Showing posts with label Team in Training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Team in Training. Show all posts

Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Mom’s Day from Team in Training


Little Emma ready to cheer on her mom

I know you’ve heard me talk about Team in Training in the past. TNT (not “TIT”) will always hold as special place in my heart. It was through this program that I learned to run and more importantly learned to like to run. I also raised major cash for a great cause and had the experience of a lifetime.

Can you find me?


The coolest thing about TNT is that they combine smart training with fundraising. It’s a win-win situation for everyone. In exchange for your fundraising, TNT provides you with the coaching and training to get you to the start of your big event be it a half marathon, marathon or triathlon. The training experience is made more meaningful by knowing that you are working to help someone who has leukemia or lymphoma.

My kids will never forget the trip to Phoenix in 2009 to run my first marathon. TNT puts on a pre-race event like none other. We walked into the Hyatt Hotel and you could hear screaming from throughout the building. As we got closer to the convention hall, it was deafening. My family and I walked through a tunnel of TNT staff and volunteers screaming and whistling to show their gratitude for the money we had raised. I still get teary thinking about it.


It was at that moment that my kids “got” why I had trained so relentlessly for the past 16 weeks. They knew it was amazing that their mom would run 26.2 miles, but they also knew I had raised $4,000 to help someone who was sick.


Post-race TNT dinner complete with dancing and limbo and wine:


This week TNT completed a Mother’s Day Tribute video. In it, six moms describe their experiences with blood cancer and TNT. 

With this video TNT hopes to encourage awareness about what they do and to highlight one of their upcoming events, the Nike Women’s Marathon in San Francisco on October 16, 2011. This event is SOLD OUT, but you can still get involved through TNT. Other benefits include:

  • Race registration fee
  • Dynamic, hands-on training from certified coaches
  • Alumni mentors and your own web page for fundraising support
  • Travel, lodging and pre- and post-event activities for an unforgettable weekend in San Francisco
  • Training and social events with your team that build lifelong friendships
  • And now there's TNT Flex, a customized, online training option developed by TNT's renowned coaches.

So if you have any inkling that you might want to run a marathon, here is an affordable, organized way to do it. You will never regret the decision. For more info, go HERE.

If you have questions about anything to do with TNT, drop me an email at

Have you ever had an experience with TNT or would you consider it?


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Best Gift Ever

I found this piece of paper on my desk yesterday, made by my 9 year daughter.


Clearly she is not a teenager yet because she still thinks I’m cool.

I have often wanted to ask my kids, “How could I be a better mom?” But, then I am too scared. Will they have a laundry list that highlights all of my inadequacies? Will I find out what I have feared – that I have failed them?

The reason her gift means the world to me is not because it pictures things I love. Not because she hit the nail on the head regarding Boston (love how she calls it “the Boston.”) Not because she said nice things about me.

Because it shows her heart. Kind, compassionate, outwardly focused, creative, intuitive, selfless, beautiful.

I am so not the perfect mother. I can cringe thinking of things I have habitually done wrong or have not done at all. However, I do believe I have taught and modeled one thing really well.

When you love someone, you support them in their passions. You care about what they do, who they spend time with, how they feel. You are around. A lot. Just in case they need you. You give them space to be who they are, yet check back frequently to see how their journey is going. You can be counted on.You do what you say you are going to do.

I have never told my daughter I was nervous about Boston.  And, no, she does not read the blog. But, she obviously knows about my injury (crutches are a decent giveaway). How she knew yesterday, the day of my first run in three months, I would so need to read her words, I’ll never know. But, she knew.

Loving someone sometimes means showing up in the most unexpected of ways.

You bet I’ll be carrying this gift with me on April 18.


Sunday, December 20, 2009

First Marathon Race Report

As you know (if you really do keep track of stuff I do), I ran my first marathon in January 2009 (Rock 'n' Roll/Phoenix) after training with Team in Training (or TIT as I like to call it) for four months. Until then I had never been much of a runner (had never run further than a 10K), but decided to train for the 26.2 miles anyway. Secretly, I planned to down grade to the half marathon if need be. But race day came, and I felt ready, so I went with it. I had truly fallen in love with this running thing.

I didn't start this blog until March 2009, so there was no race report on Shutupandrun about my one and only marathon. It's been almost a year (and 3 half marathons, one relay and one injury later) and I'm feeling nostalgic, so I thought I'd post the report I wrote for my family blog (not alot of cussing or poop stories there). Just in case you care. As I'm hopefully healed from injury and getting ready to start training for the Colorado Marathon in May, it's good to remember where I got my start. I still tear up when I read this. In a second I can re-expereince it all.


