Showing posts with label modcloth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label modcloth. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 21

ModCloth Style Gallery

Have you heard about ModCloth's Style Gallery?  It's a fun way to share your favorite looks and get lots of inspiration!  There is a fun contest going on right now called "Follow Your Faves" where the person with the most followers will win a $100 gift certificate!

If this is something you are interested in, get on uploading your photos!  To win all you need to do is:

-upload some of your favorite outfits to the Style Gallery and don't forget to follow your favorite contributors!
-the person with the most followers on 1/27 will win a $100 gift card to Modcloth
-AND, two randomly selected users who follow the same winning contributor will each receive a $50 gift card to Modcloth

I just recently created my profile, so I'll be uploading more outfits daily.  I'm off to browse the gallery and follow some favorites!

Friday, November 30

Gift Guide for the Family

This gift guide is sponsored by ModCloth.  Now that they have things for the guys, I could pretty much pick up something for everyone... and maybe a little something for myself as well.  ;)


Saturday, October 6

A Beautiful Mess for ModCloth

I've already said how proud I am of my pal Elsie for her collection with ModCloth, but yesterday was the release day and I can't help but be so, so excited!  This is my favorite dress from the collection that I also got to wear for 3 Ways to Wear It.  Oh, and I'm sure there's a good chance you've already seen this, but this is how we spent the first day of Autumn this year:

I'm so happy and thankful to be a part of this team.

Friday, September 28

Out on the Town

1. Dress 2. Necklace 3. Shoes 4. Tights

This is my fantasy outfit for my fantasy night on the town.  I'm pretty sure my dear husband needs to take me somewhere glitzy soon.  ;)

Happy Friday!!

Thursday, September 27

Chic in a Snapshot Winners!

Here are the winners of the Chic in a Snapshot contest that was hosted by ModCloth!

Congrats to all the winners!!

Monday, September 10

ModCloth Chic in a Snapshot Contest

ModCloth is holding a new contest via Instagram and I'm happy to be one of the guest judges!  The Chic in a Snapshot Contest on Instagram is your chance to win a $100 gift certificate to ModCloth. All you need to do to enter is take a head-to-toe photo of your most stylish look, then post it to Instagram with the hashtag #fashionforall (by 11:59 p.m. PT on 9/14). If you like, you may also include up to two detail shots.

Bonnie from Flashes of Style, Kaylah from The Dainty Squid, and I are sharing some tips on snapping outfit photos over on the ModCloth blog.  At the end of the contest we'll each select a favorite to win a $100 ModCloth gift certificate!  You can find us all on Instagram under the names @skunkboycreatures, @flashesofstyle, and @thedaintysquid.  I hope to see you over there!

Wednesday, August 22

Giveaway From Tea for Two

My lovely sponsors Ashley and Daniel from Tea for Two are here today to offer up a $50 gift certificate from ModCloth!

Ashley and Daniel run their blog together (which is COMPLETELY adorable) and share their life and inspiration.  To enter their giveaway, simply stop by their blog and take a peek and leave a comment here.  You must be a follower of Tea for Two to qualify to win!

  (photos via Tea for Two)

You can gain additional entries by:
Like Tea for Two on Facebook
Follow Ashley and/or Daniel via Twitter
Follow Ashley on Pinterest

Please leave a separate comment for each entry.  The winner will be drawn on Tuesday, August 28 and announced shortly after.  Good luck!

Friday, August 10

Window Shopping and Giveaway Winners


I love, love Summer, but everyone has started getting their Fall pieces in, and I just can't help but browse.  These items are from my lovely sponsor ModCloth, but I have (maybe) purchased a jacket and/or boots from Lulu's as well.  It really doesn't help that usually we're running 100-110 degrees and today it's an amazing 70 degrees outside.  If I start trying to wear tights,  send help immediately.  ;))

This is a little bit tardy, but here is the winner for the UPrinting Giveaway:

And the winner for the Emmy's Organics giveaway:

Congrats, winners!  I'll be in contact soon!  Happy Friday!

Tuesday, June 26

Weekly Wears: Sunshine is Delicious

I think I own more shorts this year than I ever have in my whole life.  Have I just gotten better at wearing shorts?  Nah.  It's probably that it's easier to find cute shorts these days.  These shorts are about the best thing ever for summer.  They are breezy like a dress, but they don't fly up around my middle when a gust of wind makes an appearance.  That's never very fun.

 Shorts: c/o ModCloth;  Tank: Marshall's;  Shoes: c/o Ugglebo Clogs;  Tote: c/o Alphabet Totes;  Scarf (worn as belt): thrifted;  Necklace: c/o Shlomit Ofir

Thanks, guys, for your sweet comments on Hope's blog post.  She really is SO into gymnastics right now.  It's really adorable.  I do wish she would post more, but I don't want to be pushy.  I want blogging to be something she enjoys, and not have it turn into a chore.  That's mostly why we don't hear much from her these days... probably after summer is over and life slows down a bit Hope will make a more regular appearance again.  Right now there is so much swimming to do and ice cream to be consumed.  ;)

Okay, I am taking a little day trip tomorrow, so I need to go pack up some things.  I hope you have a lovely rest of the night and a wonderful Wednesday!!


