My memory is not the greatest. I took seven years to memorize my six names. Just after one year I could remember my own celphone number.
But the worst thing for my memory is NAMES. In Brazil I had this little problem, specially with "creative" names. But when I came to India I became hopeless.
Rajeev, Shveta, Sikandar, Ashutosh, Anuragh and the list keeps. My classmates had their names changed, by me of course. Teachers are called by their characteristics, we have Yelling Teacher, Chuncky Sir, Awesome Ma'am, Sir Jee...
Trying to find a reason for such a short memory I remebered (hironically) that since my childhood I hear my mom calling me by my sibilins names and it got the extreme of one day calling me Maraiza (our dog's name).
I realize that maybe this is genetic.
Sapatilha de Ouro - Golden Sneaker
De tudo um pouco. A little bit of everything.
sexta-feira, 1 de abril de 2011
domingo, 27 de março de 2011
Present Sir! - Presente 'fessor
Here in India is quite different from Brazil. Not only by the horns above 365 decibels or the monkeys walking in the street. Inside the classroom it is also unlike the largest country in South America.
When I did my under graduation, teachers made us all feel as students who had to give blood to become great professionals and would soon be market colleagues. The result of that behavior was and motivation admiration. Today, doing the second semester of my Masters I realize how much I miss Vanice, Lu Oliveira, Renata Feldman among other masters. True Masters say it in passing.
Here, inside the classroom, students are massacred and unmotivated to try. To try to challenge themselves, to try something new, try a suggestion. The teacher, who is the Divine and Supreme Being, can not ever be contradicted. Nobody in the whole galaxy in absolutely nothing knows more than him
DISCUSS an issue? No way, discussion leads to thinking. It is forbidden! It is from devil!
Student who is a good student has no opinion, agree with the error and prostrate themselves in worship before Guru ji (master).
I do not know and I'm afraid to ask. How it works? I’m forbidden to understand, I have to memorize.
I told the head of the department that I was considering doing a PhD here in India. The answer: Leave communication and open a restaurant!
So stimulating!
The same head, and the only professor who does a some justice to the title, do not get tired of saying that all students are worthless and never will be employed. They’ll end peeling potatoes in a corner shop across the street.
They are monsters creating monsters. People who were offended by the authorities and to “pay back” they offend others who are going to “pay back” offending whoever comes ahead.
Students do not attend classes to gain knowledge. Attend to gain attendance. Learning comes from books and books alone.
Meanwhile I go to my class, usually in Hindi, to raise my hand and say "Present Sir" a present that is absent from my thoughts, my opinions or my intelligence.
Oh how I love my India!
Aqui na India e bem diferente do Brasil. Nao so pelas buzinas acima de 365 decibeis ou pelos macacos andando na rua. Dentro da sala de aula tambem.
Quando fiz minha graduacao todos os professores nos faziam sentir estudantes que tinham que dar o sangue e em breve seriam colegas de mercado. O resultado desse tipo de atitude era admiracao e motivacao. Hoje, no segundo semestre do meu mestrado percebo o quanto sinto falta da Vanice, Lu Oliveira, Renata Feldman entre outros mestres. Verdadeiros mestres diga-se de passagem.
Aqui, dentro da sala de aula, alunos sao massacrados e desmotivados a TENTAREM. A tentar se desafiar, a tentar algo novo, a tentar uma sugestao. O professor, ser Divino e Supremo, nao pode jamais ser contradito. Ninguem em toda a galaxia, em absolutamente nada, sabe mais do que Ele.
DISCUTIR um assunto? De jeito nenhum, discussao leva a pensar. E proibido! E do capeta!
Aluno que e aluno nao tem opiniao, concorda com o erro e se prostra em adoracao diante do Guru ji (Mestre).
Eu nao sei e tenho medo de perguntar. Como e que funciona? Eu nao posso entender, eu tenho que decorar.
Comentei com o diretor do departamento que estava pensando em fazer doutorado aqui na India. A resposta: Larga comunicacao e abre um restaurante!
Que estimulo gostoso!
Esse mesmo diretor, que e o unico professor que faz um pouquinho de juz ao titulo, nao se cansa de dizer que todos os alunos sao imprestaveis e nunca serao empregados. Vao terminar descascando batatas em algum buteco de esquina.
