My challenge blog for Lunagirl Vintage Images, featuring fun creative challenges with prizes, projects, freebies, holiday and seasonal info, and more!
A place for mixed media artists, card makers, scrapbooking enthusiasts, fabric artists, creators of jewelry, altered art and crafts of all kinds.
Would you like Lunagirl to sponsor a challenge on your blog? Email me at INFO@LUNAGIRL.COM. :-) I'll provide images for your DT!
Showing posts with label picture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label picture. Show all posts

Friday, October 17, 2008


There were about twenty of these little guys at the feeder outside my window this afternoon ~ along with several of their little friends the titmice (or is it titmouses?)

They're flocking up to start their journey south again, as the seasons turn.

If chickadees visit your yard, too, then you're familiar with the sound of their call ~ as in the title of this post!

Anyway, thought I would share a picture.
This photo is courtesy of the US gov, and you're welcome to use it however you like.

I wish I had a picture of a squawky bluejay for you, too ~ the quintessential sound of autumn around here!

Monday, September 8, 2008

It's Monday Again!

Let's do a Monday free image today ~ this pretty lady with her red hair and distant gaze seems perfect for this time of year. Here the locusts buzz and hum as summer drifts off, and there is cool air in the evenings and early mornings. Days are still warm and sunny, but the light is slanted and you can feel the wheel turning toward autumn. While the cooler air is energizing there's a sense of sadness and longing, even loss .... I guess I'm a romantic in the original sense, who likes my beauty mixed with a little darkness, because it's my favorite time of year!

Enjoy this image for your personal, non-commercial projects. Please credit Lunagirl Images if your work is displayed online or published. If you want to use this image for commercial use, just email at

You'll find a great variety of images of women on our Lunagirl Victorian Vintage People CD! It's soon to be discontinued in favor of a revised edition, so get this version while you can.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Poem for December's Dark

I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December
A magical thing
And sweet to remember.

"We are nearer to Spring
Then we were in September,"
I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December.

- Oliver Herford

Remember to put out food for the birds this time of year, especially when there is snow on the ground!

I'm gathering some winter folklore and Victorian Christmas tidbits to share in the coming days.... with pictures of course!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

New Collage Sheet for Thanksgiving

We've recently released a new downloadable digital collage sheet design featuring charming children and lovely ladies (and turkeys!) from vintage postcards, some by Ellen Clapsaddle and Frances Brundage.
Enjoy these for your harvest time and Thanksgiving crafts: card making, decorations, tags, candle labels, etc! Click the picture to find it on our website ready for download (you'll also find several beautiful collage sheet designs featuring Victorian Christmas cards and ephemera).

Monday, October 15, 2007

MONDAY Free Image!

If it's Monday that means freebie! Here is one of the new photo postcards we have been working on, newly scanned, cleaned up, and embelllished just a little bit.

Yes, we know it's not even Halloween yet, and I hate it when the stores put up the Christmas decorations this early.... but many crafters start their Christmas projects now, so here is a charming little girl with her holiday gifts, from 1909.

Just click on the image above to open the full-size original and save. She will eventually be published on CD, but for today she is free for your use in personal non-commercial projects. Thanks for visiting ~ enjoy!

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