Thursday, June 7

Weekly Wears: Summer Sniffles

I have been terribly sick since last Thursday.  I've been doing my best to ignore it and get through everyday life, but I have to say, summer colds are the absolute WORST!  Trying to keep up with summer fun has been a little challenging (ie: swimming, parks, barbecues, etc), but I'm hanging in there.  ;)

Top & Hat: Marshall's;  Shorts: c/o ModCloth;  Shoes: c/o Bait Footwear;  Necklace: c/o Poppy and Fern

I've really been trying to buy more separates lately, not because I don't love my dresses (because I DO!), I just don't want to get stuck in a rut.  It's good to stretch yourself, so I've been trying to do just that.  :)  Oh, and please forgive the wrinkly shorts.  I'm having to relearn how to wear shorts and pants, as silly as that seems. 

I really will be back tonight or tomorrow with giveaway winners!  I hope you all have a lovely day!

Friday, May 11

ModCloth Vintage for Kids

If you are a mother, aunt, sister, etc, to a little girl, now is the time to revel in it.  There are so many lovely vintage shops popping up for little ones lately!  ModCloth is getting ready to launch their collection of amazing vintage kiddo clothing.  Each piece was sourced by ModCloth founder Susan in Amsterdam.  Here's a peek at some of the loveliness:

I wish I could have each of those dresses in my size (especially the red).  The ModCloth kid's vintage collection launches today (Friday, May 11th). 

**This post is sponsored by ModCloth.

Wednesday, May 2

Weekly Wears: An Apple A Day

Remember that wedding I mentioned last week?  Oh, boy.  Don't get me wrong, the wedding was beautiful and it was wonderful to get to see that part of my family two weekends in a row, but I had an almost-catastrophe!  We got into town a day early and did some shopping, a lot of eating, and a tiny bit of swimming.  We were getting ready to head over to the wedding the next day and as I was digging through my bag when I realized that my dress was missing.  MY DRESS WAS MISSING.  I had packed everyone else's fancy clothes except for my own!  I freaked out a little (surprisingly less than I would have anticipated) and threw on one of the dresses I had bought the day before.  I was under-dressed in an over-sized sundress (I bought it knowing I had to take it in a bit), but I set all that aside and just enjoyed myself.  It could have been worse... I could have showed up to that wedding in the jeans or the bright red polyester dress I had in my suitcase.  ;)

Dress: c/o ModCloth;  Shoes: Shelly's London c/o ModCloth;  Belt: thrifted;  Barrette: Etsy

This outfit doesn't have anything to do with that wedding.  ;) 

I seriously love these shoes.  I'm also picking them up in pink, because they are kinda my dream shoe.

I hope you all are having a wonderful week so far!!

Friday, March 23

Weekly Wears: Sailboats and Smiles

I'm going to be honest here, this week has been nuts.  You know those days where it seems your luck has run out and the most ridiculous things happen?  My whole week has been like that.  I'd be lying if I said it didn't get me down more than a few times, but there always comes that point where you either surrender to whatever's getting you down, or you pick yourself up, go about your day(s) and power through.  That's what I've been doing.  I won't let these bad circumstances rule me or dictate my mood.  I'm tougher than that.  (Grrrrrrrr) 

Dress: c/o ModCloth;  Sash: c/o Three Bird Nest;  Tights: Target;  
Shoes: Vintage;  Ring: ModCloth

Cures for the down-in-the-dumps:  wear bright colors, treat yourself to an Ebay score, pop a bag of popcorn and watch 3 straight hours of Parks and Rec, take a little road trip to nowhere with someone you love,  put on your tennis shoes and ride a bike through muddy puddles, or if all else fails: just smile.  I don't know about you, but when I've had all I think I can take, sometimes I have to just smile and remember all of the awesome parts of my life.  They far outweigh the bad stuff.  Always.
I hope you all have an extra lucky, extra happy weekend.  ;)
xoxo Katie

P.S.  I am officially announcing the Easter shop update for Tuesday, March 27th.  I'll post a reminder on Tuesday, but I just wanted to give a little heads up in advance.  It will go live around 4pm CST.

Thursday, March 1

Weekly Wears: Sheer Love

My newest love is anything sheer.  I love dresses and shirts with sheer sections-- it adds just a bit of fancy to whatever you're wearing.  Or, I guess I should say that it makes me FEEL fancier... and, if I'm being totally honest here, I have to admit that I LOVE a little bit of fancy.  ;)

Shirt: c/o ModCloth;  Skirt: the Velvet Bird;  Tights: Target;  Shoes: c/o Lotta from Stockholm;  Roses clip: c/o Oh My Deer

In other news... How I Met Your Mother is streaming on Netflix and I can't stop watching.  I love that show.  It's also nice to have something to keep me company during nighttime stitching.  ;)

I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!
xoxo Katie