Showing posts with label Chipotle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chipotle. Show all posts

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Longmont Triathlon Race Report

I really did not know what to expect at today’s sprint tri. So, you bet I was happy with 3rd place in my division (F40-44)! 3/20 division, 11/139 overall woman. Time: 1:18:14 (525 yd swim, 12 mile bike, 5K run)


I took over two minutes off of last year’s time. My swim and bike (thanks Trek Lexa!) were both faster and my transition times were about half of what they were last year. My run was 23 seconds slower, but who’s counting. I’m still catching up there.

Here’s my transition area, pre-race. I bring my Care Bears lucky towel. That’s how I roll. You know all the dudes with their special TYR and Zoot towels were jealous. Some asked where I got it. These guys should really shop at Wal-Mart more.


I am digging this hoodie bathing suit combo.


The race was smooth sailing. I did not make any messes and I had only two glitches.

  1. My f*cking goggles. They kept filling with water. I had to stop three times to fix them. I’m sure I added a good minute there.
  2. As I went out on the run I passed a girl with headphones on. Not earbuds, but full blown headphones. Like the kind your wore in the 70s. She didn’t hear me coming and hocked a loogie right on me. It trickled down my leg and I felt like gagging. She was so apologetic, I told her it was fine. But it wasn’t. Gross. Now I am Shut Up and Run with a Loogie (SUARWAL).

The swim felt easy. The bike was tougher for me and I had to push just to get an 18.2 mph average. The run felt really good. I paced well and did the 5K in 25:03.

I wasn’t dying when I crossed the finish line, but was ready to be done.


Ken killed his time, PR’ing by six minutes from last year. Guess all this HIM training is paying off.

I got emotional with the trophy. I know placing in your age group depends on who comes out that day and not necessarily that you are the strongest or fastest. But for me the trophy represents my continued comeback from the nasty injury. It just feels SO mother eff’ing good to be out there again.


I love this picture because I look like I’m having a stroke (eye area) and Ken is chewing.


Now going to stuff my face with Chipotle.

Happy Sunday!


Sunday, May 29, 2011

It’s All in the Numbers

I’ve got a big training week coming up including:

Tomorrow: Bolder Boulder 10K
Sunday 6/5: Longmont Sprint Tri

Neither of these are my “A” races, just part of my overall half ironman training.

Strange for a girl like me, I but I do not have a 10K PR time. I don’t run many 10Ks, and always do them with my kids. Tomorrow, I will actually run by myself. Along with 50,000 other people. I am not in my tip top running shape, but I’m going to push it and see what happens.  I’ve got my playlist ready to roll. I call it “Beth’s Bolder Boulder” because I am creative that way:


Yeah, so it’s 1.4 hours of songs – hopefully will not be needing all of that time. Unless the poop fairy visits mid-race.

And, before you dis the Canon in D Power Music Workout, you should hear it. The processional in our wedding was to Pachebel, so it’s always got a special place in my heart. And, now, I can run to it!

In last week’s training I pulled back for a nice dose of recovery. Only 7 hours of training including 2 runs, 2 swims, 2 bikes. In addition, other weekly stats:

# of falls off of bike: 2 (I only wrote about one of them)

# of masters swims attempted: 1

# of son’s baseball games attended: 4

# of dinners cooked: 6

# of trips to Chipotle: 1

# of times I cried: 4 (post-masters swim, end of year slideshow, neighbor’s graduation, fall off bike)

# of times I cussed in front of my children (usually in the car, I love road rage): 5

# of times to Starbucks: 4

# of pissy comments I got on Facebook: 1

# of times I was the tooth fairy: 1

# of servings of almond butter: 6

# of dumps: 4 (yep, I never said I was regular)


About to do #5 if you know what I mean,