Your mission, should you choose to accept it:
1) Copy this list into your own blog, including these instructions.
2) Bold all the items you’ve eaten.
3) Cross out any items that you would never consider eating.
4) Post a comment here once you’ve finished and link your post back to this one.
5) Pass it on!
1. Fresh, home grown arugula (so radically different from Farmer's Market)
2. Pimientos de Padrón with homemade aoili
3. Wild Mushrooms (Fresh, local, non-cultivable like Golden Chanterelles, Candy Caps, etc.)
4. Golden Chanterelle Stroganoff with homemade pappardelle
5. Mangosteen
6. Avocado Tempura Uramaki
7. Fondue (chocolate, hot oil or broth)
8. Panzanella
9. Borscht
10. Homemade Baba ghanoush or hummus
11. PB&J sandwich
12. Pho (this can be found vegan!)
13. PB&J sandwich
14. Aloo gobi
15. Taco from a street cart
16. Homemade mushroom pate (Moosewood has a classic recipe)
17. Fresh black truffle
18. Fruit wine made from something other than grapes
19. Gyoza
20. Homemade ice cream, sorbet or granita
21. Heirloom tomatoes
22. Fresh wild berries
23. Ceviche
24. Haggis
25. Knish
26. Raw scotch bonnet pepper
27. Dulce de leche
28. Muffalatta (olive) spread
29. Baklava
30. Bagna cauda
31. Wasabi peas
32. Spanakopita
33. Mango lassi
34. Raw fermented sauerkraut
35. Root beer float
36. Cognac (a really good one!)
37. Tamales dulces (strawberry, pineapple and chocolate are traditional in Mexico for the feast of the three kings in early January).
38. Vodka jelly
39. Gumbo
40. Fast food french fries
41. Raw Brownies
42. Fresh Garbanzo Beans
43. Phaal
44. Raw coconut creme pie
45. Wine from a bottle worth £60/$120 or more
46. Stroopwafle
47. Samosas
48. Vegetable Sushi
49. Glazed doughnut
50. Seaweed (hijiki or wakame make great salads)
51. Prickly pear
52. Umeboshi
53. Abalone mushrooms
54. Quinoa for breakfast with cinnamon, apples, almond milk and maple syrup
55. Belgian (style) beer, greater than 8.5%, locally brewed even better!
56. Gnocchi
57. Piña colada
58. Birch beer
59. Lemon bars
60. Homemade raw vegetable pickle
61. S’mores
62. Candied grapefruit peel
63. Hot pepper jelly with nut butter (plum habanero, apricot chipotle)
64. Curry
65. Durian
66. Homemade Sausages
67. Beignets, churros, elephant ears, or funnel cake
68. Homemade chutney (apricot, peach, lemon - the sky's the limit!)
69. Fried plantain (green or sweet)
70. Mochi
71. Gazpacho (so easy to make!)
72. Warm chocolate chip cookies
73. Absinthe
74. Moroccan tagine
75. Longan (like grapes with shells)
76. Pomegranate
77. Traditional Balsamico di Modena
78. Yukon Gold Mashed potatoes with mushroom gravy
79. Lapsang souchong
80. Bellini
81. Tom yum
82. Savory crepes
83. Saba and fresh local strawberries
84. Tasting menu at a three-Michelin-star restaurant. (Michael Mina's does killer vegan!)
85. A meal at gourmet (or "high end") vegan restaurant, like Millennium
86. Sprouted grains or seeds
87. White chocolate
88. Flowers
89. Matzoh ball soup
90. Criollo chocolate
91. Corn chowder
92. Kimchi
93. Rose harissa (recipe)
94. Yellow watermelon
95. Mole poblano
96. Homemade fruit preserves
97. Apple pie, any variety (rum raisin? yum!)
98. Polenta
99. Raw lasagna
100. Homemade sweet tea with fresh or dried homegrown mint (tip - sweeten with simple syrup to keep the sugar dissolved)
This a great variation: definitely a "to-try" list because there are so many of these I haven't heard of or wouldn't think to make myself! I'm especially intrigued by the tamales dulces since Three Kings Day reminds me of the sweet pan de reyes we used to make in elementary school.
