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2020年成考高起點 《英語》易考關鍵句型

文章來源: 云南成考網 發布時間: 2021-06-18 14:38 作者: 瀏覽次數: 731
2020年成考高起點 《英語》易考關鍵句型

2020年成考高起點 《英語》易考關鍵句型

1It 作先行主語和先行賓語的一些句型  She had said what it was necessary to say.

 2、強調句型 It is not who rules us that is importantbut how he rules us. 3 All+抽象名詞”或 “抽象名詞+itself(very+形容詞)

He was all gentleness to her.


A crime is a crime a crime.

5、“something(much)of”和“nothing(little)of”“something of”相當于“to some extent”,

表示程度。在疑問句或條件從句中,則為 anything of ”,可譯為 “有點”, “略微”等。

譯為 “毫無”, “全無”。much of 譯為 “大有”,not much of 可譯為 “算不上”, “稱

不上”,little of 可譯為 “幾乎無”,something like譯為 “有點像,略似”。

They say that he had no university educationbut he seems to be something of a scholar.

6、同格名詞修飾是指 of 前后的兩個名詞都指同一個人或物, of”以及它前面的名詞構成一 個形容詞短語,以修飾 of”后面的那個名詞。如 herold sharperof a father”,可譯為:


Those pigs of girls eat so much.


It is as plain as plain can be.

8 It is in(with)as in(with) It is in life as in ajourney.

9 as good as…”相等于,就像,幾乎如;實際上,其實,實在。

The merchant as good as promised the orphan boythat he would adopt him.

10、“many aswellas”和 might aswell as many aswellas”可譯為 “與其……, 不如……,更好”,“以這樣做……為宜”,“如同……,也可以……”等等。 might aswell as”表示不可能的事,可譯為 “猶如……”, “可與……一樣荒唐”, “與其那樣不如這樣的好”等等。

One may as well not know a thing at all as know it imperfectly.

1 to makeof”的譯法(使……成為……,把……當作)

Iwill make a scientist of my son.

2 too+不定式”, not(never)too+不定式”, toonot+不定式”

She is too angry to speak.

3 only(notallbutnever)too to do so”和 too ready (apt)+to do”結構中,

不定式也沒有否定意義,凡是 not”, all”, but”等字后+ tooto”,不定式都失

去了否定意義,在 too ready(apt)+to do”結構中,不定式也沒有否定意義。

You know but too yellto hold your tongue.

4 no more than…”句型

A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man.

5、“not so muchas”和 not so muchas …”結構。“not so muchas= not so much

as …”,其中as有進可換用 but rather,可譯為: “與其說是……毋須說是……”。而 not

so much as= without(not)even”,可譯為 “甚至……還沒有”。

The oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.

6 Nothing is morethan”和 Nothing is so as”結構。 Nothing is morethan

Nothing is so as”都具有最高級比較的意思,“Nothing is”可換用 no”,“nobody”,

 nowhere”, little”, few”, hardly”, scarcely”等等,可譯為 “沒有……比……

更為”, “像……再沒有了”, “最……”等。 Nothing is more precious than time.

7 cannottoo…”結構。 cannottoo…”意為 It is impossibleto overdo…”或者,

“無論怎樣……也不算過分”。 not”可換用 hardly”, scarcely”等, too”可換 enough”, sufficient”等。 You cannot be too careful.

8 “否定+but ”結構在否定詞后面的 but”,具有 which not”, who not”, that

not”,等等否定意義,構成前后的雙重否定。可譯成 “沒有……不是”或 “……都……”等。

Nothing is so bad but it might have beenworse.

9 “否定+until (till)”結構,在否定詞 no”, not”, never”, little”, few”,

 seldom”等的后邊所接用的 until/till”,多數情況下譯為 “直到……才……”, “要……


Nobody knows what he can do till he has tried.

10 not sobut”和 not sucha but”結構,這兩個結構和 “否定+but”的結構差不 多,不同之點是這兩個結構中的 but”是含有 thatnot”意味的連續詞,表示程度。可譯 “還沒有……到不能做……的程度”, “并不是……不……”, “無論怎樣……也不是不能……” 等。

He is not so sick but he can come to school.

1 “疑問詞+shouldbut ”結構,這個結構表示過去的意外的事,意為 nonebut”,

可譯為 “除了……還有誰會……”, “豈料”, “想不到……竟是……”等。

Who should write it but himself?

2 who knows but (that)…”和 who could shouldbut”結構,這個結構是反問形式,

一般意譯為 “多半”, “亦未可知”等等,有時也可直譯。

Who knows but(that)he may go?

3 “祈使句+and”和 “祈使句+or”結構, “祈使句+and”表示 Ifyou…”, “祈使名 +or”表示 ifnotyou”。

Add loveto a house andyou have a home.Aad righteousnessto a city andyou have a

community. Aad truthto a pile of red brick and you have a school.

4 “名詞+and”結構,在這個結構中,名詞等于狀語從句,或表示條件,或表示時間。

A word,and he would lose his temper.

5 as…,so…”結構,這里的 so”的意思是 inthe sameway(也是如此)。此結構表


As rust eats iron,so care eats the heart.

6 if any”結構, if any”和 if ever”,意思是 “果真有……”, “即使有……”,表示

加強語氣。與此類似的還有:“if anything(如有不同的話,如果稍有區別),“if a day(=at


ere is little,if any,hope.

7 be it ever(never)so”和 let it be ever(never)so”結構,這里, be it”中的 be

是古英語假設語氣的遺留形式,現代英語則使用 let it be”。 ever so”和 never so

都表示同一意思,都表示 very”。

Be it ever so humble(let it be ever so humble),home is home.

8、“the last+不定式”和 the last +定語從詞”結構,這種結構中的 last”意思是 the least

likely”,用于否定性推論。可譯為 “最不大可能的”, “最不合適的”,由原意的 “最后一 個……”變成 “最不可能……的一個”。

He is the last manto accept a bride.

9 sothat…”句型,這個句型的意思是 “如此……,以致于……”,但在翻譯成漢語時, 許多情況下,并不是一定要譯成 “如此……以致于……”,而是變通表達其含義。

e ran so fast that nobody could catch him up.

10 more +than+原級形容詞(副詞)”結構,這是將不同性質加以比較,其中的 more


It is more than probable that he will fall.

1 .morethan +動詞”結構,這種結構表示動詞的程度,可譯為 “異常”, “豈止”, “十


This more than satisfied me.

2 good and …”的副詞用法,譯為 “非常”,“很”等。類似還有 nice and …”,“fine

and …”, lovely and …”, bright and …”, rare and …”, big and …”等,


The apples are good and ripe.

3 and that”結構,這個 and that”應譯為 “而且……”,表示對它前面陳述部分的語 氣加強, that”代表前面的整個陳述部分。

Returnto yourwork,and that at once.

4、“at onceand”結構,這個結構譯為 “既……又……”,起相關連接的作用,相當于 both


The novel is at once pleasing and instructive.

5 inthat…”結構,這個結構的意思是 “在那一點上(方面)”,可譯為 “因為”。類似的

結構還有 inthis…”。

The budget is unrealistic inthat it disregards increased costs.

6 the name notwithstanding”結構,這個結構中 notwithstanding”是介詞,這個介

詞可以置前,可以置后,比如也可寫成: notwithstanding the name”。起讓步狀語的作


Some people think of the storage battery as a sort of condenserwhere electricity is


tored.But this is an entirely wrong conception the name notwithstanding.

7 Everynot”和 Allnot”結構, Everynot”表示 “不見得每個……都是……”:

 Allnot”表示 “不見得所有……都是……”的意思。

Every man is not polite,and all are not born gentlemen.


8 may as well notas”結構,此結構可譯為 “與其……不如不……”。

One may as well not know a thing at all as know it but imperfectly.


9 have only to do”結構,此結構表示 “只須()……就能……”的意思。

We have only to turn to that extraordinary discovery made by Edisonto see the significance of it.

10 not (no) unless…”句型

No increase in output can be expected unless a new assembly line is installed.

1 betterthan…”句型

Better my life should be ended by their hate,thanthat hated life should be prolonged

to live without your love.

2 as it were”是一個非常常用的插入語,意思是 “好象”, “可以說”等。

Apiece of iron near a magnet,though apparently separate from it,feels,as it were,the

threads of this attachment.

