Showing posts with label Bachelor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bachelor. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

One Ginormous Chopping Block

Last night I was going to read Tolstoy or teach myself hieroglyphics, but to show how well rounded I am, I watched The Bachelor instead. Yes, I did. And, I learned a lot.

Girls on this show are stupid, especially when they drink

If you bring your grandmother who is on crutches, you will get a rose


If you ride in on a horse, you will get a rose


If you act like a raging insecure lunatic, you will get a rose

The show reminded me how many terms and phrases are completely overused. Here is my list of my pet peeve phrases/words (in general, not just from the show):

  • At the end of the day
  • Game on
  • I’m on the chopping block
  • Done and done
  • It is what it is
  • Whatever
  • Amazing!
  • Literally
  • Think outside of the box
  • I was all, like…
  • Just my two cents
  • My bad
  • Ginormous
  • Shut up and run (how did that get in there?)

Funny thing is, I have used every one of these at some point. Probably more than once. At the end of the day, I just have to give my ginormous two cents. Whatever.

Tonight the cadillac of all reality shows returns, The Biggest Loser. Expect lots of “Game ons!” and chopping block references Apparently pairs are split up, so crying will not be in…sob…short supply. I’m just glad Bonnie isn’t on board or it would be one long term weeping fest.

Bob and Dolvett are the only trainers, so there will be no perky breasts and/or camel toes to gawk over (unless you count those on the guys weighing in). I plan on sending the producers some XS compression tights for Dolvett. My little post-Christmas gift.

Did you know that lovebirds Jess and Ramone are now trainers at the Biggest Loser Resort? If you want, you can enter a contest to stay at the Malibu haven for four weeks. No caffeine, no alcohol, lots of sweating and moving . Sounds like a convent on steroids. Plus, you’ll get to watch Ramone fawn over Jess while she acts like she doesn’t care. Details HERE.

What’s your most hated phrase?

Will you tune in for TBL this season or have you had enough?

Favorite reality show? Or are you too cool for that sort of thing? Mine is TBL. Closely followed by Toddlers and Tiaras (JK)


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Best Gift Ever

I found this piece of paper on my desk yesterday, made by my 9 year daughter.


Clearly she is not a teenager yet because she still thinks I’m cool.

I have often wanted to ask my kids, “How could I be a better mom?” But, then I am too scared. Will they have a laundry list that highlights all of my inadequacies? Will I find out what I have feared – that I have failed them?

The reason her gift means the world to me is not because it pictures things I love. Not because she hit the nail on the head regarding Boston (love how she calls it “the Boston.”) Not because she said nice things about me.

Because it shows her heart. Kind, compassionate, outwardly focused, creative, intuitive, selfless, beautiful.

I am so not the perfect mother. I can cringe thinking of things I have habitually done wrong or have not done at all. However, I do believe I have taught and modeled one thing really well.

When you love someone, you support them in their passions. You care about what they do, who they spend time with, how they feel. You are around. A lot. Just in case they need you. You give them space to be who they are, yet check back frequently to see how their journey is going. You can be counted on.You do what you say you are going to do.

I have never told my daughter I was nervous about Boston.  And, no, she does not read the blog. But, she obviously knows about my injury (crutches are a decent giveaway). How she knew yesterday, the day of my first run in three months, I would so need to read her words, I’ll never know. But, she knew.

Loving someone sometimes means showing up in the most unexpected of ways.

You bet I’ll be carrying this gift with me on April 18.