Step-by-Step Layout

Happy August y’all!  CTM Robin here with another Step-by-Step blog post.  I’ve been blessed enough to play with my grandson this summer while taking loads of pictures!  Now that I’m home from visiting, I wanted to scrap his photos since I miss him terribly already.  With this in mind, I went looking for a single photo template that had lots of room for papers so I could match the colors in his funny dinosaur robe.  I think I found the perfect one in the That’s My List Templates 2 pack:

The first step is the best one in my opinion – putting his photo in the photo spot!

Next, I clipped some colorful papers from Hey There, Handsome by Bella Gypsy’s Design:

They were fun to use, and I love that I could use so many in the different layers on this template.  After the papers, I added a bunch of word strips and other elements to fill up the template:

Finally, I journaled about my love for him and his love for his robe 😊

Well, that’s another layout done quickly thanks to Liz’s template.  I hope you like my page and thanks for joining me on this process!

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© Scrapping with Liz
Maira Gall