Eles sao monstros gerando monstros. Pessoas que foram ofendidas por autoridades e para descontar ofendem outros que para descontar vao ofender quem vier pela frente.
Alunos nao frequentam as aulas para ganhar conhecimento. Frequentam para ganhar presenca. Aprendizado mesmo vem dos livros e dos livros apenas.
Enquanto isso vou pra minha aula, geralmente em hindi, pra levantar a minha mao e dizer "Present Sir" um present ausente dos meus pensamentos, minhas opinioes ou minha inteligencia.
Ah como eu amo a minha India!
quarta-feira, 23 de março de 2011
Social Network
We have seminars and all the students have to give a short speach about a chosen topic.
One of the topics were social network, and I was suppost to take part on it, which I didn't.
Anyway, something that really bothers me about this "new" way to relate to the external world is the fact that more you get into it more you close yourself in the internal world.
How many youngsters we have today that can not spend an hour without "twitting" but can't talk to their parents for five minutes?
How is the relationship inside of a household after facebook/myspace/twitter...
How easy a person spend ours talking with a stranger on a online chat but can't say hello to the people that surounds them daily.
I saw this video and it made me wonder even more about this "social" network.
One of the topics were social network, and I was suppost to take part on it, which I didn't.
Anyway, something that really bothers me about this "new" way to relate to the external world is the fact that more you get into it more you close yourself in the internal world.
How many youngsters we have today that can not spend an hour without "twitting" but can't talk to their parents for five minutes?
How is the relationship inside of a household after facebook/myspace/twitter...
How easy a person spend ours talking with a stranger on a online chat but can't say hello to the people that surounds them daily.
I saw this video and it made me wonder even more about this "social" network.
Social Network,
what I think about
Nostalgia... ooooold posts from my oooooold blogs
Complete Surrender
My beloved is mine, and I am his. Song of Solomon 2:16 a
There's a Someone who even before the world was made loved me.
Before enyone He loved me with such a deep, intense and beautiful love that the only answer I could give was the complete surrender of my heart.
Oh my Beloved, thank you. I love you and I say YES to Your love.
Forever I am totally and completely Yours.
Entrega total
O meu amado é meu, e eu sou dele. Cantares 2:16a
Existe um Alguém que antes mesmo do mundo existir já me amava.
Antes de todos Ele me amava com um amor tão profundo, intenso e lindo, que a única resposta que eu poderia dar era a entrega total do meu coração.
Ah meu Amado, obrigada. Eu te amo e digo SIM para o Seu amor. Para sempre sou totalmente e inteiramente Tua.
Breath over me
It's interesting how life (at least mine) works. When everything is still and there tree’s leaves don’t clap and there is lack of wind I want a hurricane, I want the intensity of the divine breath. When the breeze starts to come, on tiptoe, want no more typhoon but dancing under the palm trees that rhythmic claps the Creator.
At this point everything seems to fit. Everything calms down and sits in its place. Ah, how good is to rest in the Lord.
Come Spirit and pour out Your sweet fragrance, I want to dance at your own pace, want to be kissed by Your breeze.
Sopra sobre mim
É interessante como a vida (pelo menos a minha) funciona. Quando tudo está parado e nenhuma folha se balança pela falta do vento eu quero um furacão, quero a intensidade do sopro divino. Quando a brisa começa a vir, pé ante pé, não quero mais o tufão e sim dançar de acordo com as palmas rítmicas das árvores que aplaudem o Criador.
Nesse momento tudo parece encaixar. Tudo se acalma e repousa no seu devido lugar. Ah, como é bom descansar no SENHOR.
Vem Espírito e derrama a Tua doce fragância, quero dançar no Teu rítmo, quero ser beijada pela Tua brisa.
Nothing = EverythingNothing can stop me from singing, nothing can cover my mouth and stop me to rejoice your name and prophesy. Yes, I prophesy that even though I failed I’ll get up and obey, even if it hurts me I'll obey You because in a place where my eyes can not reach the realization of each dream every plan that the Lord has for me will be fulfilled.
I will not keep silent. Nothing will stop me from moving forward towards the prize that is Your fullness.
Oh Lord, here is my heart, I'll give it all, even if it do not seem want to be given. I offer You my recional service. Yes, I want to give it to You. Take my heart, Jesus take it and make it what the Lord wishes.
