Showing posts with label baby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby. Show all posts

Monday, March 20, 2017

Olive's Birth Story

I really want to share Olive's birth story as I shared Milo's. I just don't have a mind for remembering details even from very important events so it's important for me to write this stuff down somewhere. It's been ten months since Olive joined the outside world so let's give this a go and see what I can remember from the day she was born.

I'll start by sharing a bit about my pregnancy with Olive. People tell you that every pregnancy is different and logically that makes sense, but there was always a part of me that thought my pregnancy with Olive would be pretty much the same as Milo's. Ha! They were sooo different. Just a quick summary: I felt less nauseous with Olive but threw up so much more, dealt with way more heartburn, was much more emotionally stable in that I felt very much like myself and didn't cry anymore than usual, but experienced more anxiety and, the strangest one for me, was pregnant 4 weeks and 4 days longer!

Since Milo was born at 37 weeks and 1 day I knew it was very possible that Olive could be early as well. I also understood that it was very possible that she would not be early but I never expected to end up 41 weeks and 4 days pregnant. I made sure that everything was ready early in case Olive did decide to be born as early as Milo, which lead to a feeling of, ok...I'm ready...are you coming yet? As much as my mind knew that babies come when they are ready, as the weeks went by and Olive was still happily hanging out on the inside, I started experiencing a lot of anxiety. I talked to my midwives about it but, being me, I initially downplayed how I was feeling because logically I knew that things were happening the way Olive needed them to. Once I passed my due date and was approaching 41 weeks I ended up having an actual panic attack. One of my midwives thankfully came to see me and we talked and I felt so much better but I was so worried about not being able to give birth at home, having to be induced and everything that could come along with that that I still had huge amounts of anxiety daily until Olive was born at 41 weeks and 4 days. I know, I know, it's bad for the baby, chill out Elycia...I could not.

Sharing all of that is just to say that even though I had confidence that my body knew what it was doing I also had a very hard time convincing myself of that very same thing. I didn't experience those types of feeling with Milo. I always felt sure that my body was doing what it needed to do and I was completely mentally prepared to go 10 days overdue since he was my first child. My feelings through my pregnancy with Olive was such a strange thing to go through but looking back I'm grateful to have had the experience of a baby coming earlier than expected and later than expected because I gained more understanding about what women on both sides of the spectrum go through emotionally. It's intense!

Ok, back to the birth story. Olive was born on Friday May 13th so I will just rewind now to Thursday May 12th. I was still extremely anxious about what might happen if Olive still hadn't shown up by 42 weeks, so I was looking forward to Thursday afternoon when I would be going to see my midwife for a check and a non stress test. We confirmed what everything else had told us so far, that Olive was doing fantastic and was very happy hanging out on the inside. The test gave me a lot of peace of mind because I was able to tell myself that as of right now, I had absolutely no reason to worry. I felt more relaxed than I had in a long time. That night Ivan and I did all of the things that were supposed to help Olive arrive if she was ready, including eating the spiciest Indian food I knew about.

That night I woke up much more than normal to use the bathroom and I wasn't sure if the discomfort I was feeling was from the Indian food or if labour was finally starting. Ivan had been working from home all week in case I went into labour and by about seven or eight in the morning I called my mom to ask her to come over to play with Milo just in case I was actually in labour. When I went into labour with Milo it started with my water breaking so I wasn't really sure what it was like when labour started a different way. My contractions were coming at regular intervals but I still wasn't totally convinced. I also called my midwife sometime in the morning to let her know that I thought I might be in labour. She told me that if I gave birth before five or so that she wouldn't be able to be there because she had been up all night at a birth.

During all of this I was doing things to help progress my possible labour. I bounced on an exercise ball (which I liked even though I hated it while I was in labour with Milo), kept moving and even finished a book I had been reading. You know how much book reading helps progress labour, right? Ha! I was starting to think that I was pretty sure I was in labour but the thing that confused me was that in between contractions I felt totally fine. I remembered having to concentrate the entire time I was in labour with Milo, not having any concept of time, being in my own world but this time, when I wasn't having a contraction it just felt like any other day.

Sometime before we called the midwife back my mom decided to take Milo out for a while. Our plan was to have him there for the birth if he was interested but it ended up that I didn't really love having him around while I was having contractions. I didn't want to be disturbed while I was dealing with one and turns out you can't just ask an almost three year old to give you a minute while you work through a contraction.

Finally around noon I asked Ivan to call the midwife back and start filling the birth tub because my contractions had gotten stronger. Everything still felt very manageable but I definitely noticed a change. When the midwife arrived and checked me I was already 6 cm which was finally proof enough for me that I was actually in labour. She told me that I could get in the pool whenever I wanted so once it was full I hung out in there, working through contractions without too much difficulty and then relaxing in between when I still felt totally fine.