3、復雜結構,在下面例句中,由于 anyone 的定語從句過長,把謂語 must realize提到定語 從句之前。

Thoughfaith and confidence are surely more or lass foreignto my nature,I do not

infrequently find myself looking to themto be able,diligent,candid,and even honest.

Plainly enough,that istoo large anorder,as anyone must realizewho reflects uponthe

manner inwhichthey reach public office.

4 notany more than…”為: “不能……,正如不能……”。

One cannot learnto sketch and express himself graphically only by reading about it

any more than one can learnto swimwhile standing by the pool.

5 By that as it may”是 Let it be that as it may”的省略形式,是由 be”引起的另

外一種假設結構,意思是 “雖然如此,盡管這樣”。

It is said that the nerve poison is the more primitive of thetwo,that the blood poison

is,so to speak,a new product from an improved formula. Be that as it may,the nerve

poison does its business with man far more quickly than the blood poison.

6 if at all”是一個由 if”引起的主謂結構不完整的短句結為 “即將……”, “即使……”

等。 I can see only with great difficulty,if at all.


7、由there 引起的句型容易產生復雜的句子結構。

There have been opened upto the vast and excellent science,inwhich my work is the

beginning,ways and means by which other minds more accurate thanwine will

explore its remote corners.


8 rangefrom to…”結構。這是一個常見結構,譯時很多情況下應變通處理,不能完全 依靠辭典上的釋義。

omputer applications range from an assembly line completely run by computers to

a childrentoy responding to remote signals.

9 the way…”結構

Ialways thought shewas a common-sense personwho discussed thingstheway they

ought to be discussed.


In recent years,the development of sensitive and accurate measuring equipment has

made it possible to measure the acuityof hearing of any individual at different



(1)動詞短語相關部分被分隔( make use of ”,“take notice of”,“pay attentionto”,


Use is made of solar energy in heating houses.


But there is of culture anotherview,inwhich not solely the scientific passion,the sheer

desire to see things as they are,natural and proper in an intelligent being,appears as

the ground of it.

2 to be doingwhen…”是一個句型,多譯為 “某人正在做……時,突然……”。在簡單


She said she and a friend had gone out to dinner that night,and were walking home

together at about 10 o “clock,when a "very big,very tall man",accosted them and

demanded their purses.

3 tooto”句型

Then I remembered how often I,too,had been indifferent to the grandeur of each

day,too preoccupied with petty and sometimes even mean concerns to respond to

the splendor of it all.

4 so muchthat…”句型

But he developed gradually a very musical English. He learnt to write sentences that

fall away onthe earwith a misty languor and it delighted him so muchthat he could

never have enough of it.


5、“when”引導狀語從句有時并不好譯,不能一看到 when從句就考慮譯為 “當……的時候”,


Anything is betterthan not to write clearly. There is nothing to be said against

lucidity,and against simplicity only the possibility of dryness. This is a risk that is well

worthtaking whenyou reflect how much better it is to be bold thanto wear a curly


6 notbecause…”,有時可否定前面,有時可否定 because本身,往往出現歧義。應


In 1600 the earthwas not the center of the universe because the majority then

supposed it was;nor,because she had more readers,was Ella wheelerWilcox a better

poet than Father Hopkins.

7 sothat,suchthat”是一個普通的句型,但在同一個句子里有兩處使用它卻比較少見。

The truth is,that in one point of view,this matter of national literature has come to

such a pass with us,that in some sense we must turn bullies,else the day is lost,or

superiority so far beyond us,that we can hardly say it will ever be ours.

8 by doing…”結構。這個結構的意思是 “通過()……”,但翻譯實踐中不能拘泥于這種 釋義,不少情況下需要靈活變通。

The hippos,by depositing dung inthe water,fed the fishthat support the storks that

destroy the rare trees.


No less obvious is the fact there are great numbers of people so constituted or so

brought upthat they cannot get so much pleasure out of processes and experiences

resulting in a poorer life less full of meaning.

10 whatof”句型

I can not say of myself what Johnson said of Pope He never passed a fault

unamended by indifference,nor quitted it by despair. I do not write as I do;Iwrite as I




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