Showing posts with label dancing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dancing. Show all posts

Friday, July 8, 2011

“Secret Thing”

Suffice it to say everyone has a secret thing (ST) they want to do. Are dying to do. Something that completely deviates from who they are in their “real” life. For some it may be being a clown in the circus, for others it might involve open pole night at the local strip club.

My secret thing involves dancing, preferably on “Dancing with the Stars.” They really need a blogger presence on that show. If you have ever seen me dance then you are lying on the floor right now laughing your ass off about now.

I have no rhythm. I cannot remember steps. My body does not move smoothly through the motions. I have the white-woman’s overbite going like nobody’s business.


In college I had no clue how limited I was in the dance world, so I actually auditioned to be a “Dukette” – a team of amazing and swift dancers who perform at basketball games, festivals, etc. (Okay, those of you who went to JMU, stop laughing). I got cut before the music even started and I’m not kidding. This was also the same year I tried out for the rugby team and I’m not kidding about that either. And my major in college was undeclared, i.e., I have no eff’ing idea what to do. I was one lost soul. Still kind of am.


I am believer that if we put our wishes out into the universe they will come true. Okay, that’s a bunch of shit, but I figure it can’t hurt.

Turns out my dancing wishes have come true and I’ve been invited to be part of a flash mob. I cannot disclose details or I would have to castrate you, but it is happening soon and I will be part of it. My daughter, Emma, has begged to do a flash mob since we saw the one with the Black Eyed Peas on Oprah (you cannot watch this without smiling or getting a boner). This conversation has occurred at least 99 times:

Emma: Mom, can we PLEASE plan a flash mob?

Me: No. I am runner, not a dancer.

The good news is, I did not have to plan or choreograph. I  was invited (probably because I am such a good dancer). Emma and I went to a rehearsal yesterday. I loved every minute of it, but lets just say that while my “running man” needs some work (that God for Youtube), I’m really good at pretending to look sexy while wiping sweat off my head (this is a move in the dancing world). 

The flash mob will occur in the next week or so and it will be videotaped for me to share with you. I am living the dream over here.


Today is the final day to pre-order shirts. I will be putting in another order, but not for about a month or so. If you order a shirt now, it will be mailed around July 17.

To see shirts, visit this page and then go to the “store” page to pre-order online.

Shut Up and Run Women's Tech Tee

Okay, going to take it easy to rest up for my big TEST this afternoon.

Do you have a secret thing (ST)? Have you been able to live it out?

Ever been part of a flash mob?