Showing posts with label children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children. Show all posts

Thursday, March 15, 2012

hello kitty pancakes and donut holes

Remember my post on making butter and buttermilk??  Well, I finished up the rest of the buttermilk  last week and made these buttermilk pancakes for the kiddos...I bought the small hello kitty pan from Gandaria City's Metro Dept. Store.  It was a bit hard flipping it, but I finally mastered it using an extra small frying pan.  Then a few days after the pancakes, I tried making these fried donut holes...I got the recipe from my favorite youtube channel...cookingwithdog :D.  I really think it tastes like Indonesia's kue cubit :D...I shouldn't make too many of these, really...


Monday, January 30, 2012

clay baskets

I went to the misfits' art lesson last Saturday and found these clay baskets they made :).  I think my kids got talent! *says the doting mommy :D*

Big M - happily holding her creation :D
Flower basket by Big M and Butterfly basket by Lil M


Thursday, January 26, 2012

they made these

and I am SO VERY HAPPY and PROUD when they came home and bring these to show, but they had to return these for their end of term exhibition.  I've been sending them to art class every week and each week they do different activities...clay, paint, etc.  So far they love the classes and they seem to enjoy it :).

Little Misfit's clay creation

Big Misfit's clay creation


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

goodbye 2011! happy 2012

Santa ate his cookies and drank his milk :)...the reindeers chowed the grasses too!  It was a successful Christmas for the Misfits :)...they got presents from Santa Clause for being good Misfits throughout the year...let's see if they can keep their goodness in better watch out, better not cry...better not pout too, my little ones :) 

Top: 2 cups of milk for Santa and cookies and grasses...but all gone
Bottom: Christmas day 2011


Monday, October 31, 2011

happy halloween!

I had a lot of fun preparing little things for our Halloween party yesterday.  I was looking for bowls big enough to hold candies...and decorated them with my knk-cut cards :D.  No, they're not originally designed by me...I actually bought the designs from Silhouette SD and traced over it...I think I should be able to replicate most of them next time for my KNK software.  I stayed up really late cutting these cute little creatures :D but I had so much fun!  I'm looking forward to our Christmas party next :D.  Chia and Ana did a marvelous job decorating the Halloween table and the children definitely had so much fun.  Misfit waited impatiently for the magic show...because she wanted a fish!  So fish, she got :).

Various things cut using knk :D

Chia made the Strawberry Shortcake Dress for her daughter, Caramel apples by Chia, Cupcakes
Cake pops, assorted chocolates with my decorated plate, chocco cinnamon rolls by Chia
The Candy Halloween Table, Misfit participated in magic show


Monday, October 24, 2011

cherry apron set

About a month ago (or maybe more), my friend Diana requested an apron set for a birthday present.  Good thing she reminded me about 2 weeks ago :p, else I'd totally forgot about it.  I like the fabric combo for this set, and we've embroidered the name of the birthday girl as well :).  Happy Birthday, Alanna...happy cooking ;).


Friday, September 9, 2011

pulang kampung

Helloooo...I know it's awfully late...but to those who celebrated Idul Fitri...I'd like to wish you all a Blessed Idul Fitri :)...We went to Australia (again :p) during the Idul Fitri's holiday....we first arrived in Brisbane, the Misfits' kampung...they were born there, after all :D...It was a bit sad seeing all the familiar streets, places and surrounding...sad because we no longer have a house to go back to...My parents decided to rent out the house, since none of us are living in Brisbane any's sad being an outsider in your own "home"...but we managed to have fun...I went to my friend's COOL shop that was just open on the 25th of August in South Bank called Scrumptious Reads, a must place to go if you're around the area...I'll post some pictures of her paper cups-shop-installation!

We also took an afternoon at the Lone Pine's Koala expected, Big M was so excited..she petted the kangaroos and insisted on taking a picture with a Koala...Lil M was the total opposite of Big M :) but they both had a blast :).  We were like tourists in Brisbane...the next day we walked to South Bank, stopped by fresh food market...bought some delishh cakes and nuts, then took the Brisbane Eye.  I love will always be my home :)


Thursday, July 7, 2011

big m's birthday prep

Last week was Princess M's birthday.  We decided to just invite her classmates and cousins and since she's been nagging me to have a birthday at lollipop, so it was only natural to celebrate it there.  I'll post some pictures soon :)...been extra busy with life...


Friday, June 24, 2011

they were princesses

for a day, at least...and they had so much fun!!!!  I'm so glad I did the make up package for them...after all, they're not going to be little princesses forever and I hope this will give them very fond childhood memories :).  

Princess Belle cried in the beginning, but enjoyed the whole session in the end.  Princess Aurora has always been happy from the beginning.  They were stars for a day...all eyes were on them...there were quite a few people asking to get pictures with them! There was even one incident when I've positioned them nicely at Tinker Bell's flowers and was ready to take some shots...when suddenly a bunch of Malaysian strangers took their positions and posed away....once they were gone...the princesses refused to be photographed :(....all my little hard work went to waste :D...

Princesses in the making :D

My two little Princesses

Top: people asking to take pictures with them. Bottom: The Malaysian group I was telling
you about hahahahahahha :) so funny


magically hot, humid and tiring....

But it was definitely my two little princesses' happiest days (literally) :).  We just got back last week from Hong Kong for a family holiday with my parents.  The first few nights we spent at Causewaybay and had a lot of good foods....I told my husband if I live in Hong Kong for too long, I'm sure I'll die soon due to over eating :D.  The last two nights we spent at Disney Hotel, it was a total chaos every morning until around noon, we couldn't get into our room until after 3pm.  It was magically expensive for sure :)...everything adds up, the shopping!  But it sure was a magical experience for the children....they had children kimonos, slippers and even their amenities are packed with the seven dwarves...their carpets had silhouette of mickey, minnie, goofy, donald, daisy and pluto.

