Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Finishing Details and A New Favorite Etsy Shop

It's the little things that bring the most joy.

Case in point: the small side entry in my house...

I have been loving the new shiplap walls and lighter paint color. But, I recently added a couple of finishing details.

Did you notice them? I installed a bamboo shade, which was super easy to do. I like the texture (and privacy) it offers.

And I added this adorable new pillow from HERE. You know how I love a pop of pink!

I usually ignore the emails from Etsy suggesting products I might like. However, in one such e-mail a pillow caught my eye, and when I visited the etsy shop, I saw that it was owned by a gal in my town.

Got to support the local folk… especially when they're making beautiful stuff!!

I mean, check out her work…

She also makes adorable Christmas stockings and these wine gift bags...

She has lots of different style pillows from cottage to modern industrial to boho chic. I just thought they were all so adorable, I had to share them with you.

If you have any favorite etsy shops, I'd love to hear about them! Have a great Hump Day!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

High Point Market Fall 2014

Last week was Fall break for my kiddos. Two of my sons were spending the long weekend on a class trip and a scout camp out. So, I let my husband have some quality father/son time with the two younger boys, and this mama headed to the market!

High Point Market, that is.

Or, as I like to refer to it… "Disneyland for Designers."

If you aren't familiar with High Point Market, it is the largest furnishings trade show in the world, featuring 11.5 million square feet of showspace. That doesn't sound a bit overwhelming, does it?

I've been trying to get to market for a couple of years, but the timing always interferes with our Spring break and our Fall break. So I was beyond excited that I could make it work this Fall!

I had just three days to take in as much of the market as possible. I stayed with my dear friend, Amy Hale, who is a designer in Cary, NC. Every morning we got up early and made the hour drive to High Point to shop until we dropped (literally!).

We had a list of showrooms that we wanted to be sure to see, and also left ourselves time to explore  and discover new places. I felt like a kid in a candy store!

Here is a little snapshot of the eye candy...

Mr. Brown

Mr. Brown

Bobo Intriguing Objects

World's Away

World's Away

Karen Robertson Collection

Dunes and Duchess

Ro Sham Beaux

Lillian August

Lillian August

Lillian August

Lillian August

Chelsea House

Blue Ocean Traders

I'm officially addicted to High Point, and hope to return for the Spring market. I've got more photos and stories to share, so stay tuned.

If you need any of this yumminess in your own home, contact me. I'd love to help you design your dream space!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Fabric Fairy Tale: Part Deux

I know the suspense was killing you, so I'm back with the second part of my fabric story.

When I last left you, I had decided that I would recover my basement chair cushions with this fabric…

"Funochio Parade" is its name. Wild and crazy is its game.

I'll admit this funky design is a little out of my comfort zone. I liked the sample swatch, but I wanted to see what this fabric looked like in a larger dose. So, I began googling it. Surely, someone somewhere had recovered a piece of furniture in it. Right?

Ummm… no.

Or, if they had, they weren't sharing it with the world wide web.

I was just going to have to trust that the chair would be fabulous.

It's got to be better than this, right?

Fast forward 24 hours. In preparation for another project, I am on line researching planked walls. My search eventually leads me to Sandra's blog, where I see this...

 Sandra's Closet

What the what!?? Is that Funochio Parade I spy on that adorable bench? It sure looks like it.

(This is the Twilight Zone moment I alluded to in my last post. Do-do-do-do.)

I immediately e-mail Sandra to find out. She graciously responds that she doesn't recall the name, but she purchased the fabric at Hobby Lobby a couple of years ago.

I know it's a long shot, but I hop in my car and head over to the Lobby of Hobby, hoping I might be able to find the fabric.

And guess what? I did!!!  A big fat bolt of Funochio was waiting right there for me.

And the best part? It was $24.99/yd + 40% off! Much better than the fabric store's price of $44.99/yd.

That meant a savings of $120!! Now, that's what I call a Happy Ending.

You were probably hoping Part Two of this story would mean an actual reveal of the chair with her new cushions, but you're going to have to wait a little longer for that. Not because I'm trying to turn this story into a novel, but because the cushions aren't done yet :)

However, I am making progress on the basement makeover. If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen that I did some painting this weekend...

Be back soon to show you the latest…

Friday, February 28, 2014

My New Outlet Shopping Purchase: It's Kind of a Big Deal

Okay… I promised you earlier this week that I would be back to show you my big, bad (meaning totally good) purchases from the weekend's outlet shopping excursion.

I should save the best for last, but I just can't wait to share it. This was my favorite item and best deal rolled into one.

The backstory: I've been eyeing this little number from West Elm for quite some time...

It's the Phoenix Dhurrie rug from West Elm. Originally $599 for an 8x10. (It's on sale right now online for $419 plus $25 delivery surcharge.)

It had me at pink. I know. It's my weakness. I thought it would be fun in the sunroom, which already has some pink accents. However, they didn't have the rug in the store near me so that I could check it out in person, and I really didn't need to be spending that kind of $$ anyway. Plus, does my house really need any more pink? Maybe not. So, I let it go.

Last Friday, my friend Valerie and I went outlet shopping in Ohio, and our first stop was Pottery Barn. (You may remember Valerie from our run in with Thrifty Decor Chick.)

The Pottery Barn outlet carries all things PB and West Elm. It was nirvana. And nestled among the rows of rugs was a Phoenix Dhurrie rug. We had met at last! And I loved every 8x10 inch of it.

The rug didn't have a price tag, but I figured it would be around $300. I asked a sales associate to check the price. He came back and told me it would be $167. SCORE! Even if it didn't work in the sunroom, that baby was coming home with me. I could not pass up that deal.

When I got to the counter to pay, I was informed that the rug was an additional 30% off, meaning the $599 rug was mine for less than $120. I felt as if I'd won some type of shopping award. I may have given the cashier an acceptance speech. 

Here's Phoenix Dhurrie lying on my sunroom floor. As you can tell by my stacks of magazines, I didn't bother to stage the photo for you.

I'm getting ready to make some paint changes to this room, so I'll have better pics soon. But, I couldn't wait to show you.

I'll be unveiling some other outlet purchases next week. Stay tuned…

We are getting ready for yet another snowstorm to hit tomorrow. It makes me want to throw myself down on my pink rug and have a pity party. What are you up to this weekend?

Sharing at Wow Us Wednesdays

Friday, January 31, 2014

The Look for Less

Just had to share my latest budget-friendly find. As you know, I'm sprucing up my basement this winter. This is the design board I created with the vision I have for the space.

Notice the weathered brass end table?

Arteriors Santiago Iron End Table

Price: $756

Now, I was not really considering spending nearly $800 on an end table for my basement that will likely be completely abused by my children. I just liked the look, and figured maybe I'd find something similar.

Well, I did…

Threshold Metal Honeycomb Accent Table

Price: $63.99

I was perusing the aisles of my beloved Target, and this little gem jumped right out at me. It was marked down from an original price of $79. Score!

If you're in the market for an accent table in a weathered brass finish, run to Target. They'll hook you up.

Now, I haven't seen the Arteriors version in real life. Perhaps it is a solid iron piece, unlike my hollow Threshold table. Or maybe it's solid gold.

But, for my purposes, I'll take the look for less.

Have you scored any looks for less lately? I'd love to know.

TGIF, friends!! Let's get this weekend started...

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What's In Store: HomeGoods and Tuesday Morning

Thanksgiving is almost here, and I know you're probably busy getting ready for it. Perhaps you're feeling a bit overwhelmed or stressed out?

Maybe a little virtual retail therapy will help? I thought so :)

Here are a few things that caught my eye at HomeGoods the other day.

You will notice I photographed quite a few blue and white objects, as I was shopping with my mom's dining room in mind.

These tufted storage ottomans were available in red and brown, too.

That black and gold mirror was calling my name. I had to ignore him as part of my 12 step program for mirror addiction.

This was a pretty substantial ginger jar. I came home with two smaller ones. They don't have a large selection of them, but I've scored 4 in the past two weeks.

Sorry about the blurry iPhone pics. I'm sure someone must have been shoving me in the back with a cart when I snapped this one.

Another sleek, hip mirror.

These little ottomans looked fresh and fun.

If you need a plaid blanket, this is the time to get one. I searched for months when I needed one for my son's tween room. Now they are everywhere. So it goes.

Lest you think I only shop at HomeGoods, I also hit the local Tuesday Morning yesterday. I find it to be very hit-or-miss, but I have found a couple of items there lately that I am totally digging.

I didn't take a picture, but I bought two seagrass doormats for seven bucks each. Score!

Also, I was surprised and delighted to see these..

Kantha quilts for $39.99.

I've been searching high and low for a kantha, but sadly, central Indiana is not an international shopping mecca. It's hard to find vintage ethnic textiles. Who woulda thunk that Tuesday Morning would be so cutting edge?

I liked the pattern of these dog beds. I didn't get one though. Last time I brought home a new dog bed, Lucky peed all over it. This is my life, people.

Well, I hope that little shopping trip calmed your nerves. Now you can get back to your Thanksgiving preparations.

Hang in there! We'll be in a food coma soon enough :)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What's In Store: HomeGoods & Target

I have a theory that if you are patient, an item you've been looking for will eventually show up on the shelf at Target or HomeGoods.

Like these campaign tables...

I went on an exhaustive search for a campaign desk for my son's bedroom, and was finally able to find one on craigslist. Yet, just a few months later, I spot this one at Target...

And, that Pottery Barn mercury glass lamp that I wanted so badly, but wouldn't get because of the price tag?

Here's is the closest look-a-like I've seen at HomeGoods for a fraction of the price...

Here are some other goodies I spotted this week at HomeGoods. Maybe one of them is on your wish list?

Big red clock anyone?

Cool chair. Wish they would have had two.

I liked the seeded glass in this lamp base.

Rustic chic end table.

My mirror obsession reared its head when I saw this...

But, I behaved and walked away. See the mirror peeking out behind it? The frame is made out of corks. Get busy with that, you DIY girls!

These coffee tables were so pricey a few years ago...

I dig these gold accent tables. Guess you could say I'm a gold-digger :)

Bar carts are all the rage, and here was a promising one...

I'd spray paint it gold though.

Pretty upholstered pieces.

That's what I found in store this week. What has caught your eye lately? Hope you'll share with us. It might be just the thing someone's been waiting patiently to find :)