This last minute costume was made using freezer paper stencils, and came together just hours before the school Halloween party on Friday. The first costume, Artzooka!, was great (and he loved it). Unfortunately, not many people around here know about the show, so they just thought he forgot to dress up (he was devastated). So, we put our heads together and came up with this skeleton costume.
halloween 2011
This last minute costume was made using freezer paper stencils, and came together just hours before the school Halloween party on Friday. The first costume, Artzooka!, was great (and he loved it). Unfortunately, not many people around here know about the show, so they just thought he forgot to dress up (he was devastated). So, we put our heads together and came up with this skeleton costume.
artzooka! superfan costume
halloween fun
We had a fun (and dry!) Halloween this year.
And aparently everyone else in the town came out to enjoy the beautiflul weather as well - WOW!
The folks downtown are very gratious (and brave) to come out and share treats with SO many costumed kiddos.
I think the sheer number of people was a bit much for my boys...
but I was able to get a few pictures amongst the chaos.
My little cowboy really got into character by yelling, "Howdy Partner!" to everyone he passed.
And he was thrilled to meet a few celebrities along the way (so thirlled infact, he asked if he could go home with them).
these moments were by far the most wonderful.
Happy November 1st!
EEK! halloween costumes
littlest cowboy and Tootlless (from the movie How to Train Your Dragon)
EEK! Has it really been that long since my last post? The last few weeks have been a blur, but I have finally finished the costume making marathon (more pics to come).
Have a great weekend!
necessity is the mother of invention & a TUTORIAL
What a relief to be finished making costumes (see the others here and here). With the help of some good music and strong coffee, I was able to stick it out until 2am last night. I am quite surprised that I am still functioning after all that and a school Halloween Party - Go Me!!
My oldest is at the age where I no longer have a say in his Halloween costumes, hence the Batboy costume. I was still able to keep it semi-homemade (I made the cape and appliques). My youngest though, is still young enough to be influenced by mom, but as you can see he influenced by big brother too. As a happy medium we came up with - Recycle Man, saving the earth one recyclable at a time!!! The best part of these costumes is that they now have new sweatshirts and pants that can be warn any time, not just on Halloween - total bonus!!
And as a reward for finishing... an evening of reading this book and listening to the soothing sound of my sick hubby snoring...well, OK, the at least the reading will be rewarding.
halloween costumes
Well, I finally finished two Halloween costumes today - Pebbles and Bam Bam. They are for the darling brother and sister that I watch during the day, ages 3 and 6 months. The Pebbles costume has a lined pinafore style top (my own pattern), leggings, and of course a bone barrette. (Please ignore the wrinkles and safety pins where the buttons should be, I had to snap the picture before all the little ones woke up from their naps.) For the Bam Bam costume, I used a thrifted orange shirt for the pants and brown wool felt for the shoulder strap and club. I stuffed the club with polyfil and a loud wrapper (empty fish cracker bag) to act as a noise maker! I can't wait to see them in action!!
Now off to finish the last two costumes. Why do I put this off until the last minute ever year?
Getting ready for Halloween on Etsy!
Wow, it really has been a long time since my last post. I have been working on Halloween costumes for my Etsy shop. This year I have decided to add cowgirl costumes, and they are really quite fun to make!
I just finished another Wardrobe Refashion project today, I hope to have it posted by this evening!