Hit www.rtsoft.com for more information on what we're working on now! The RTsoft staff: þ Programming þ Seth A. Robinson (seth@rtsoft.com) (using Microsoft Visual C++ & directx) þ Artwork þ Justin Martin (jmd@navicom.com) (using 3dmax, Adobe Photoshop, Poser) þ Level Design & Story þ Seth A. Robinson Greg Smith (Pap) Justin Martin þ CD Music þ (CD version only, third burn version) Track 2 - "Michief" by Seth A. Robinson ('95) Track 3 - "Intro" by Joel Baker Track 4 - "Egyption Theme" by Joel Baker Track 5 - "Bar room theme" by Joel Baker (yes, inspired by an Ultima midi) Track 6 - "Bravery theme" by Joel Baker Track 7 - "Heartbeat Dungeon" by Joel Baker. Chris Baker and Seth helped Track 8 - "Heroin" by Joel Baker Track 9 - "Battle March" by Joel Baker Track 10 - "Haunted Stone" by Seth A. Robinson Track 11 - "Dana" by Seth A. Robinson Track 12 - "Memories" by Seth A. Robinson Track 13 - "Church Theme" by Seth A. Robinson ('92) Track 14 - "Somber" by Greg Smith Track 15 - "The Funk-o-matic" by Greg Smith Track 16 - "Island" by Seth A. Robinson ('91) Track 17 - "Clubdance" by Greg Smith (original music by Seth A. Robinson) Track 18 - "Generic Adventure" by Greg Smith Track 19 - "Pantastic" by Seth A. Robinson ('91) þ Midi Music þ tavern theme - Mitch Brink cave theme - Mitch Brink story.mid - Joel Baker insper.mid - Joel Baker lively.mid - Joel Baker love.mid - Joel Baker wanderer.mid - Matt S. Smith battle.mid - Matt S. Smith sleep.mid - Matt S. Smith thebully.mid - Matt S. Smith dance.mid - Seth A. Robinson All new midi's for freeware version - Nobuo Kuge (thanks!!) His page: http://www.threeweb.ad.jp/~kuge/indexe.html Special thanks to Mitch Brink for doing additional midi music for the demo. His webpage is at http://www.geocities.com/~mitchb2/ The rest are favorite classical pieces of mine taken from the public domain. þ Sound effects þ Most were licensed from Hollywood Edge (tm). (www.hollywoodedge.com) Many were created by us as well, most using a Korg T3 & X3 keyboard. (level up wave, choir noise when you pickup a strength potion, etc) Sound Forge was also used. þ Technical Support, Sales, Beta testing and more ideas þ Shawn Teal ********* Additional help from the following: ********* þ Additional Level Design þ Chris Bakker þ Coding Consultant þ Daniel D Keneally þ DFArc2 þ Andrew Reading Dan Walma þ v1.08 Release Organizer þ Dan Walma þ v1.08 Game Fixes þ Talmadge Bradley III þ v1.08 Programming þ Dan Walma iNvERTIgO þ v1.08 Beta testing þ Vincent Beers Carrie Burton Kane Bunce Talmadge