Showing posts with label Just for fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Just for fun. Show all posts
WW - The Coronation
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Wordless Wednesday - A Little Dream
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Greetings friends! Some of you may remember that last year I won the honor of being in the top 5 Photography Blogs in the Circle of Moms contest. One of my lovely readers has nominated my blog once again this year (thank you so very much!), and I would be most grateful for your vote. If you have a moment, please click the link below to vote. You can vote once per day until July 16th. Thank you!!! I truly appreciate your support :)
On to Wordless Wednesday: I played a little bit in Photoshop just for fun.
This is very different from my usual style,
but it can be refreshing to go in a different direction now and then,
just to see where it leads...
Thanks for visiting! Have a super Wednesday!
Little Things - Exploring the Great Big World
Thursday, May 2, 2013
It is late in the day, but I love liking up with my good friend Kim for Little Things Thursday, so I'm joining in on the tail end of the party :)
As I mentioned Monday, we ventured up to Colonial Williamsburg last weekend. It is one of our favorite family field trips. I loved visiting there when I was a kid. It always seemed so magical to step back in time for a day. I am thankful that we live close to this living history museum, so that my own children can experience a taste of what it was like to live in Virginia over 400 years ago.
Here's a shot I took of Little Miss taking a peek at the oxen.
Linking up with Kim today for:
Thanks so much for stopping by.
WW- Clickinwalk Norfolk
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Today I'm sharing some of my favorite photos I took during the Clickinwalk I co-lead with Sarah Halstead last weekend. This event was sponsored by Clickinmoms. We had a great time and I love meeting other local photogs and making new friends!
Thanks for stopping in today. Have a great day!!
Paper Heart Camera: Show and Tell Favorite Summer Photo
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Have you visited Paper Heart Camera lately? There's some fun stuff going on over there. Lots of talented ladies have come together to bring you posts about all your favorite photography related topics. You should pop by and check it out! I am excited to have been asked to be a regular contributor to the site. I'll be posting over there tomorrow so please stop in and say hello!
I'm also linking up this photo for the Show and Tell Favorite Summer Photo Contest. There's still a few days left to link up your entries, if you haven't already done so. There's a 24" x 32" Canvas from Hello Canvas up for grabs! Click here to find out more.
Edit Me Challenge
Thursday, April 5, 2012
I decided to try something new this week and join in the Edit Me challenge. I had fun playing with this beautiful pic that was taken by Alicia of Project Alicia. I did two different edits just for fun (and because I am indecisive).
Here's the original photo:
For my first edit, I opened it in LR3 and cropped it just a touch, then I played with the sliders until I was happy. I was going for the moody and dramatic. Then I took it into PS4 and sharpened for the web:
For the second I used a LR vintage action, but lightened it up by adding brightness and fill light. Then I increased the luminance before I took it into PS4. In PS4, I ran Paint the Moon's Hushed Softness to add some dreaminess and exported for the web.
I love editing pics, especially beautiful ones like this. The sky is the limit!
Check out more creative edits here: