Showing posts with label achievement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label achievement. Show all posts

Thursday, March 15, 2012

a book and a giveaway

It is finally out!  I was sitting on my table and I saw this strage package...and I wasn't expecting any :D...then I got excited....and yes...the Book is out! Seaside Home is finally out!  Yay yay yay...I've been waiting for a year for this book :D and I am truly HAPPY....I got 2 copies, since I haven't got the time to order extras and I'm giving away 1 book to my beloved readers :).  I love the projects in this book, done by so many talented crafters...and I certainly am proud to be given this, thank you Susanne, for including me in this.  

Now, to win this book, simply leave a comment saying what animal do you like for 2012 and why.  Don't forget to leave your email address!!!  I'll close this competition on Friday, 23rd of March 2012.

Seaside Home


Sunday, January 22, 2012

seaside home is coming out soon!

As  I have mentioned previously, Seaside Home by C&T Publishing will be out this March!  I'm pretty sure I'll be giving a book or two away to my lovely readers or maybe an ebook ;)....You'll just have to  wait and check back once in awhile.  My seahorse pattern will be featured amongst other beautiful seaside themed hand crafts.  I'd like to thank my readers who had tried the seahorse pattern over the years and I hope these little seahorses bring smiles to the recipients :).  Do let me know if your seahorse below needs to be linked to your blog :).

From left to right, Top to bottom:
Anja Wilder, Fiona, Treann
Daniela Bird, Martina Lotter (musical seahorse!), Lucy
Beth, Martina Lotter, Filipa Fernandes

From Top to bottom, Left to right:
Valentina, Yuli, Amelie, Werner


Sunday, November 6, 2011

seaside home

A while back, I was contacted by Susanne Woods for her new compilation book called Seaside Home.  It is due to be published in March 2012 by C & T Publishing.  I've been excited for this for a very long time...and now, I am allowed to reveal the book cover...and my seahorse is going to be on it! :D...I CANNOT WAIT!


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

a toast to tinder tinker

My sister (Stephanie), her husband (David Getty) and their best friend (Matthew Jacobs), won another price from Holcim Foundation!  We're very proud of you.  It's the same project they used for Shim Sukkah.  They've won second place and it was awarded in DC a couple of weeks ago.  David also won a local design contest in Duluth, MN....I haven't got any pictures of his winning design, though.  Good job, peeps!

pictures were taken from Holcim's website


Thursday, August 4, 2011

featured: tarawih tote bag

Yes...I'm still alive and very very busy with my Interior Contracting work...Don't even have the time to post anything...let alone sewing :).   It's a good kind of busy, though.  I've done a few things here and there...I just haven't got the time to take pictures and post :).  Mbak Astrid from NOVA tabloid was kind enough to send me the soft copy of my latest tutorial for the tabloid :).  Sorry, it's in Indonesian...


Saturday, July 2, 2011

underwater indonesia

The book has actually been out for quite awhile, they're now for sale at Kinokuniya.  It was launched during The Deep show a few months ago.  This is my Mom's and her friends' first underwater photography book.  Some of her underwater photos are featured in this book and I am so proud of her.  One of the biggest bank in Indonesia, BCA, will feature all of her underwater photos for their 2012 calendar!!!!  I could hardly wait!  I've seen the preview and I must's well done...I think she's a pro, now :).  Congrats, Mom! You're the best!


Monday, April 25, 2011

thanks, burdastyle :)

When I joined in October 2009, I was's basically a social network for people who love to sew like me :)...imagine my excitement when some of my projects got chosen as its featured projects.  A while ago, Burda team contacted me and asked me if I'm willing to be their featured member!  Never have I dreamt of becoming their featured member! never ever...I was just EXTREMELY happy :) very very very happy :).  Once again, THANK YOU for appreciating me and motivating me to be better :).  You can read it here :)


