
Showing posts with label Giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Giveaway. Show all posts

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Get Connected and WIN!

  Some of you have noticed that I recently started up several other ways of staying connected with readers:

Twitter - Updates on new posts, upcoming posts, and of course just chatting with the lovely nail blogging community!

Facebook - Similar to twitter, I will have post updates, information on upcoming posts and collections, and general chat with anyone who has a question.  Also will include photo albums of all of the polish here.

Pinterest - All of my photos, plus plenty of pins of inspiring nail art, gorgeous nail polish, and occasionally something totally non-nail related

Instagram - Previews of upcoming posts, fun nail mail, cute pet pictures, and some totally random stuff

YouTube - Tutorials, FAQs, stash videos.... currently nothing is up here but I have some things in the works, so keep an eye on it!

Aside from simply adding the icons to the sidebar there, I wanted to make a post to let you all know about the new ways to follow.  I thought about simply adding them in a nail post, but lets face it, most of the time we only care about pictures and not so much about the words!  I could just make a separate post about it, but that is no fun.  Then a fun little idea came to me, and I couldn't get it out of my head, so I had to go with it.  :)

Get Connected Giveaway!

  What better prize for a Get Connected giveaway than Lynnderella Connect the Dots?  I thought the name was just too perfect to pass up on!  To enter this giveaway, all I need is an e-mail - that's it!  However, there are loads of extra entry options for connecting up with Polishology on all of the various sites listed.  You can do as many or as few as you want, it's all up to you.  One lucky winner will receive this super fun glitter!

  The giveaway is open to all readers, including international, and will run until February 16th.  Enter on the Rafflecopter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

  As always, please let me know if something on the Rafflecopter is broken or not working right.  I am excited to get better connected with all of you fabulous readers!  Thanks so much for reading, it has been an awesome 2.5 years and I am so excited about all of the new things in store for Polishology in 2013!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Polishology is BACK - 2nd Anniversary GIVEAWAY!

  And.... we're back!  I have survived the first 12 weeks of third year and I am ready to get my poor little blog back up and running.  Plan on posts hopefully at least three times a week, including some old stuff I have been storing up over the summer, as well as a lot of fun new things.  I am really planning on making time for this as much as possible, but bear with me while I get back into the swing of things!

  Polishology recently turned two - we had a quiet celebration at home, haha.  Now it is time to celebrate with all of you wonderful readers, especially those of you who have continued to check up on the blog over the last couple of months while I have been a bit MIA.  In order to get things started up again I am going to hold a second anniversary giveaway, featuring the fall collections of some of my very favorite polish brands!

Polish prizes!
  For this giveaway, there will be three winners of 6 polishes each.  The first winner drawn will receive their choice of 2 OPI, 2 China Glaze, and 2 Zoya polishes of those available.  The second place winner will receive second pick of the same combos, and the third place winner will receive the remaining polishes.  Prizes include the following polishes:

OPI Germany Collection

German-icure by OPI, Deutsch You Want Me Baby?, Unfor-Greta-bly Blue, Suzi and the 7 Dusseldorfs, Every Month is Oktoberfest, Schnapps Out of It! 

China Glaze Bohemian Collection

Unpredictable, Want My Bawdy, Swanky Silk, Deviantly Daring, Rare and Radiant, No Plain Jane

Zoya Diva Collection

Song, Elisa, Daul, FeiFei, Ray, Suri
  To enter: Fill out the Rafflecopter below.  This is my first time using it, so if something isn't working right please feel free to comment and let me know.  The giveaway is open to all followers, both here in US as well as internationally.  If you don't follow via GFC, just let me know how you follow.  The giveaway will close at the end of the day October 1st, giving you two weeks to sign up, and I will contact the winners then!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

  I'm really excited to get Polishology running again.  I have some awesome polishes and great design ideas I can't wait to share with you all.  Thanks to all of you for being great readers over the past two years - I am hopeful that our third year will be another great one!

Luna welcomes you back to Polishology!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Maine Attraction + Giveaway Winner!

  First up, some nails - I got this gorgeous blue from Ulta awhile back with rewards points, so it was free - always nice!  It is a really gorgeous and fairly unique shade of blue.

Outdoors, shade
  This is two coats of Ulta Maine Attraction with stamping using Konad White and plate RA-109.  Loved the formula and the color on this one - I can never have too many blue polishes!  The dusty quality to this kind of makes it feel antique... or something along those lines.  :)  The flowers gave it a really classy and elegant look.

  I also finally wanted to announce the winner of the ElectroPop giveaway - sorry this has taken me so long!  I will be throwing in a couple of extra things for the winner, since this is about 2 months overdue and I feel kind of bad about that.  Now on to the winner.... congratulations to....

Annelise, from the blog No Naked Nails, as well as a variety of other awesome blogs that she runs.  Thanks so much for following!  :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

China Glaze ElectroPop Giveaway!

  Remember yesterday, when I said that I got an extra set of three polishes from China Glaze?  They were nice enough to let me keep them, so I am going to give a set of three to one of you!  :)

  Prizes in this giveaway will include the gorgeous Sunshine Pop, Aquadelic, and Dance Baby polishes from the Spring 2012 ElectroPop collection!  If you missed swatches you can see them here.

  I'm gonna keep this one super simple - just leave a comment below with your e-mail address and you are entered to win!  Of course you must be a follower to join.... and I may tack on an extra entry for people who have previously been active on Polishology as well... :)  This is just going to be a one week giveaway, and is open until February 28th at midnight.  International followers welcome! 

Thanks so much for reading, everyone! ❤

Monday, January 23, 2012

Congratulations, Giveaway Winner!

  I love doing giveaways for you all, as a way to thank you for your interest and participation in Polishology.  While I started this blog for me, it wouldn't still be here if it wasn't for all of you - so thank you!  I had a lot of fun looking through your New Year's Resolutions - hopefully we can all stick with them.  I will share a few of mine, but first here is what you are all waiting for.  :)  There were approximately 340 people entered in the giveaway, amounting to over 1000 total entries.  I used random.org to generate one random number for out winner, and with a lucky number of 215 the winner is....

May Shum

Her resolution - "Stay in touch with people- it's too risky to fall out of touch with friends and family!"

  That is such a great resolution, and one I really identified with.  I actually added it to my own list.  Here are a few of my resolutions for the new year:

1) Start exercising, eating healthier, and lose weight (I would love to lose 20-30 lbs this year)

2) Start sleeping on a more regular schedule

3) Make a lot of progress towards finishing my dissertation project in the lab

4) Not have a full-blown nail biting blowout (all nails gone) a single time this year - I had 2 last year :(

5) Make sure I see family and friends more often.  I want to finally have my grandparents over to my house!

  I have a lot of other things I would like to get done, but here are some basic goals for myself for the year.  Hopefully 2012 will be a great year for us all.  Thanks again for following - new nails will be back up Wednesday!

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Polish for a New Year Giveaway!

  Happy New Year!  I hope everyone is off to a fantastic start to 2012 - I know I am enjoying the new year so far.  I apologize for my general absence over the holidays, but I have been quite busy visiting family and didn't have a lot of time to play with polish - I was too busy playing with my adorable niece who was here to visit.  But I promise to get back to regularly scheduled postings in the new year.  And what better way to start the new year off than a giveaway?

  For this giveaway, the prize will be one full set of the Holiday Glitters from Nicole by OPI - you can see my swatches and review of these beauties here.   Just fill our the form below before the deadline of January 20th.  I will pick the winner by random number generator shortly after that deadline - as soon as I have time to compile all entries!  This giveaway will be open internationally, and you must be a GFC follower to enter.  I am going to keep entries fairly simple on this one so it is easier to go through for me - and easier to enter for you!  Good luck to all who enter!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Congratulations Giveaway Winner!

  So I finally got around to finishing up the list of entries and selecting the giveaway winner!  About 400 people entered, what an amazing turnout!  A lot of you also left really great suggestions, I really appreciate all of those thoughts and ideas, and I will try to make at least some of those thoughts happen soon.  And now, on to the giveaway winner...

Freshie from Polish Freshie!


  Thank you so much to all of those who entered.  I also hope that at least some of you who have been commenting so much throughout the giveaway continue to comment - I love reading what you have to say!  Thank you all again, this blog wouldn't have made it a year without all of your support!

  I already have some ideas for a couple of smaller upcoming giveaways, so stay tuned! 