I like this list! Reminds me of the other things I wish to try but forget to make. Oye, I need to write it all down! Raw coconut creme pie is sooo good. I totally get staying away from processed foods, I avoid it as well. I think the only reason I have had so many of the things that were processed because I worked hard at transitioning my boyfriend, and things like tofurkey helped him along. I'm already a germophobe and hate not having organic processed foods is bound to occur at some point lol.
I only have been successful in growing my own basil and tomatoes, I blame it on being a mile high in Denver. Next year I hope to conquer some more veggies though. And since I make my own compost, that'll surely help! Thanks for the list, I really enjoyed it!
Ah, this is quite a challenge! Again, lots of things I never ate. (I never even eaten # 11. I know Americans totally dig it, but I just can't convince myself to try it. It sounds so gross!
I was quite surprised when I read # 46, stroopwafels. One of the better Dutch inventions I think!
What a great list! There are a lot of things on this list that I hadn't heard of or tried yet, or ones that I'd tried but with a lot less-interesting types of ingredients. My list needs to be all bold at some point - it'll be a challenge but it'll be worth it.
Hi :) (from the k2sc1 blog, btw)(it's nice to find so many vegan bloggers, thanks to Hannah's list).
In response to your comment: I crossed out knish on my list because I've never heard of it before and the picture didn't look appealing. The word sweet potatoes also caught my eye (I don't like sweet potatoes usually). But you know, if it was made with white potatoes, spinach, onion and broccoli as the main ingredients, I probably would give it a try. I'll look for a recipe.
I've also never heard of spanakopita. I suppose if you used tofu instead of egg and replaced the other dairy stuff, it'd be sort of like a tofu scramble in phyllo pastry, and that sounds good. :)
Anyway, you posted an interesting list. I've only had 26 of these things, so I have some work to do! The raw lasagna sounds interesting.
As for raw pickles - and this caught my attention because I know my mother is making pickles today - I'll have to look that up, because her method involves a lot of hot water.
Veronica - sweet tamales are great, I have had them but haven't ever made them. There's a lot of tamales available in the SF Bay Area but I have yet to find sweet tamales "in season."
Veganverve - I'll put up a recipe for raw coconut creme pie -- it's pretty easy and I need little excuse to make it.
Sanja - PB&J doesn't have to be a scary experience! I like to substitute other nut butters most of the time -- cashew, almond and pistachio are all good options, and maybe some plum habanero jelly.
Oops - you can only get that at my house, so if you're here, I'll have to insist you visit so you can try a tiny pistachio-plum habanero jelly sandwich.
I kept #46 "stroopwafels" -- and intended to add "pizzelles" as an alternate since they are both flat cookies made between hot metal plates... yum!
ffi - thanks! I just checked out your list - it's really fun to see other people's lists.
Amethyst Great socks! I don't know of knish being made with sweet potato, here's a great blog entry from a NY Vegan with some yummy knish photos. Some recipes I looked up call for eggs, but "Vegan with a Vengeance" has recipes for both knishes and spanakopita.
Spanakopita are not like scrambled tofu in phyllo -- you gotta make sure you get a lot of the moisture out of the ingredients or your phyllow won't crisp up. The good news is that you get to squeeze out and reserve the green juicy goodness from the spinach and reserve it for soups or making green, spinachy pasta noodles. Then you mix the spinach, onions, garlic, dill with firm tofu (press it to get water out), brewer's yeast, salt, and dill -- with your hands. Smoosh it up and then wrap it in the phyllo -- it's so yummy -- none of my omnivore friends knew they were vegan and the whole plate vanished in minutes.
Organic, whole wheat (vegan) phyllo is available at Whole Foods near me from "Fillo Factory".
For raw pickles, try "Wild Ferentation." I should post a recipe but basically - you slice up some cucumbers or any other veg (cauliflower, carrots, jalapeno, onion) and mix with brine (salty enough to taste like the ocean) and let it sit out and do its thing. Don't cover it tightly or you'll have a lotta of fizz and maybe some mess when you open.
Another great list of yummy things to try.
And saving the squeezed juice from spinach is such a great idea. I always just wash it down the drain-what a waste!
This is great, I'm glad that there's a version of this for absolutely everyone! Thanks for giving mine a spin as well. :)
Gosh, now I'll have to consider your fine list too.
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