What better way to celebrate Polishology turning one than to have a look at how far this blog has come? Recently Cristina over at
Let Them Have Polish posted this fun tag and passed it along to any blogger who wanted to participate - so I thought "why not?" and went to whip up some old photos! Included in this post are my very first
never-before-seen konadicure pictures! Enjoy a bit of a good laugh! ;)
This is the very first konadicure I ever did, and the first picture I ever took of my nails. Not so in focus... but you know, you have to start somewhere! This is
Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Lime Lights with flowers from
plate m73 in Konad Special White, a couple of weeks before I started my blog.
Never-before-seen first konadicure! |
Next up, another new reveal - my second ever Konad experience and nail pictures! Still working on those skills.. haha.
OPI Glitzerland and Konad plate
m73 in Konad Special Black Pearl.
Sexy Cuticles. |
Now on to something a little better, lets look at a picture from October, a couple of months after starting Polishology.
Getting better! |
Finally I got a new camera for Christmas, which has allowed be to take a bit better macro photos of my nails. There was a learning curve with this camera though... I am still on it, haha.
Forgot how much I loved this manicure! |
And finally, on to recent work. This is my Hawaii manicure from a few weeks ago. I have recently started cropping my pictures at this angle and I am really liking it - although I am sure I will change again at some point! I am also getting better at keeping my cuticles nice and unpainted - but it is a work in progress. At least I have (for the most part) stopped biting my nails - so it looks like the blog was a success! :)
Mm, holo |
Well, I hope you enjoyed that little trip down memory lane, especially some of those very first nail photos I have not ever shared with... anyone.
I tag anyone that wants to do this! I would love to see how you all have improved in your nail painting, nail art and picture taking skills as well!