One thing you learned how to do this month is scrunch your nose, which I LOVE!! You’ll sometimes scrunch your nose and then breath in and out of it really fast, like Evie did when she was a baby. When I randomly do it to you, you'll often do it back. You'll also mimic me when I click my tongue.
You very clearly and very regularly say, “Muh Muh” when you want me to hold you. It baffles me because you’re still so young, but I truly believe you know who you’re calling for when you say it.
You first scooted backward while laying on your tummy on 9/26. You've also started scooting around a little bit while sitting on your bottom. You can now push yourself up onto all fours when you have something you can push your feet against, like in your bassinet.
You continue to growl at times, which can be a bit embarrassing during Wednesday night Bible study. It's so funny to me how you can so seamlessly interweave your soft, gentle coos with those low, deep growls.
You very clearly and very regularly say, “Muh Muh” when you want me to hold you. It baffles me because you’re still so young, but I truly believe you know who you’re calling for when you say it.
I love how when you’re tired or just really happy, you’ll put your left hand behind your back, and rotate your left shoulder and elbow forward. This picture almost captures it, except that your hand is in front of you--not behind. Anyway, it’s so cute!
Speaking of happy, you still love to fly or be tossed above my head (barely leaving my hands). You put your left hand in your mouth and laugh every time I do it.
You adore your brothers and sister, and they absolutely adore you! Evie makes a beeline for you anytime y'all are in the same room, and she talks regularly about how she can't wait to share a room with you. It's such a blessing to watch y'all delight in one another, and I'm excited to watch your relationships grow.
There were a few times this month that you weren't sleepy right when I laid you down for your nap. Instead of staying on your tummy, which is how you normally nap, you would immediately flip over onto your back so you could play and look around. In those moments, I stood at your feet--where you couldn't see me--and held my hand over your bottom to push your bottom back down every time you pushed it up to flip yourself over. It's amazing how strong your little legs are!
You don't have any teeth yet but often chew on your hands or fingers. You also play with your tongue a lot. We still haven't introduced any solid foods, and you've yet to have a bottle, but hopefully we'll do some of that next month. Though you haven't eaten yet, you sat in your first highchairs this're such a big girl!
Your days consist of 4 feedings and 3 naps. Your first 2 naps are typically 2 hours long, and your third nap is pretty much however long I'll let you sleep. Your naps are usually around 10 a.m., 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. I'm sure we could put you down earlier at night, but for now, that's what works with our schedules. This month ended with your last few days of sleeping swaddled at night.
Instead of napping on me or in your car seat while we're at church, you have begun napping in Daddy’s office on Sunday morning and in the extra office on Tuesdays while we're at Classical Conversations. At this point, you wear Size 2 diapers and mostly 6 Month clothes. As your hair gets a little longer, it appears that you might end up with curly hair. We'll see, but you often have little sections of hair on the back of your head that flip out and up, away from your head.
Instead of napping on me or in your car seat while we're at church, you have begun napping in Daddy’s office on Sunday morning and in the extra office on Tuesdays while we're at Classical Conversations. At this point, you wear Size 2 diapers and mostly 6 Month clothes. As your hair gets a little longer, it appears that you might end up with curly hair. We'll see, but you often have little sections of hair on the back of your head that flip out and up, away from your head.
(Click here to see more pictures of Lily.)