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Showing posts with label night fury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label night fury. Show all posts


halloween fun

Harbor halloween 2010 2

We had a fun (and dry!) Halloween this year.  Harbor halloween 2010

And aparently everyone else in the town came out to enjoy the beautiflul weather as well - WOW!

Harbor halloween 2010 4

The folks downtown are very gratious (and brave) to come out and share treats with SO many costumed kiddos. 

Toothless 5

I think the sheer number of people was a bit much for my boys...

  Toothless collage

but I was able to get a few pictures amongst the chaos.

Toothless 4

Cowboy collage
My little cowboy really got into character by yelling, "Howdy Partner!" to everyone he passed. 
And he was thrilled to meet a few celebrities along the way (so thirlled infact, he asked if he could go home with them).


But I have to say...


Dots 2
these moments were by far the most wonderful.


Happy November 1st!