Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Photos :: 5th Anniversary

I'm just going to rewind and share some 5th anniversary photos.
ivan kids
funny face
This past year we were all ready to go to the park where we usually take our photos but then it just seemed too difficult to manage. I remember Olive being fussy and Milo being really tired. We decided to quickly take some photos in the backyard instead.

Milo ended up falling asleep while we were taking photos and coming down with something the next day. This is also an accurate depiction of Olive at that moment in time. She cried a lot. She was grumpy 90% of the time she was awake for the first six weeks or so and I guess she wanted to represent that in these anniversary photos. This is an accurate look at our lives at the time.


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Photos :: 4th Anniversary

Every year on our wedding anniversary (June 25th), Ivan and I go to the spot where we got our wedding photos taken and take some anniversary photos. They are really fun to look back on.
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Monday, July 7, 2014

Photos :: 3rd Anniversary

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June 25th was our 3 year wedding anniversary so we headed over to Spencer Smith Park in Burlington where we originally took wedding photos to snap a few shots. Milo was not super into staying still but we managed to get some photos when a nice man with a dog stopped near the camera to hold his attention. People can be pretty awesome sometimes.

I like looking back at the photos from previous years and I hope that we can keep up these photos forever. It is neat to see how things change from year to year.

I hope everyone has a good Monday!


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Photos :: 2nd Anniversary

Ivan and I planned on heading back to the place we had our wedding photos taken (and the place we took our one year anniversary photos) on our anniversary (which was June 25th) but I'm not really supposed to be venturing out too far at the moment. This year we opted for some backyard anniversary photos with an extra little person in them. Here are our photos from June 25th 2011, 2012 & 2013.
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I really don't want to get too mushy because I will just make myself cry some more. All I can say is that Ivan is the best person I have ever known and I am so lucky to have such a wonderful, caring husband. Our son is so incredibly lucky to have such an amazing father. He is doing a fantastic job as a dad already and I can't wait to watch their relationship grow. Well, that got kind of mushy really quickly.

Have a great Thursday everyone!


Thursday, June 28, 2012

1st Wedding Anniversary Photos

As I mentioned, Ivan and I thought it would be fun to take a few anniversary photos on Monday night. We went back to the spot where we had our wedding photos done and had a great time snapping some '1 year later' shots. I'm really excited to do this every year.
And then we went all 'Gangsta/Spice Girl'...
And of course...
Outfit details: Elycia...scarf-thrifted, glasses-Coastal, dress-Modraphelia, shoes-ModCloth
Ivan...bowtie, White Elephant, everything else, who the heck knows!

We took these ourselves with my trusty tripod and remote and had very few awkward interactions with people walking in the park. Overall, a very successful photoshoot!

Does anyone have a tradition that they do every year? I'm excited to have a dorky tradition now and a husband who is into it.


Monday, June 25, 2012

1 Year Anniversary


1 year ago today Ivan and I tied the knot. I did a big sappy post for our 10 year dating anniversary so I won't go into all the reasons that Ivan is awesome again. I will just say that our wedding was such an amazing day and I have loved being Ivan's wife for the last year. It was even a leap year so an extra day got thrown in there! Here are a few photos from our wedding.
Ha! Kissing photos make me laugh because I am obviously super immature. I like this one though because we are holding instruments and that ups the cool factor (right?).

Thank you for a great first year of marriage Ivan!!

So currently I have some kind of cold that I got last Tuesday night. It keeps getting worse instead of better and it is making me feel like a big piece of poop. Tonight Ivan and I are going to try to take a few anniversary photos so i'm hoping I can make it look like I don't have a cold!

I hope everyone has a great day!


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Our Wedding Part 2 :: The Music

A really fun part of the wedding preparations was choosing the music. Ivan and I put together all of the music for the wedding ourselves and we are so happy with our decision to "DJ" our own wedding. We received so many compliments on the song choices and it felt special to know that we choose everything.

The "important" songs were all chosen at the last minute. The walking down the aisle and first dance songs were hard to choose because there were so many great options and choosing one meant not choosing another. In the end, here is what we decided on!

While our family and wedding party were walking down the aisle we played "Come Go With Me" by the Beach Boys. I just think that it is such a cute song!

"God Only Knows" by the Beach Boys is one of my favourite songs ever. It is so pretty and Ivan and I thought it would be a great song for my Dad to walk me down the aisle to.

I choose this song to play while signing the marriage licence. I love Eisley and "Kind" is such a pretty song...and it mentions diamonds in the first line...that makes it work, right?

Ivan and I love this song and quote "all you need is love" at each other often. We thought it would be the perfect song to walk down the aisle as a newly married couple.

Ivan and I saw Michael Maguire for the first time last summer at a craft fair I was selling at. We were both amazed by how talented he was and couldn't stop talking about him. My mom generously hired Michael to play guitar for the guests during cocktails and everyone loved him. 

While the wedding party entered we played Queen "You're my Best Friend" because our bridesmaids and groomsmen really are some of our best friends. They are all great people and we are so happy they were part of our day. Plus, it's just a really cute song.

Ivan and I made our grand entrance to "The Final Countdown" by Europe. Ivan and I both love Arrested Development and this is the song that Gob uses for his magic act. I think it is hilarious and I really wanted that to be our entrance song.

So you can obviously tell that Ivan and I love the Beach Boys. "Forever" is such a beautiful song and I am so happy that it was our first dance. We actually had something else in mind but switched the song just a day before the wedding. We are totally the modern day Uncle Jesse and Aunt Becky. (haha, Full House nerds? anyone?)

As I mentioned, we chose all the music that played during dinner and during the dance party! For dinner we played exclusively oldies and it might have been my favourite music of the evening.  For the dance party we played a few of "today's hits" mixed with a heavy dose of "yesterday's classics" and everyone loved it! My goal was to make everyone song an "oh my gosh i need to dance to this" song. I think I succeeded! Ivan and I revised the dance play list at least three times but the end result was definitely worth it.

So that was the summary of our wedding music! It is so fun for me to relive the wedding through these posts. Expect more soon!
