Showing posts with label family fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family fun. Show all posts

Monday, July 11

Breakfast Time.

One of my very favorite things to do is get up early (okay, not actually early) and go out for breakfast with my sweet family.  Saturday we decided to try a new (to us) little diner for a fun breakfast date.

(Johnny is going to hate that I posted this photo.  Sorry, dear.)
See that amazing plate of food up there?  I couldn't even conquer half of it.  I don't know what I was thinking:  biscuits, hashbrowns, eggs, and bacon all covered in gravy.  This is nap inducing food.  

Oh, and guess who started eating big girl food...
Poesy loves rice cereal.  The end.
xoxo Katie

Saturday, April 2

Weekend Hijinx

How do you remedy a hard day?  Get out and have some fun!  Friday, we decided to get some coffee and then go bowling.  I have to say, in my family I'm pretty much the master at bowling.  Never mind the fact that Hope is 8 and Johnny has always been terrible.  I rule.

See?  Fun, fun!  On top of all of this bowling bliss, I also:

*Made a new friend this week (This is big for me. I am shy.)
*Completed some very special custom animals.  :)
*Listened to the new Radiohead album.
*Found a place that has half price sushi on Thursdays (which is official date night).
*Acquired pretty vintage saddle shoes from Johnny's mama (thank you, Vickie!).

Happy weekend!  *hugs and bugs*Katie

Monday, February 28

Wonderful Weekends

We had another lovely weekend.  The weather was crazy-- extremely cold one day and 70 degrees the next, but if Mother Nature wants to give us a taste of spring, I'm not going to complain!

Little Poe got weighed today.  She's up to 10lbs, 8oz.  That's 8oz more than Hope's birth weight.  Yep, it only took Poesy 7 weeks to catch up with newborn Hope.  I think that is soooo funny.  ;)

I hope your weekend was lovely as well!  I'll be back tomorrow with another Pretty Hair post.  xoxo Katie

Tuesday, February 15


I'm just popping by to say hello.  Life has been extra busy (tiring) lately since Poesy's had a little cold, and I haven't even had the energy to open my computer and blog.  I have such a crazy respect for women with twins or triplets!  I can't even imagine...

Before the cold, we had been having lots of fun.  Here's a peek into our weekend:

 Yup... she was spelling what you think... ;D

I spent ALL of Valentine's Day stitching orders for people (locals).  It was exhausting!  Johnny did take me out that evening, and it was SO nice to relax.  We sleepily chatted and stuffed ourselves silly.  It was pretty perfect.  I hope your Valentine's Day was wonderful, too!  Did you do anything special? xoxo Katie

Monday, February 7

How We Spend a Weekend

Here's a little peek into a typical weekend with the Sheltons:

Starbucks.  Hope made this terrible mess... ahem, art... with one of the employees.  See the honey?  I gasped when they got out the honey...

Spending time with friends.  Believe it or not, we are crazy for ping-pong.  :)

Baby bath time (knocks her out every time)!

 And, LOTS of playtime with Hope!

Life is a little bit slower (and sleepier) around here these days.  What's a typical weekend like at your house?  
 xoxo Katie

Friday, January 7

A Wonderful Day, Indeed

I have to admit, I was a little on the pouty side when I figured out I would be SO pregnant (plus a doctors appointment) on my Birthday.  My family and friends are wonderful, though, and made my day pretty amazing.

My kiddo woke up before the sun so that she could make me the perfect card.  Melt my heart!
I got a lot of thoughtful gifts, but the mug that Hope made me was just the sweetest.
I got to have lunch with some of our dearest friends, had way too many treats, and got to relax my tired body when all was said and done with.  It was a pretty great day.  xoxo Katie

Wednesday, December 29

Christmas Recap

We had an amazing Christmas this year (like every other year)!  Christmas is my favorite, because everyone in my house is feeling extra cheery and sentimental, and honestly, I couldn't ask for more.  :)  Here's a taste of Christmas morning at our house:

A little letter to Santa...

 Johnny and I both got our fair share of goodies...
Annnnndddd.... Santa brought a hamster!  He must've thought that a Guinea Pig was a little too committed for the time being... ;)

Oh yes... and we were SO HAPPY to have snow on Christmas morning!!!

Now onto New Years Eve!  Do any of you have any amazing plans?  I think I'll have to live vicariously through you this year.  ;)  xoxo Katie