Eventually the contractions picked up to a point where I didn't have as much of a rest in between and I remember thinking that they were much more painful than I remembered with Milo. I always described my contractions with Milo as intense instead of painful but with Olive I would definitely throw the pain word out there. I guess at that point I was going through transition and my midwife could hear that things were picking up so she came into the kitchen with Ivan and I. I had a contraction where I felt like I might be ready to start pushing so my midwife was going to check me and then call the other midwife who shows up when you're ready to push. Before she could check though I started getting another contraction and asked her to wait until it was finished before checking. Once it started I told her that I had to start pushing so she quickly sent the other midwife a message to come.

Once again to compare, when I was pushing with Milo I didn't really feel anything. I also pushed for quite a long time, more than an hour. With Olive, once I felt like I had to push, I could feel everything (EV-ERY-THING) and I remember thinking, "there is absolutely no way I am doing this for an hour!" I pushed Olive out (very loudly with open windows...our neighbours who were sitting in their backyard went inside) in one and a half contractions which took less than two minutes. I felt her slide out (which I didn't feel with Milo) so that was kind of neat. I think my water broke right before Olive came out because I remember saying that I feel like something is coming out right before she came out.

Olive May was born at 2:19 pm, 8 lbs 1 oz and 20 inches long. Olive came out alert, noisy and I was able to just hold her for a long time before cutting the cord and getting out of the pool. We were so glad that she finally decided to join us and once we were snuggled up together in bed, Milo got to meet his sister. I honestly don't remember exactly what happened when he saw her for the first time but he knew she was coming and was happy to see her.
olive born
olive squishy face
family olives birthday

I'm sure I've left out many, many details that I would have liked to remember but that's what I get for waiting so long to write this down!

Olive and Milo had very different pregnancies, labours, births and so far, are basically opposites of each other. It is so interesting and I really want to talk more about it here. We'll see!

Thanks for reading.


Saturday, January 2, 2016

Projects :: Elycia's Amazing Rainbow Coloured Baby Blanket

I just mentioned this for the first time yesterday on Instagram because apparently I really like to keep these things a secret for as long as possible...but...we are having another baby! I'm due May 2nd so I'm more than halfway there already. This pregnancy is similar to but also very different from my pregnancy with Milo. One thing that is the same is that I'm crocheting this baby a blanket while it's growing in my belly just like I did for Milo.
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This is the pattern I used. I am so in love with this blanket already that I want to make a full sized one because it feels so cozy. I am really not looking forward to weaving in all those ends though. Maybe that will stop me from starting another one just like it too soon.

Of all the things that I have knit and crocheted, blankets are my favourite. They are the most relaxing to work on because once you know the pattern you don't have to think too hard about what you are doing. I have a goal to eventually make a blanket for all of my friends for one reason or another. So far I have successfully managed one blanket for friends who got married and one baby blanket. Not really focussing too hard on that goal I guess. Really it's just a nice thought that I have in my mind and act on occasionally.

It feels great to work on a project and to share some progress (and exciting news) as well! Today we are off to one last family Christmas get together and I'm really looking forward to it. We don't see my Dad's side of the family too often so it's always nice when we do.


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Baby :: 13 Months

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My baby isn't really a baby anymore which I really realized when I was typing out the title of this post. For this next year of Milo's life I'm still planning on taking photos on the 21st of each month but this time I am going to get some shots of Milo just doing his thing. That's my way of saying that I can't get him to lay down beside a carrot anymore.

Currently Milo is really into putting things into other things. The toilet lid stays closed these days and he has not yet decided that things need to go in the toilet so I am pretty happy about that. 

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Milo has also suddenly become very interested in books. Up until a few weeks ago I could not pay this kid to sit down and read a book with me but now Milo brings me books to read to him all day long. The above photo is terrible but I had to include it so that I can remember this book loving time. Milo finds a book, picks it up and brings it to me saying, "Ah, ah, ah, ah" until I read it to him. He usually likes to curl up in my lap while I'm reading which is a really nice bonus. Milo thankfully has a few favourites instead of just one so we get to read different things over and over again. My favourite book to read with him right now is a musical instrument picture book because he signs (and makes adorable noises) when we get to the cymbals, maracas and castanets. I really need to get that on video.

Speaking of videos...I am going to try to film a little clip of Milo on the 21st of each month and (this is the important part) actually put it with some music and post it on the blog. I have lots of little video clips of Milo but they are just sitting on my computer. I am going to love looking back at these. They are not going to be anything fancy, just a little peek back.
music: 192 Days by Eisley
Maybe next month I'll get myself organized and make some original music to go with the video...or get Ivan to.

Have a great day!


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Photos :: Milo's First Birthday Party

We had a small-ish family party to celebrate Milo's 1st birthday on June 22 (the day after his birthday). It was great. We had it in my Mom's backyard which worked out perfectly because there are tons of trees which means lots of nice, cool shade. Here are some photos we snapped during the day.
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Milo seemed to enjoy himself! It was amazing to celebrate one year with this guy. So many things have changed in the past 12 months and this has definitely been the best year of my life so far. Milo has changed me in so many ways and I really want to keep working hard at being a better person to set a good example for him. Ok, not that I'm a totally terrible person now but you know what I mean.