I got up at 5:45 a.m., put on my carefully laid out outfit. I kissed Ken and the kids goodbye (they would later find me at several points on the course). As I left Sam said, "Run with your heart." This was the last bit of inspiration I needed.

I boarded the school bus shuttle to the start. It was still pitch black and freezing. I had no idea where to go and it was a mass of people. Once I found the start, I noticed people were huddled around a generator that was giving off a bit of heat (and probably lethal carbon monoxide). I positioned myself in the middle of this huddle rubbing bodies with people I didn't know, but I was warm. At 7:30 a.m., I headed to Corral 5, my starting place. The national anthem was sung, the gun sounded, and we were off. Well not really. With all of the people it took me at least two minutes just to get to the start line.

I started out S L O W, which is what we were told to do. For each minute you start too fast, you supposedly lose four minutes later. My slowest miles were miles one and two.

Mile 3: First place I saw Ken and the kids. Emma looked miserable. Cold and tired. I felt great. But of course I did. Only 23 miles to go. I drank some Cytomax and plugged along.

Mile 5: Ate my first gel. Feeling really good. Had to pee, but didn't want to stop.

Mile 8: Next place I was to see Ken and the kids. Couldn't find them any where. Could it be I was running quicker than we thought? We guessed I'd be doing ten minute miles, but I was actually doing nines. Continued to grab water at each mile, but not stopping. Staying hydrated is key. Put in my headphones. Turned the corner heading east. The sun was in my face, Bruce was singing "The Rising," and I was running with my heart. Full on. I knew I could do this.

Mile 10: Can't deny the desire to pee. Found a port-o-potty with no line. Jumped in and and out. Back on the course in 1 minute. Grabbed some Cytomax drink and pretzels. Ate another gel (vanilla).

Mile 13.1: Half way! Two hours in. Saw Ken and the kids. Feeling really good at this point. Start to pick up my pace. More Cytomax. Got to keep hydrated.

Mile 18: Still keeping my pace and feeling strong. Ken and the kids are there again with their posters and cowbells. I am so glad to see them.

Mile 20: Now it is getting hard. I am feeling okay, but my legs are getting fatigued. People are slowing way down. Many are walking. I am keeping up my nine minute pace and passing many people. I remember what Julie said, "When you get tired, try to pass people and get your energy from that." I try to eat another gel, but am having trouble getting it down. I throw it on the ground and keep moving.

Mile 21: There's Ashley on the sidelines - my Team in Training coordinator. She has a huge purple afro on. She hugs me and runs with me. I am too tired to talk, but it's nice to see a familiar face.

Mile 22: Holy cow. Put one foot in front of the other. Don't stop. Don't slow down. Find a song that will keep up your energy. I kept repeating Green Day's "Basket Case," which has always been one of my favorite running songs. It keeps my pace on track. Don't stop moving or you might not be able to start again.

Mile 23: I am searching for the mile markers now. Breathing a sigh of relief each time I pass one. Only 3.2 miles to go. That's just one lap around Macintosh Lake. That's just one short run. I'm listening to Bruce's "Born to Run." I'm trying to find inspiration around me to keep going. I keep drinking water and putting one foot in front of the other. A surprise: there's Ken and the kids. The kids run with me for a block, but I am so focused it's hard to converse. Here's me at mile 23 (yeah, hurtin' just a tad):
Mile 24: If I just pick it up a bit I might be able to get in under four hours. No, I can't do it. I don't have it in me.

Mile 25: I might just finish this thing. I really might. Oh no, there is someone on the ground with the medics. Heartbreaking to get this far and to not be able to finish.

Mile 26: People are yelling "Go Beth!!" I can't see the finish yet, but I know it is soon. I am trying to smile.

Mile 26.2: I run across the finish being careful not to look at my watch since I want my finish photo to be a good one. I throw my arms in the air and yell, "YES!" with tears in my eyes.

I.stop.running after 4:03. I did an average of a 9.1 minute mile which is truly the best I could have hoped for on my first marathon.

After four hours, my body has taken a beating. Immediately my stomach cramps up. A medal is put around my neck and I am given a blanket and a popsicle. I grab two more popsicles for the kids and start looking for them. We reunite at the Team in Training tent. I sit down and take off my shoes. Blisters, black and blue toenails. I put on flip flops. I am done!

At the hotel we order room service then head to the pool. I sit in the hot tub and cool my muscles in the pool. I take a hot shower and make some calls. We dress for the victory party and head to the Sheraton where we eat a lot and dance and do the limbo. It truly felt like a celebration.

And today, two days later, I am stiff and sore. But it was worth every mile. One of the greatest feelings has to be working towards something, giving it your all, feeling the pain of the journey, but persevering and reaching your goal.

Tons more pictures at: