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if (!phone.match(that.regular.phone)) { app.showToast({ title: toI18n("enterPhoneNo"), }); } else { $.post( SCENEID + "/sms", { phone: phone, }, function(res) { scode.attr({ "data-disabled": "disabled", }); function clicker() { timer -= 1; scode.text(timer + "S"); if (timer > 0) { setTimeout(clicker, 1000); } else { scode .removeAttr("data-disabled") .text(toI18n("sendVerificationCode")); } } clicker(); } ); } }, refreshHits: function(params) { $.post(SCENEID + "/view", params); }, }; var app = new application(); (function() { var $id = $(".ui-product-album-box"); var $list = $id.find(".ui-product-album"); var $dots = $id.find(".dots"); var $prev = $id.find(".prev"); var $next = $id.find(".next"); var $video = document.getElementById("mainVideo"); var width = $list.width(); var offset = 67; var interval = 5000; var index = 0; var timer; var autoplay = false; var length = $list.find(".auto-img-box").length; var NEED_SCROLL = length > 6; var HAS_VIDEO = !!$("#mainVideo").length; $list.find(".auto-img-box").width(width); 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var htmlArr = arrays.map(function(item, index) { var strArr = item.map(function(it, i) { var temp = i == values[index] ? '