Showing posts with label Munchkin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Munchkin. Show all posts
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Weekly Pregnancy Photos
In honor of this day last year when we found out we were pregnant, I wanted to share all my weekly pregnancy photos. It seriously does not feel like that was a whole year ago... time just flew by!
One week after finding out I started doing these weekly (so that's why it starts with 5 weeks pregnant) in the same spot in the room we made into the nursery. Part way through you can see that the wall got some samples on it and changed colors when we painted the nursery aqua in week 27. The aqua even looks totally different in different lighting. You might notice the last two photos are a little different... well I had planned on taking my traditional weekly photo at 35+1 day but I went into labor that day and never got the planned photo so that one will have to do. I had no clue when we took my photo with the Are You My Mother book that I'd have a baby in my arms a week and 2 days later. Also I wanted to at least round it out to an even 36 since I missed some weekly photos with my little boy coming early so I decided I could take a final one at the would-be 36 weeks mark and he could join me! He was just 5 days old then!
Big thanks to Eric for putting up with taking photos every single week! We just took them all with the phone since that was the easiest. I also had weekly photos taken wearing the same white shirt and black leggings which are neat to look at the difference but I like these since I'm wearing different outfits like some of my cute pregnancy dresses!
Thursday, August 20, 2015
I'm baaaaaaack!
Hello there! I took an unexpected, sudden, and longer than anticipated blogging break after giving birth to munchkin a month early. Since my last post in April at 34 weeks, I'm sure most of you knew or had to assume we had our baby boy by now... otherwise I'd be about 50ish weeks pregnant now and that just doesn't sound fun haha. Thankfully our eager to arrive preemie was healthy and just perfect and we've been loving on him for the past 3.5 months! Sorry for disappearing without notice like that but at least I have a good reason right?!
Munchkin at 20 days old
(photos by my dear friend Brittany Lauren Photography, of course)
Isn't he just the cutest!
I've been wanting to get back to blogging for awhile and now I feel I'm in a new normal state. New normal meaning slightly less sleep deprived but also getting more used to less sleep than in the beginning... the struggle is real. There are many posts I planned on writing the month before munchkin was due... my family shower, the nursery reveal, pregnancy must haves, etc. so my hope is to start writing those and have a goal of one post a week. Then I also can't wait to post some things related to parenthood like breastfeeding must haves, baby must haves and whatnot and maybe even munchkin's birth story (I always liked reading people's birth stories). But don't worry, this won't all be baby/parenthood related... I still have recipe and travel and other posts to come.. and maybe even eventually What I Wore again... although most days right now it consists of workout clothes or pajamas or occasionally a knit skirt and a top. Oh and spit up :)
Glad to get back to blogging and thanks for waiting patiently (hopefully you hadn't all given up on me and this little blog yet) as I adjust to being a new mom! Oh and if there are any posts you would like to see or questions you have just ask away!
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