Fun day 1 at Disney.  Little misfit cried when she was riding the cup :)

Breakfast with characters and fun day 2 at Disneyland
I will need to go back to sewing real soon...I just have to finish up a bunch of things I left behind at work (headache) and plus, Big M's birthday is coming soon, too! arghghghghghgh


Thursday, May 26, 2011

one park bazaar and a competition

Baby Bean Portrait has been very kind to us :)...Feity always asks us to join her booth for free and this bazaar went well...thanks to her :) and her lovely decor!  Baby Bean is a great children and family photographer...come and check her web!  She's having a competition at PIK and the winner will get 2 tickets to Singapore!!  There will be fun games for Kids, show by Blueband, etc.  For more details, go to Baby Bean's facebook page.


Sunday, May 15, 2011


I put the misfits at this small art class nearby their school.  Yesterday they brought home their banana creations :) so cute :)...They ate half the Mr. Bananas have gone to the bin :p


Thursday, March 31, 2011

tip: homework pleaser

I have to admit, there's no way I'm a patient Mum...for the past few days, I've been teaching big M how to read and write alphabets (in phonics-I learned it through youtube) and letters...but my temper towards her had been very very fowl and her not concentrating did not help improve anything.  Basically, am not a patient Mum :( .... so, I was figuring out a way to make her study!  I've tried giving stickers but that didn't last long...finally, I thought stamps would take her fancy and they actually did work...for a day, at least :) is still very hard to make her concentrate even now :@, so I've been taking her to the office after school when she has no extra lessons :)...any tips would be much appreciated 

I made some stamps of her favorite characters to keep her motivated

I guess more stamps are needed :D


Thursday, March 24, 2011

a day at taman safari

This week is the children's term break, so they're having a week off from school.  They've been swimming for the past two days and I took a day off yesterday to take them to Safari Zoo.  The drive there was quite long, it took us almost 3 hours to get there (we stopped at Cimory for a quick break).  We finally arrived there a little before noon...We bought some carrots and bananas before entering the zoo and we fed them to the animals.  One time, we forgot to close the window and when the zebra/llamas came, big M just jumped off her seat and cried...which made lil M scared and jumped off my lap hahahahahhahaha...

A little word of advice...PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN FOOD!!! IF POSSIBLE, DON'T BUY ANY FOODS FROM THERE...not only are they expensive, they're not really peanut salad (gado-gado) came with worm!!!! arghghghgh...extra protein T_T .... but everything tasted horrible there.

The happiest moment was when we've finally arrived at its recreational area, we met Big M's school buddy, Big D!!! What are the chances!!! So we ended up spending the times together there :).  All and all it was a very good day and the children had a blast :).

The Orang Utan was so cute..once he heard the zoo keeper's car, he ran all the way across
the field and gave his hand (as pictured) for food and started clapping

D and M went Pony riding :)...while lil M chose the train ride (beware of those with kids...
the train ride was kinda scary because of some caves we had to pass..and on the last cave,
there were crappy dinosaurs with scary sounds and it was very dark)

Posing in front of Baby Zoo entrance

Big M and a toddler Orang Utan :) I'm so happy she was willing to do this

D and his Auntie and cousin :) on a camel ride!

Big M on elephant show...we paid for the elephant painted tee and M was garland by the
elephant while I snapped away :)


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

short trip

Last week I had to attend International Furniture Fair in Singapore with my Dad, in the end we decided to bring along my mom and the 2 little misfits and since hubby can't come along, I took the nanny with us.  We went to Singapore zoo and the kids had a blast!  It was so much fun and big M was so excited, when she arrived, she said "O my Gosh...O my Gosh...!!!".  Too bad it was raining the other half of the day.  Little Misfit was too scared playing at the pool.  

lil Misfit was a bit stressed out with the kangaroo

Sneaking a little swim before leaving for the airport


Monday, February 14, 2011

a very special valentine

Today, lil misfit is down with hand foot and mouth disease (hfmd) and I'm not even sure how she got it :(.  She can't eat anything because her mouth is filled with ulcers :'(...I'm just hoping and praying big M won't get it.  Then, as I was putting lil M to nap, big M came home from school, all excited.  She gave me a valentine's card and a heart stick.  She was all smiles and I was really touched :).  She said I made you a valentine's card,'re so you like it, Mommy?? She totally melted my heart :D...I love you too, baby :) sure put a smile on my face today :)


Thursday, February 10, 2011

tutorial: with love on val's day

Chia was kind to share her idea and took pictures for me :).  It's a valentine's gift little missy E made lovingly for her friends at school.  Maybe...just maybe, Misfits should do the same...or maybe not...coz mommy is too lazy :p


activity book

This was my last minute project before I left Melbourne...I know my hubby hates it when I do last minute sewing, instead of packing :p...To my defense, these activity books kept the misfits entertained for quite awhile (then it was the Ipod Touch hahhahhaa).  Emma's book was wrong but she likes it.  I'm just glad they like them...because I used to looooove empty drawing books when I was a kid...and I remember drawing a lot of princess' dresses hehehehe


Friday, January 28, 2011

the monsters went crazy...

My lil monsters loooove Melbourne...well, there were some occasions when they wanted to go home because they miss their beds :) but apart from that, they love it here.  What I love about the city is the tremendous amount of parks everywhere.  It's free and entertaining :).  We also went to Melbourne Aquarium and they had a blast there.  We took the train and trams last Sunday and they loved, the lil one keeps asking to ride the tram every time we pass one :(.  We're planning on going to a zoo on Monday, should be fun for them :).

Park @ Glen Iris

Park @ Glen Iris

@ train and park in the city

Melbourne Aquarium



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