My challenge blog for Lunagirl Vintage Images, featuring fun creative challenges with prizes, projects, freebies, holiday and seasonal info, and more!
A place for mixed media artists, card makers, scrapbooking enthusiasts, fabric artists, creators of jewelry, altered art and crafts of all kinds.
Would you like Lunagirl to sponsor a challenge on your blog? Email me at INFO@LUNAGIRL.COM. :-) I'll provide images for your DT!
Showing posts with label photo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photo. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May Visitor: Yellow Butterfly

I saw the first Yellow Swallowtail butterfly yesterday -- a messenger of May and a sure sign that Summer is not far behind!  Here is a freebie for you.  And here is a Lunagirl collection of butterflies:

Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday Freebies: Paris Boulevard Ephemera

Here's a Friday Freebie "just because."  It's an antique French advertisement for a diamond shop in Paris, and does have some Vintage Red for the challenge! (There's still time to enter!)  I like the hot air balloon picture and the little crown and diamond rings, but I think my favorite part of this image is all the different vintage-style fonts.

Boulevard des Italiens is one of the four grand boulevards in Paris. Also just for fun, here is an old photo postcard of Boulevard des Italiens!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Free Image: Little Girl Diva Photo

"Just because" it's Friday, how about a free image today? Here is a little diva, perhaps a diva in the making.  You still have a couple more days to enter your Diva image (card? jewelry? anything you want!) in the blog challenge.  I received three more fabulous entries just today...  

Monday, October 10, 2011

Moonday Free Images

Four "weird sisters" having a tea party ~ actually I wouldn't be surprised if they had something a little stronger in those teacups.  Halloween vintage photos are rather hard to find, but a customer was kind enough to share this one with me and I'm glad to share it with you!  Enjoy for personal non-commercial cards, crafts, and art projects.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Christmas Children Photo Collage Sheet: Brand New & Just in Time for Holiday Cards and Crafts

I'm feeling inspired to create some new collage sheets lately. I created this one yesterday using some of the charming postcards from our Christmas New Years Photo Postcards CD.  Lane (our fabulous shipping clerk) has suggested nativity scenes, so maybe that will be next!  Click on the sample to go to to purchase and download this design.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Free Digital Images! Halloween Witch and Pretty Woman for Autumn

Why not share a free image today?  In fact, why not two!  One for Halloween, and one for the pensive mood of autumn (click for full size).

For more Halloween images that you can receive right away, visit our digital collage sheet download pages:
For more lovely ladies...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Moonday Free Image

Yes, it's still Sunday, but I thought I would do a Monday freebie a few hours early!

We're working on a new collection of baby photos and photo cards, and I thought I would share one. What a sweetie!

We have SO many postcards and photos waiting to be digitized, restored, and published... we're planning a whole new collection (or two) just of little girls portraits, plus one of just boys, another of parent and child, a fabulous collection of new flapper ladies... I'll always post here when they're ready, so stay tuned!

Friday, October 17, 2008


There were about twenty of these little guys at the feeder outside my window this afternoon ~ along with several of their little friends the titmice (or is it titmouses?)

They're flocking up to start their journey south again, as the seasons turn.

If chickadees visit your yard, too, then you're familiar with the sound of their call ~ as in the title of this post!

Anyway, thought I would share a picture.
This photo is courtesy of the US gov, and you're welcome to use it however you like.

I wish I had a picture of a squawky bluejay for you, too ~ the quintessential sound of autumn around here!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Messengers of Springtime

Find butterflies, flowers, and birds for Spring and Summer projects at!
The beautiful yellow swallowtail butterflies returned to us this week. We hope to have bird nests soon ~ we have plenty of blackberry and rose briars behind our office, and the cardinals love to nest among them. We have a pair of phoebes looking for a place to nest, and chickadees, titmice, goldfinches, purple finches, wrens, sparrows, mockingbirds, brown thrashers, and fussy bluejays and squawky crows visit daily. The South is a great place for birding! I'm hoping for nesting bluebirds again this year. Thought I would share this lovely photograph of a yellow swallowtail on orange butterfly weed.

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