Here's to many, many more birthdays with Milo in the future!


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Happy Canada Day!

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Have you ever tried to take photos of an extremely busy one year old holding a flag? It is seriously difficult! I thought cats could be tricky to photograph sometimes. They have nothing on babies.
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Happy Canada Day to all of my fellow Canadians!


Monday, June 16, 2014

Baby :: 11 Months Old

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Hi! It is almost Milo's first birthday but here I am to share his 11 month photos. Well, lack of photos really. Milo and I had different priorities on May 21st and 11 month photos while laying down were obviously not on his list.

I hope you all found other things to stay busy with in my absence. I know it was probably hard but I'm sure you all managed. Hopefully I'll be back again this week to share some more photos. I've missed you guys.


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Baby :: 10 Months Old

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Yeah, Milo is so over these photos. It's about the memories, not how awesome the photos are. Milo is pretty hard to keep still, especially on his back which makes changing his diaper a real treat these days.

Ok, so what is this baby up to? Milo took his first official steps at 9 months and 1 week exactly and then started walking longer distances while we were in Seattle. Milo can totally walk on his own now but usually prefers to hold my hand so that he can run. This kid wants to go fast! I think I'm in big trouble.

I think I said two months ago that Milo was about to get a third tooth but now I'm positive that that is the case. His top two teeth are right there about to pop through. Milo deals with teething pretty well from what I've heard from other moms. These teeth are making him wake up a lot more than normal in the night but other than that and a little extra grumpiness he's fine. People often ask about the amber teething necklace and I say I'm on the fence about whether it helps or not. One thing that I have noticed though is that Milo doesn't really drool like he did when he wasn't wearing it. So, there's that.

I think that's all that is new on the baby front. Oh and of course, as always, I can't believe how quickly the time is flying or how much we love Milo. It's pretty nutty.


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

9 Months Old

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We have absolutely reached the point where these photos do not happen unless Milo has something to play with. Toothbrush, hairbrush and comb are the best toys to keep him occupied. What can I say, the boy is into good hygiene. He must get that from his Dad. I just burned myself. Is the term 'burn' still a thing? Do I now seem really old?

Nine months is a pretty fun age so far. Milo's full time job is learning to walk and he has hired me as his assistant. My job is to hold his hand and walk him all over the house...all day long. It pays pretty well though (baby smiles & giggles). He has already taken a few steps on his own here and there so he will probably be walking pretty soon. It is equal parts exciting and terrifying.

We had a checkup yesterday and Milo is right on track height and weight wise. He has been pretty much following the same curve on the growth chart since he was born. I remember when he was born he was right smack dab on average height and weight for a baby born at 37 weeks. We thought he was going to be super tall because Ivan is so tall but as long as he is healthy Milo can be whatever size he wants.

It still blows my mind how quickly Milo is growing and how much I love him and how much I love seeing how much Ivan loves him. Confusing sentence? The summary is: we all love Milo so much!


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

8 Months Old

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On February 21st Milo turned 8 months old and once again I am amazed by how quickly the time is flying by. 

Milo is a pro sitter, has mastered his pincer grasp (which is so cute and makes grabbing his favourite food, blueberries, much easier!) and has one tooth with another about to poke through. His hair is also thickening up, that's why he needs to be holding that comb. 

I am pretty positive that Milo is going to walk before he crawls because he has zero interest in attempting to crawl. If you try to put him on his hands and knees he immediately slides to his belly and flaps his arms and legs. He has wiggled his way over to something that he realllllly wants but usually just flaps until you pick him up and help him with his true love: walking. This boy thinks that he should be walking around like an adult already. He can walk himself around holding on to things and always wants help to stand up. He is still wobbly but getting stronger and steadier everyday and I am pretty sure he will be walking in no time.

I think that is everything I wanted to share. I always write these posts and then remember something I meant to mention the next day. I hope you all have a good day!


PS. Just so no one calls the mommy police on me, we don't give Milo whole blueberries. I break them into a star or plus sign shape for him.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Baby :: 7 Months Old

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Milo is getting so big and I can't believe that he was 7 months old on the 21st. He is getting way harder to photograph as the months go by as I'm sure you can tell by the blurry photos. 

Milo likes to practice walking already (while holding our hands) and he is becoming quite the professional sitter. No signs of crawling yet but I'm not in a super big hurry for him to become more mobile. I'm still getting used to the fact that he can roll all over the place. 

Milo likes to scream, loves to be held and carried around and a new development is that he needs a toy to play with during his diaper changes. He gets bored very easily and always needs something going on.

We just love this little guy so much (duh) and I can't wait to see how he changes and how his personality comes out more in the coming months. 