Leo - up close and personal

Monday, August 29, 2011

Polishology's 1st Blog-o-versary Giveaway!!

  I am so excited that this blog has been around for a whole year.  I wondered last year when I started this whether it would still be around - perhaps I would lose interest, or maybe nobody would read it and therefore I would stop writing.  But I am so thrilled to have so many wonderful followers - especially those of you who visit often and comment - and am happy to say I love nail polish more now than I did a year ago!  To celebrate, I want to give back to all of you wonderful readers who make this blog amazing!

  One lucky winner will receive the polishes above!  I tried to include a variety here, so hopefully there is something in it for everyone!  Here is a more detailed look at the prize.

Deborah Lippmann Prizes
  First up, the prize pack includes two Deborah Lippmann glitters, Ruby Red Slippers and Bad Romance, as well as a Lippmann topcoat, On A Clear Day.

China Glaze Prizes
  Next, I have included four of my favorites from the new China Glaze Metro collection, Midtown Magic, Skyscraper, CG In The City, and Trendsetter.

Pixel Polish Prizes
  Finally, there are 10 Pixel polishes included, each 5 mL.  Colors are Supernova, Oh Wee!, Oh Boy!, Spam a Lot, Oh Goly Gee!, Text Us, Cuddle Time, Show Me The $, Pixel Dust, and Turqouise the Noise.

  This giveaway is open internationally to all followers - you must be a GFC follower to enter!  This contest will run until September 23rd, and the winner will be announced the next week, most likely the 26th.  The winner will have 72 hours to get back to me or another winner will be chosen.  Winner will be chosen by random number generator.  As always, I reserve the right to add an extra entry or two for those who comment regularly on the blog. :)  Please fill out the form below to enter.  Good luck and thanks again for being such awesome readers!  Luck for my "Happy Birthday Polishology!" konadicure on Wednesday!

Giveaway Closed - Thanks for Participating!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

I'm back! Giveaway winner and blog news

  So I am back from my vacation and ready to spend some serious time on this lovely little blog.  First off, I just want to say a big THANK YOU to all of you wonderful readers and followers - I just hit 700 followers, yay!  I am very excited that my little blog has taken off so well, and I couldn't have done it without you!

  Now, after tallying the entries and randomly selecting the winner, the winner of the two Zoya polishes from the previous giveaway is...


 from Posh for Polish (previously Konad and Polish)
Congratulations Kelly!!

  Thanks to all of you who entered the giveaway!  I will most likely be holding another one sometime soon!

  That is all for today but I am going to spend a lot of time tonight and tomorrow getting a bunch of posts ready to go.  I have a lot that is almost ready to share with you, such as various new collection swatches and reviews, comparisons, lots of nail art, some tutorials, and a review of the last 18 days I spent wearing CND Shellac!  I am going to plan to start preparing posts on the weekends and have them auto-publish during the week, so that I don't run into these time crunches and go so long without postings.  Thanks for all of you who have kept coming back even after a couple of long breaks!  You guys are awesome!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Vote for my adorable niece - EXTRA GIVEAWAY ENTRIES!

  Okay I admit I won't normally do this sort of thing, but since she is just so darned cute, I am going to ask you all to go vote for my niece in the cute kid contest!

  I am really not sure if there is any way to verify these entries (I will try to figure that out), however I will give you an extra giveaway entry for every vote you give Evie!  You can vote once per day and I believe this goes until May 15th?  If you vote for her, please leave a comment below.  You must already be registered in my giveaway to receive extra entries!  If you are not you can do so by clicking on the picture at the top of the left sidebar.

  New nails coming soon... sorry for the delay, I am giving a presentation in about 15 minutes and have been very busy with it!  I am doing this to calm my nerves... ;)  Wish me luck, and vote for my sweet niece! :D

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Zoya Giveaway!

  I mentioned before that I have a couple of extra Zoya polishes.  Here's what happened - I loved pretty much everything in their new collections, and with their BOGO deal awhile back knew I couldn't pass up the chance to get just a few (I am on a super strict budget right now so have to be very picky when I buy, which is sad).  I got six of the new shades, although it was tough to narrow!  Then just a few days after I received the ones I ordered... I got a package from Zoya with all of the collections to review, yay!  Now what to do with the extras..... I gave two each to my sisters for Easter presents, and the other two... are for one of you!

