I'm here to encourage you, friends.  You can!  I'm not talking about getting everyone to wear the same things as I do, but to give you a virtual high five and maybe help you step out of your box.  Here are a few tips:

1.  STRETCH YOURSELF.  Do you ever find yourself stuck in a fashion rut?  We all do at some point.  It happens because we find things that we like and are comfortable in, and then we continue buying the same types of pieces in different colors... or, maybe even different pieces, but in the same colors (ahem... that would be RED for me).  Stretch yourself.  Find something that you really like that wouldn't be your typical "norm" and choose that over another piece that could've been pulled from your existing wardrobe.  It will help expand your (already interesting) style.

2.  WORK UP TO IT.  It is good to stretch ourselves, but sometimes it can be hard wearing something bold for the first time.  Work your way up to it.  Try wearing your bold new favorite around the house or to a familiar hangout at first.  Get comfortable and acquainted with it.  That way when you wear it, it can be a compliment to your most attractive accessory:  confidence.

3.  DO IT FOR YOU.  Is everyone going to like everything you wear all the time?  NO WAY.  We all have different tastes and opinions, and can't be expected to like all the same things all the time.  Who cares if what you are wearing gets a weird look from a stranger?  You aren't dressing for that stranger, you are dressing for YOU.  Wear things that make you happy (while still remaining appropriate, of course).  You'll be glad you did AND it will help that confidence shine!

I hope these tips are helpful!  I'd love to know your thoughts on the subject!  xoxo Katie

Thursday, June 16

Weekly Wears: Circus Shoes

When I was a little girl I had high hopes of being two things.  The first one:  a professional rollerskater.   I would spend my summers rollerskating around my basement in my swimming suit (you know, the kind with the skirt that made you feel EXTRA fancy) and practice my acceptance speeches for the rewards I would be receiving.  Oh yes, there were MANY speeches. 

The other thing I wanted to be as a little girl looking to the future was:  a hula hoop girl in the circus.  I would hula and hula and hoop and hoop all day (okay, probably just between snack times) in hopes that one day I would be the best in the world!  Hula hoops would twirl from my neck, arms, and legs all at once... while on fire!  And, of course I would have a magnificent, sparkly ensemble, and the shiniest red shoes! 

Enter:  shiny red shoes.

And just for good measure, a close up of my beeeeeautiful rings:

Dress:  UO
Shiny Red Shoes:  borrowed from a friend
Bow:  found in shoe that was borrowed from a friend and attached
to my dress with a handy little safety pin
Tights:  Target (where else?)
Rings:  {1. vintage ET: thrifted}  
{2. awesome bug: cookoorikoo (she makes THE BEST!)} 
{3. vintage turquoise ring: my mom}  
{4.  other ET ring: thrifted on a different occasion}

Okay, maybe I didn't need to spell out where all the rings were from, but how random is it to find two different ET rings at different places and different times?!  It's a thrifting miracle, I tell you!  Needless to say, I was pretty dern excited.

So now that I've shared my failed childhood dreams with you (don't feel bad, I'm pretty sure my childhood self would think this plush gig I've got going on is thumbs up), tell me:  what did you want to be when you were a wee one?   xoxo Katie

Friday, June 10

Weekly Wears: Red, Red, Red

****Blogger is being WEIRD, so please ignore this post at the top and scroll down to see the newest one.  <3

 Love me or hate me, there is something you should know about me:  I have a serious love for the color red.  A small conversation about what I am drawn to in a dress a couple of weeks ago led me to assess my closet and realize just how many red dresses I have.  It's okay.  I've already come to terms with it.  ;)

Tank:  old
Necklace:  vintage
Skirt:  vintage
Shoes:  Swedish Hasbeens

I have to mention HOW MUCH fun it is to twirl in this skirt!   I'm like a little kid in this thing.  ;)

I'm curious, do any of you have wardrobe guilty pleasures like I do?  I can't wait to hear!  xoxo Katie

Wednesday, June 8

Weekly Wears: Locked Up At School

Before I start the outfit part of this post, I'd just like to give each and every one of you a hug for your sweet comments on Hope's post.  You all are so supportive it makes me want to cry happy tears.  For those of you who have asked, yes she wrote the whole post.  She writes it in her notebook for me and I type it out word-for-word, 8 year old mistakes and all.  ;)  I'm letting her read the comments to her posts after I do a little sifting (and possibly weeding), so she gets the encouragement but doesn't have to see the ugly side of blogging quite yet.  She's a little girl, and just like all little ones is still very sensitive and impressionable.

So, here's a fun story:

While driving around looking for pretty places to shoot outfit pictures, we happened upon this beautiful, old school.  We made our way through the gate, around to the back, and found a nice location.  We did our thing, hopped back in the car (this was 5 minutes at the most), and as we drove around the front noticed that the front gate had been locked.  Uhhhhhh... we took our little car and drove ANY path we could find.  It didn't help.  WE WERE TRAPPED!  Seriously, we were there for almost 3 hours before someone finally came to unlock the gate!  It was ridiculous.  I repeat:  RIDICULOUS.  We did make it out, though, and on the way home Johnny said, "I sure hope those pictures turn out."  Yeah, bud... me, too.  ;)

Dress:  old UO
Tank:  old Abercrombie
Head Thingie:  handmade
Necklace:  handmade
Shoes:  Aldo

I won't comment on whether this is my favorite outfit post or not (it's not), but the pictures weren't blacked out, so by-golly I'm using them!  A labor of love, I tell you.  ;)

Really, it's a funny story and could've been a lot worse.  No one in my family got mad at me for being there, the police were really nice, and afterward I got a pretzel.  Not too shabby.  ;))
xoxo Katie

Thursday, June 2

Weekly Wears: Butterflies in Her Hair

I'm relearning to dress for summer.  I have to relearn this EVERY YEAR.  For some reason, I get spoiled during the cooler months, and when the heat rolls in, I still refuse to wear flip flops or go bare-legged.  I'll get there.  Baby steps...

Dress:  vintage
Hairpiece:  handmade
Belt:  closet staple
Tights:  Target
Shoes:  Wanted

I want to point out my necklace.  It's the only charm I have left from a charm bracelet that my grandmother gave me when I was younger.  I wish SO MUCH that I still had that bracelet, but thankful for this little moccasin that can remind me of her.  She was CRAZY (in the fun way)-- maybe I'll share more about her in a another post.  :)

Oh!  At the top I did say flip flops, but I actually NEVER wear them-- not even when I get used to dressing for warm weather.  I do have some alternatives, though:  pretty strappy sandals are great, crocheted shoes like these breathe really well, and peep toe flats let some cool air in as well.  How about you?  Is there anything you have a hard time wearing during summer?  

xoxo. Katie