Thursday, March 31, 2011

tip: homework pleaser

I have to admit, there's no way I'm a patient Mum...for the past few days, I've been teaching big M how to read and write alphabets (in phonics-I learned it through youtube) and letters...but my temper towards her had been very very fowl and her not concentrating did not help improve anything.  Basically, am not a patient Mum :( .... so, I was figuring out a way to make her study!  I've tried giving stickers but that didn't last long...finally, I thought stamps would take her fancy and they actually did work...for a day, at least :) is still very hard to make her concentrate even now :@, so I've been taking her to the office after school when she has no extra lessons :)...any tips would be much appreciated 

I made some stamps of her favorite characters to keep her motivated

I guess more stamps are needed :D


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

a few publications

Awhile ago, these two articles came out.  One was a feature of Sewmanics and flower pouch tutorial from Genie Tabloid, the other one was a tutorial for diaper pouch from NOVA tabloid.  I think I should make that tutorial available online, eh?? :) Thanks for featuring me :).


Monday, January 17, 2011

material girl :D

Last year (month :p ), Geraldine emailed me and asked me if I wouldn't mind being featured on their column "The Hot Seat".  I was of course felt embarrassed but quickly agreed to it :p.  Here's the article on their newest edition of The Peak magazine.  Thanks, Geraldine :)


Sunday, December 19, 2010

:D :D grin grin grin big grin :D

I just checked my and I saw the activity jumped to 53 and yet my project was not featured on the "Featured Projects", was on the BIG main slides :D so very happy...happy happy happy...Thanks Burda! :D


Friday, November 26, 2010

happy happy spoonfulzine and a giveaway too

It's finally out!! Awhile ago, the talented Anthea from Spoonfulzine emailed me to participate on her 3rd spoonfulzine edition.  She requested a Galeon themed handmade things.  So, I've decided to go ahead and make a gocco prints :).  It is a beautiful little magazine and quoting from her blog:

"Spoonful is a short and inspiring little publication which, in light of our insanely busy lives, can be finished by the end of a train ride. It's quick to consume, beautifully soft, & after reading will genuinely make you smile."

And...why not turn it into a giveaway as well :).  Leave your comment and email address and tell me what theme I should do next...for both sewing and printing :).  The competition is open worldwide.  I will draw a winner on the 6th of December and I'll choose 2 winners.  Each winner will win 10 sets of this gocco card.  Good Luck!


Monday, October 18, 2010

boos and yays

life...why does it have to keep moving up and down like a wheel :D...right now, I'm probably in one of my bottom lows...personally and professionally.  Today, my sewing machines are officially broken!!!!  The Bernina has been out of function for quite some time now, and since I haven't had the time to go to's been lying on the floor, waiting to be, I've been sewing with my Tajima for this past month or so...and now, that d#$n machine has decided to go broke on me!!!  Took it to the shop and the guy said it could not be fixed today! and plus, it won't be another few days before I could see my machine!!! because they will be closed for the next THREE days!!! arghghghghghghghgh...I know I know...Life shall go and to make matters worst...the helper's sewing machine is also broken (an old singer I let the helper use to sew) yes, I am without sewing machine and my deadline is MOUNTING to an end!!oooo life....

For the yays...well, not that I have a lot :) but my mom WON 1st price in the Crawler category and 2nd price for Swimmer category (don't ask me what they are...clueless here)...She's not back home yet, nor I could find the winning pictures on her facebook :) but I sure am proud of her :).  It is an international competition held by Timor Leste, with a lot of media enter the competition, you need to actually be chosen to join and she was one of the chosen ones :) can read more about the competition here.  I still can't believe it :) but she and a very talented friend, Kay Lim were winners and I think they deserve this acknowledgement for their hard works :).  Congrats once again to the winners!!!