Up for grabs for one lucky reader: Zoya Tanzy and Zoya Kieko

This giveaway is open internationally, to all of my readers as a way to say thanks!  Just fill in the form below and submit!  You must be a follower on GFC to enter.  This giveaway will run until May 20th, at which point I will pick a winner using Random.org random number generator.  The winner will have 48 hours to respond to my e-mail or a new winner will be drawn.  Thanks for reading and good luck!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Congratulations, Giveaway Winners!!

  First off, I want to apologize again for taking so long to get this done!  Between being really busy, sick, and the very large number of entries, this just kept getting pushed aside.  To make up for this, I am going to add a couple of small extras into the winners prizes.. not sure what yet but I will figure it out when I go shopping today! :)

  And now on to the winners!  Winners were decided using Random.org random number generator.

  The first prize winner, with an entry number of 46, and winner of the first prize, is... MJ, from the blog Just Some Nails By MJ.  Congratulations!!

  The second winner, with an entry number of 473, and winner of the second prize, is... Natalie, from the blog Natalie's Nails.  Congratulations!!

  I will be e-mailing you ladies in just a couple of minutes for your mailing addresses; get back to me ASAP! :)

  Thank you all so much for entering this giveaway, I have another smaller giveaway coming up within the week so look for it!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

300 Follower Giveaway!

  I am so excited that Polishology has reached 300 followers!  I didn't really expect this blog to become so popular when I started it, but I am so glad it has grown!  You guys are awesome followers, and because of you I have basically stopped biting my nails (okay I slipped once but in my defensive that nail was already broken and coming off... haha).  Thank you so much!

Giveaway prizes!
  To celebrate reaching 300 followers, I put together a giveaway for you of some of the new stuff coming out by a few of my favorite brands!  I am going to split this up into two separate prizes, to increase your chances of winning.  Here are the two prize packs!

Prize One

Zoya - Marley (Intimate)
OPI - Houston We Have A Purple (Texas)
OPI - Black Shatter (Katy Perry)
China Glaze - Sea Spray (Anchors Away)
China Glaze - Ahoy! (Anchors Away)
Sally Hansen Insta-Dri: Lightning/Brisk Blue (French Mani Combos)

Prize Two

Zoya - Jules (Intimate)
OPI - Do You Think I'm Tex-y? (Texas)
OPI - Black Shatter (Katy Perry)
China Glaze - First Mate (Anchors Away)
China Glaze - Below Deck (Anchors Away)
Sally Hansen Insta-Dri: Presto Pink/Night Flight (French Mani Combos)

  Now on to the rules!  This giveaway will be open until Friday, February 18th CST and is open internationally.  The winners will be chosen shortly after giveaway close (I will shoot for sometime that weekend but we'll see!).  The first name drawn will get their top choice of prize, and the second name drawn will get the other prize.  Each winner will have 72 hours from first contact to get back to me, or I will draw another name.

  To enter, please fill out the following entry form and post it in the comments below.  Please leave all entries in one comment.

1. You MUST be a follower.  Please leave your GFC name and an e-mail to contact you at (+1 entry)

2. Please tell me which prize you prefer to win (+1 entry)

Optional Extra Entries
1. Follow @polishology on Twitter!  Include your Twitter name (+1 entry)

2. Tweet about this giveaway including @polishology.  Leave a link (+1 entry)

3. Have Polishology on your blogroll.  Leave a link (+1 entry)

4. Post about this giveaway on your blog.  Sidebar/giveaway page/dedicated post all accepted! Leave a link (+1 entry)

5. Include the first picture in your posting.  Leave a link (+2 entries)

6. What new or upcoming collection are you most excited for? (+2 entries)

  That equals out to 10 possible entries!  I may also throw in some extra entries for those who comment on my blog as well.. ;)  I think that should about cover it... good luck and THANK YOU again for being such awesome followers!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Congratulations, Giveaway Winners!

  After going through all of the entries for the giveaway, with a total if 337 valid entries, I have selected the winners this morning using Random.org!  And they are...

1st Prize: Monik!

2nd Prize: Camille!

  I have sent you both e-mails as of just a minute ago, please get back to me ASAP with your addresses so I can get these beauties out to you soon!