I am yours, only yours, I take myself out of my own hands surender to You and you alone, for the Lord and worthy of trustworth.
I trust in You, so I say that I will obey. I say YES.
Nada = TudoNada podera me fazer parar de cantar, nada podera tampar a minha boca e me impedir de exultar o Teu nome e profetizar. Sim, eu profetizarei que mesmo sendo falha eu vou obedecer, mesmo que me doa eu vou Te obedecer porque la na frente, num lugar onde meus olhos nao alcancam, esta a concretizacao de cada sonho e plano que o Senhor tem pra mim.
Eu nao vou calar, nada vai me fazer parar de seguir em frente rumo ao premio que e a Tua plenitude.
Ah Senhor, aqui esta o meu coracao, eu te entrego ele todo, mesmo que pareca que nao quero entregar, eu te ofereco o meu culto racional, eu quero sim te entregar, receba o meu coracao, toma ele Jesus e faz dele o que o Senhor quiser. Eu sou tua, somente tua, eu me tiro das minhas maos para me render a Ti, e somente a Ti, porque o Senhor e digno de confianca, de entrega. Eu confio em Ti, por isso digo que vou obedecer. Eu digo SIM
My beloved is mine, and I am his. Song of Solomon 2:16 a
There's a Someone who even before the world was made loved me.
Before enyone He loved me with such a deep, intense and beautiful love that the only answer I could give was the complete surrender of my heart.
Oh my Beloved, thank you. I love you and I say YES to Your love.
Forever I am totally and completely Yours.
Entrega total
O meu amado é meu, e eu sou dele. Cantares 2:16a
Existe um Alguém que antes mesmo do mundo existir já me amava.
Antes de todos Ele me amava com um amor tão profundo, intenso e lindo, que a única resposta que eu poderia dar era a entrega total do meu coração.
Ah meu Amado, obrigada. Eu te amo e digo SIM para o Seu amor. Para sempre sou totalmente e inteiramente Tua.
Breath over me
It's interesting how life (at least mine) works. When everything is still and there tree’s leaves don’t clap and there is lack of wind I want a hurricane, I want the intensity of the divine breath. When the breeze starts to come, on tiptoe, want no more typhoon but dancing under the palm trees that rhythmic claps the Creator.
At this point everything seems to fit. Everything calms down and sits in its place. Ah, how good is to rest in the Lord.
Come Spirit and pour out Your sweet fragrance, I want to dance at your own pace, want to be kissed by Your breeze.
Sopra sobre mim
É interessante como a vida (pelo menos a minha) funciona. Quando tudo está parado e nenhuma folha se balança pela falta do vento eu quero um furacão, quero a intensidade do sopro divino. Quando a brisa começa a vir, pé ante pé, não quero mais o tufão e sim dançar de acordo com as palmas rítmicas das árvores que aplaudem o Criador.
Nesse momento tudo parece encaixar. Tudo se acalma e repousa no seu devido lugar. Ah, como é bom descansar no SENHOR.
Vem Espírito e derrama a Tua doce fragância, quero dançar no Teu rítmo, quero ser beijada pela Tua brisa.
Nothing = EverythingNothing can stop me from singing, nothing can cover my mouth and stop me to rejoice your name and prophesy. Yes, I prophesy that even though I failed I’ll get up and obey, even if it hurts me I'll obey You because in a place where my eyes can not reach the realization of each dream every plan that the Lord has for me will be fulfilled.
I will not keep silent. Nothing will stop me from moving forward towards the prize that is Your fullness.
Oh Lord, here is my heart, I'll give it all, even if it do not seem want to be given. I offer You my recional service. Yes, I want to give it to You. Take my heart, Jesus take it and make it what the Lord wishes.
I am yours, only yours, I take myself out of my own hands surender to You and you alone, for the Lord and worthy of trustworth.
I trust in You, so I say that I will obey. I say YES.
Nada = TudoNada podera me fazer parar de cantar, nada podera tampar a minha boca e me impedir de exultar o Teu nome e profetizar. Sim, eu profetizarei que mesmo sendo falha eu vou obedecer, mesmo que me doa eu vou Te obedecer porque la na frente, num lugar onde meus olhos nao alcancam, esta a concretizacao de cada sonho e plano que o Senhor tem pra mim.
Eu nao vou calar, nada vai me fazer parar de seguir em frente rumo ao premio que e a Tua plenitude.
