I let Lucky out this morning and was greeted by this:
How can your day not be good when it starts out that way?
"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love." Marcus Aurelius
I put the few stragglers into the dishwasher, started the coffee, took out the recycling and fed the guinea pig and the three-legged dog. I grabbed the Denver Post and Longmont Times Call from the driveway and filled a huge cup with ice water. I went to the cabinet and grabbed these:
Taking these is just a part of my morning routine, much like dumping a cup of half and half into my coffee and dropping a few kids at the pool. I don’t think about it much. But, today I was wondering: Does everyone take similar supplements? Are these doing anything for me?
I take them because I am supposed to take them, but it’s not like I see any difference in my day to day energy if I don’t. I just take them because I figure they fill in the blanks when my diet isn’t up to snuff and they provide me with preventative stuff over the long term. I am almost 45 years old for God’s sake. I need all the help I can get.
Right now I take:
1. Women’s One by Rainbow Light ($17.99 for 90): This is chock full of good stuff including probiotics, B complex, and lots of nourishing things:
2. Food Based Calcium by Rainbow Light ($12.99 for 90): 1,000 mg calcium, 1,000 IU vitamin D, 500 mg magnesium (2 caplets). After two stress fractures, I found that while my bone density was good, it was deteriorating with age. I have to be careful to get enough calcium (and vitamin D which helps with absorption). I find I don’t get enough in my normal diet (although I do drink a lot of chocolate milk), so I have need to supplement. It’s also important to do weight bearing exercise to build stronger bones.
I hear that food-based calcium is better for you because it is not manufactured, it is the real deal, the same as if you were eating yogurt or eating collard greens. I buy all my Rainbow Light products through Walgreens.com because I found they are much cheaper there than at Whole Foods and other places.
3. Move Free ($24.99 for 160): This contains glucosamine, chondroitn, Uniflex (an antioxidant) and joint fluid to keep joints lubed and strong. I got this bottle at Costco.
4. Fish Oil ($9.99 for 150 soft gels): I take the Nature Made brand because it is burp-less. Other brands make me burp up fish taste all day and it makes me sick. I hear you can also freeze them and that helps. I take one 1,000 mg pill. Supposedly this will help me not get coronary heart disease. Fingers crossed.
Keep in mind, taking supplements is just part of the equation. If you eat junk food and watch the Real Housewives all day, supplements will not save you. You will just be out of shape, overweight and have really high levels of vitamin B2.
What, if any, supplements to you take and why?
I’m off to do some hill work and then yoga…hoping the gas is minimal.
PS: Don’t forget to check out my STORE page. Sale ends Monday.