  Thank you all so much for entering!  I loved all of the suggestions I got for holiday manis, although I might have to chicken out on free-hand nail art until a later date... sorry. :(  BUT I have gotten some great ideas for nails that I have done recently and that I plan on doing this week!

  Polishology is also very close to 300 followers - once we reach that, I plan on having a much larger giveaway to thank all of you!  I will start collecting up goodies for it now... tell your friends to join!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Holidays Giveaway!

  Well, here is my promised holiday giveaway!  It is just a small one, but I do plan on having a much larger 300 follower giveaway, so tell all of your friends to follow! ;) Here is what I have to offer you for this Happy Holidays Giveaway:

2010 Holiday Giveaway
  For this giveaway, I am splitting these up into two winners, as many of you requested in a previous post.  This gives you a slightly higher chance to win some gorgeous polish!  Here are the prizes broken down.

First Prize

  The China Glaze Merry Mint giftset, which includes Naughty and Nice, Mrs. Claus, and Peppermint Cuticle Oil.

Second Prize

Elf Holiday Nail Polish Trio, which includes Cranberry, Golden Goddess and Twinkle.

  This giveaway is open to international as well as domestic followers, and will run until Friday, December17th.  I will plan on announcing the winner sometime during that weekend, using Random.org to pick the winner as I have in the past.  Fill out this entry form and leave it in the comments section on this post!

1) You must be a follower of my blog on GFC.  Please tell me your follower name (+1 entry)

2) You must leave me an e-mail to contact you if you win! (+1 entry)

3) Blog about this giveaway, or add it to your sidebar/giveaway page/etc. Leave a link (+1 entry)

4) Include the first picture from this post in your giveaway post/sidebar Leave a link (+2 entries)

5) Add or already have Polishology on your blogroll.  Leave a link (+1 entry)

6) Follow Polishology on Twitter! @polishology Leave your Twitter name (+1 entry)

7) Tweet about this giveaway, including @polishology in your tweet. Leave the status link (+1 entry)

8) What is a Holiday design you would like to see on Polishology?  It could be specifics, or just color or inspiration ideas.  Stamping, marbling, free hand (which I plan on trying soon), etc ideas all welcome!.  I would love some great ideas from you! (+2 entries)

  This gives you a possibility of 10 entries total!  I may also add one entry to those of you who comment regularly on the blog if you enter, but I will do this at my own discretion. ;) Remember to get those entries in by December 17th!  Thank you all so much for following, I really appreciate it!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

And The Winner Is....

  So after counting and checking and making a nice pretty list, I have picked the winner of Polishology's second giveaway using Random.org!  First off, let me again thank you all for entering and an extra thanks to those of you who left comments, they have been really helpful.  One of the biggest things I noticed was a request for more tutorial (as well as more nail art in general), so I am going to try to work on that coming up soon!

  Now on to the part I know you are waiting for.  Congratulations to...

  Alexa!  You can find her blog over at ADDICTED TO KONAD.  Congrats Alexa!!

  As I mentioned before I will probably plan on holding a very small Christmas giveaway sometime within the next month or so, so keep an eye out for it!  Also, I will plan on a bigger, multi-prize giveaway once I hit 300 followers, so invite your friends to join!

  New nails coming soon, including the Manhattan 610K post where I tell you where the polish is going next!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Giveaway Time!

 Giveaway is now CLOSED.  Thank you for entering! :)

  I have had these sitting around for awhile, and I was originally planning on waiting until 150 followers to start up this giveaway.  But... I figure I am close enough. :)  I couldn't wait any longer to do this to thank all of you who visit and comment, I am coming to really enjoy this community!  One lucky winner will receive these two sets.

Polishology's Second Giveaway Prizes

  Included is LA Colors Color Craze Metallics LE Series, which I have swatched and reviewed HERE.  This set includes four shiny metallic polishes in magenta, deep purple, green and steel gray.

LA Color Craze Metallics
  Also included is the ULTAProfessionals Cocktail Hour Minis set, which includes five fabulously shimmery polishes, perfect for fall and for the holidays!  These include Raspberry Mojito, Cranberry Mojito, Sangria, Blue Kamikaze, and Black Russian.

ULTA Professionals Cocktail Hour Minis

  This giveaway will run until 11:59 pm, Central Time, on Friday November 5th.  I am giving you all a LOT of extra entry options in this one!  Please try to submit all of your entries in one post, it is really helpful!  Here is the entry form!