Ah Senhor, aqui esta o meu coracao, eu te entrego ele todo, mesmo que pareca que nao quero entregar, eu te ofereco o meu culto racional, eu quero sim te entregar, receba o meu coracao, toma ele Jesus e faz dele o que o Senhor quiser. Eu sou tua, somente tua, eu me tiro das minhas maos para me render a Ti, e somente a Ti, porque o Senhor e digno de confianca, de entrega. Eu confio em Ti, por isso digo que vou obedecer. Eu digo SIM
The burden of love
This post was made in 2009 at another blog that I had. I was just rerading it now and it is speaking more then ever in my heart!

It is very funny how some desires comes strongly in my heart and I think that this or that will fill what, in my mind, is missing. For example: family, friends, companion.
What I don`t realize is that all this things will not be complete by a marriage, communion with brothers and sisters or facebook. What I really need I can only find in only one place: Jesus. “You are a fountain in the gardens, a well of living waters, Which stream from Lebanon.” Song of Solomon 4:15.
Jesus don`t want me to run before nothing, including His work.
I find everything in Him: love, admiration, kindness, companion and care.EVERYTHING. And the only thing I need to do is simply to answer to His presence and participation in my life and not carrying a pain or a burden.
He didn`t call me for pain, He called me for love.
Don`t hurt to a river to run to the ocean, although it will cost to the river a lost of its essence (sweet water). In the same way to love and serve Jesus doesn't hurt, even though I'll need deny myself and carry my cross.
Jesus ask me to read Joshua 23:9-11: “For the LORD hath driven out from before you great nations and strong: but as for you, no man hath been able to stand before you to this day. One man of you shall chase a thousand: for the LORD your God, he it is that fighteth for you, as he hath promised you. Take good heed therefore to yourselves, that ye love the LORD your God”. And He said to me “Carol, everything I promised you happened, are happening and will happen. You will pass through wars but I promised that I`ll fight for you, I don`t want you to fight, just to love Me.” So I realize that fighting for the Lord is empty because the only thing He asks me is to love Him. I am aware that for myself I can do nothing.
The only thing I have, and it`s what I want to give Him is my heart with all my affections.
"Jesus, Daddy and Holy Spirit, teach me how to Love You. Take me to that place in You where the only thing I can do is to be fascinate for You. Please help me to do only what You ask me, nothing more and nothing less.
With love,
Your Carol"
It is very funny how some desires comes strongly in my heart and I think that this or that will fill what, in my mind, is missing. For example: family, friends, companion.
What I don`t realize is that all this things will not be complete by a marriage, communion with brothers and sisters or facebook. What I really need I can only find in only one place: Jesus. “You are a fountain in the gardens, a well of living waters, Which stream from Lebanon.” Song of Solomon 4:15.
Jesus don`t want me to run before nothing, including His work.
I find everything in Him: love, admiration, kindness, companion and care.EVERYTHING. And the only thing I need to do is simply to answer to His presence and participation in my life and not carrying a pain or a burden.
He didn`t call me for pain, He called me for love.
Don`t hurt to a river to run to the ocean, although it will cost to the river a lost of its essence (sweet water). In the same way to love and serve Jesus doesn't hurt, even though I'll need deny myself and carry my cross.
Jesus ask me to read Joshua 23:9-11: “For the LORD hath driven out from before you great nations and strong: but as for you, no man hath been able to stand before you to this day. One man of you shall chase a thousand: for the LORD your God, he it is that fighteth for you, as he hath promised you. Take good heed therefore to yourselves, that ye love the LORD your God”. And He said to me “Carol, everything I promised you happened, are happening and will happen. You will pass through wars but I promised that I`ll fight for you, I don`t want you to fight, just to love Me.” So I realize that fighting for the Lord is empty because the only thing He asks me is to love Him. I am aware that for myself I can do nothing.
The only thing I have, and it`s what I want to give Him is my heart with all my affections.
"Jesus, Daddy and Holy Spirit, teach me how to Love You. Take me to that place in You where the only thing I can do is to be fascinate for You. Please help me to do only what You ask me, nothing more and nothing less.
With love,
Your Carol"
quarta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2009
Visita no morro!
Mamae ta vindo me visitar!!!
Ela chega daqui algumas horas!
Mais um motivo para emagrecer!
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