From left to right...Mom and her medals :)...Mom with The President, Dr. Jose Ramos Horta and her price money :D hihihihi


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

tuto @ NOVA tabloid

hihihihihihihi....NOVA contacted me a couple of weeks ago, and asked me if I could do some tutorials.  Astrid wanted a nursing cover and the diaper pouch.  So, I made the nursing cover last week...and this week's edition of NOVA tabloid featured my nursing cover tutorial :).  Thanks Ameshhhhh for recommending me to NOVA :)


Saturday, September 25, 2010

feature and a new tuto at whipup

Awhile ago, the talented Kathreen of whipup emailed me and asked me to be a guest blogger...I was sooo excited and of course, very much honored.  I was confused on what to make with a little flare of Indonesia, so after much thinking, I've finally settled on my version of "shadow puppet".  Thank you, Chia for encouraging me during those lazy days and made me finish the puppet :D.  If you want to make one for yourself, visit whipup for the instruction and have fun :).  I'll make the boy version...maybe...

On another I am on my last night of our little family vacation in Rome.  Very happy to finally coming home :)...I miss my little Belle so much and I can't wait to see her and hug her and pinch her and carry her and showing her all the wonderful things I bought for her :).  Sorry, baby...not that we didn't want to take you...we're simply incapable of doing such circus :).


Monday, September 20, 2010

shim sukkah update

Hellow peeps...we are now in the beautiful Island of Capri...sometimes I wonder...why life can be so unfair...these people get to live in this amazing island :).  Anyways...Shim sukkah by David, Matt and Stephanie was a big hit.  Their installation is chosen to be on display at New York's Center of Architecture until the end of October.  Using little pieces of woods, they were able to create from walls to table and chairs.  Thank you all for voting for them.  Pictures were sent by Leslie Billhymer.


Monday, August 30, 2010


I've been wanting to post this great achievement by David Getty and my sister, Stephanie of tinder.tinker.  A few weeks ago my sister SMSed me in the middle of the night telling me how excited she was that their design got selected as the 12 winners out of 600+ entrants for The Sukkah City competition in NYC.  I didn't realize how big of a deal this was until I went to the website the next day.  The juries for this competition are well known people in the industry...The 12 winners will compete in Union Square Park, NYC on the 19th-20th September.

Quoting from the press release Haberman, Nancy."Sukkah City 2010 Winners Announced." Rubbenstein Communications. August 19th, 2010. Web. August 30th, 2010. <>, "Sukkah City,, an ambitious global architectural contest that engaged the design, creative and architectural worlds to radically reinvent the ancient sukkah, today announced the twelve winners of the competition that will be on display in Union Square Park, ahead of the week-long festival of Sukkot. The selected designs will be built by their designers at the Gowanus Studio Space in Brooklyn and then driven by truck to Union Square for public display on Sunday, September 19 and Monday, September 20."

David and Stephanie both went to the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), mastering in Architecture.  They have just completed their Master's degree this summer and not being biased, I am impressed with their talents and very proud too :).  Please support them if you're in NYC area and vote for them :)'ll get their goody bag...filled with wonderful surprises ;).

Well done, guys! and good luck out there ;)


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

another peek into my life

I'm slowly posting some of the things I've been wanting to post... :).  Did I tell you how PROUD I am of my mom?  Her pictures are on the latest edition of Ocean Geographic...well, maybe last month's edition now, since it's taken me so long to post :).  But I'm so very proud of her...I think she truly deserves this acknowledgement.  She's gone a long way to where she is today...cheers to you, Mom :)

This is the cover of the magazine where the pictures are :)

Then I got this picture of big M before her Birthday party....busy "helping" us out :)...excited with all the big fuss :)'re going to have to wait another year for another big one, sweetie :)


Sunday, May 30, 2010

my gocco cards in hang zhou, china

yes...I've sent a few of my gocco cards to my best friend who is currently living in China and she requested me to send her some for her to try and sell there HAHAHAHAHA....I never thought she'd sell any!  But, so far she has sold 6...not bad :)  I'm just happy someone would ACTUALLY want to buy my card :).  These are some of the pictures she took for me at her little cute shop :).

If you're in Hang Zhou, visit her shop at
InCity 588 Gudun Road - 1st Floor, Hang Zhou.

Indonesia's stockist (for jewelries): Helen Shiang

Look at that little framed explanation she made for her prospective made me laugh... :D

Monday, May 10, 2010


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