1) You MUST be a follower to enter; old and new, international included!  Please tell me the name under which you are following and include an e-mail address I can contact you at!  This is worth 1 entry.

2) Blog about this giveaway, either in a post, on your sidebar or on a separate giveaway section (1 entry).  If you include a picture, this is worth an additional entry (2 entries total).  Please leave the link where you blogged, and mention if you used a picture.

3) Add or already have Polishology on your blogroll.  Please leave a link to your blog (1 entry)

4) Follow Polishology on Twitter!  You can find my profile HERE.  Please tell me the name you are following under (1 entry).

5) Tweet about this giveaway.  Include @polishology in your tweet, please!  Leave me a link to the status update. (1 entry)

6) Please tell me what you would like to see me do with this blog in the future.  This may include things like more or less: nail art, swatches, comparisons, personal narrative, posting frequency, brands of polish/types of polish covered, tutorials, pictures of my kitties (haha, of course everyone wants more of those!) etc.  Basically, tell me where you would like to see this blog go in the future.  What will make you enjoy it more?  I want to make sure it is both fun for me as well as my readers, so I would love your feedback!  This is worth 3 entries.  I really want to encourage this one, because I want your help making Polishology great!

  That is a grand total of 9 possible entries.  Please make sure to leave your e-mail address for me, or I will not be able to contact you if you win!  The winner will be chosen shortly after the November 5th deadline by Random.org, in the same manner as the last giveaway.  The winner will be notified by e-mail and given 72 hours to respond; if I do not hear back from them a new winner will be chosen.

  Thank you all so much for following, for entering this giveaway, and for being such a great community!  You guys are awesome! :D

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Giveaway Winner!

  Thank you all so much for entering my very first giveaway!  I really do appreciate each and every one of you here at Polishology - I am so glad this little blog has grown so quickly!  I hope it continues to grow as time goes by!

  Now I would like to say congratulations  to.....

  Susie!!  Congratulations, and a special thanks for being one of our early followers!

  I should have some new nails for you all in just a bit... sorry things have been kind of slow lately, I am still really sick (post-op infection issues, boo), and haven't felt up to doing much with my nails lately.  But Dan bought me a present on Thursday that I just have to go play with... ;)

  I also am planning on another giveaway coming up sometime here in the next week or two, so stay tuned!

Monday, September 13, 2010

GIVEAWAY! Follower Appreciation :)

It is time for my very first giveaway!  This is to thank all of you for helping me start out here in the nail polish community - Thank you all so much for your interest, your comments, and for following!! :)

For this giveaway, I have 5 polishes from Sally Hansen Hard As Nails Xtreme Wear.  I LOVE this stuff.  If you haven't had a chance to try this yet, I seriously recommend going out and finding some.  It is fairly readily available, comes in fun colors, and is not super pricey.  I have also always loved the application, dry time and finish.  This stuff is just really fun!  One of my personal favorite polishes, Blue Me Away! is included in this giveaway as well.  The polishes included are:

Red Carpet - A ruby-red microglitter
VIP Pink - A coral pink jelly with pink and silver microglitter
Ivy League - A shimmery light green frost
Blue Me Away! - A vibrant sky blue creme
Purple Potion - A shimmery purple with blue duochrome effect

I hope you like the polishes I have picked out for my first giveaway!  I have some fun ideas for later giveaways as well!  :)

To Enter: You MUST be a follower to enter.  Both US and International followers are welcome as well!  Current followers (at time of this post) will get an extra entry automatically when entering; new followers are definitely welcome and encouraged as well!  There are several ways to get extra entries.  Winner will be chosen with a random number generator.  If you win, you will have 5 days to respond to my e-mail; otherwise I will pick another number and another winner.  Please fill out the following information and leave it as a comment!  This will be open until September 30th, 11:59 central time.

Entry Form

1. Please give the name you are following under, as well as an e-mail I can contact you with if you win.

2. Are you a new follower, or are you already a follower?

3. Extra entry if you add me to your blogroll (please include link here)

4. Extra entry if you blog about this giveaway - in a post or on the sidebar (please include link here)

5. What is your one favorite, can't-live-without nail polish? (For one extra entry)

Thanks so much, good luck!